Earth's Greatest Magus
Chapter 1740: Merge

Emery had been a guest on the Vanyar planet for the past two years. As Emery delved deep into the study of Katra, he also sought answers to his most pressing concern: the merging of souls.

The art of soul separation and combining it was a domain that only the Grand Magus ventured into. This arcane practice carried risks that deterred even the bravest of magus. Through his relentless research, Emery unearthed a crucial piece of knowledge. The key to successfully merging souls was ensuring the perfect frequency and achieving a harmonious balance of power between them.

However, Emery's challenge was unique. The soul he intended to merge was shattered. The first and foremost challenge he faced was providing a sanctuary for this shattered soul. Most would have chosen a healthy body, a clone, as the host. This would allow the soul to recuperate, undergoing a healing similar to what Emery had facilitated for his nature core.

But Emery was unwilling to relive the lengthy, rigorous process. His determination was rooted in his confidence, for he possessed the solution - [Dao Divine Technique]. This technique held the key to his goal.

Before venturing further, Emery took a crucial step. He communicated with the other soul, ensuring it was just as willing for this union. It wasn't enough for the souls to be merely compatible; they had to desire the merge. To fortify this fragmented spirit, Emery took the audacious step of letting it devour the dark elf souls, enhancing its vitality.

With preparations complete and both souls in agreement, Emery steeled himself for the merge.

Breathing deeply, he whispered to himself, "Let's hope this works."

As Emery consumed the spirit soul into his body, he could feel its ethereal energy pulsating within. With precision and intent, he channeled it toward his inner plexus, where his own Magus core resided. The familiar warmth of his core welcomed this foreign entity, and the first steps of the merging began.

The Dao technique was founded on the principle of harmony between opposites. It was not about dominance or suppression, but about creating a perfect equilibrium. Emery was acutely aware of this as he delicately began the process. Instead of coercing the two souls into one, he let them find their rhythm, letting one's vulnerabilities be the other's strength.

The duality was evident: one soul felt as heavy as a mountain while the other was as light as a feather. One was filled with memories, experiences, and emotions, while the other felt almost vacant, like an empty canvas. The dance of life and death, of existence and oblivion, took center stage within Emery.

As the hours slipped by, the challenge was not just about keeping the souls in sync but also ensuring that their frequencies aligned perfectly. This synchronization was paramount for a successful merge. But Emery soon realized that even with the Dao technique, he needed something more potent to achieve this balance.

That's when he sought the aid of the Khaos energy. This raw, primal force was the perfect complement to his own soul force of nature. By tapping into this energy, Emery could not only balance the power of the two souls but also amplify their resonance.

The task was painstakingly delicate. A minor misstep or disturbance could wreak havoc on Emery's core, potentially causing irreparable damage. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the Khaos guardians - ancient beings who oversaw the flow of Khaos energy - observed with bated breath, their anticipation palpable.

Emery, sensing the alignment and balance of the cores, took a deep breath, murmuring,

"This is it..."

The climax of his efforts was nigh. The two cores, each pulsating with its unique energy, were on the brink of complete fusion.

Suddenly, an internal alert resonated within Emery's consciousness:

[Your magus core is experiencing changes.]

The inner sanctum of Emery's being became the arena for the two souls, each reaching out to the other, intertwining and weaving their energies in an intricate dance. As the connection grew stronger, it wasn't just a mere union of power that Emery felt. It was a confluence of emotions, memories, and experiences.

With each beat of their merged heart, memories surged like waves, flooding Emery's mind.

A memory of harrowing seven years, lost in a shadowy abyss with no hope in sight. Moment of despair, every bout of helplessness.

Then came the memories of battles, of desperation to cling onto life amidst adversity. He felt the weight of every life he had taken. It was a montage of violence, pain, and sacrifice.

Among these, the most heart-wrenching was the recollection of losing someone he held dear. The raw anguish, the incomprehensible grief echoed as he cried out,

"NOT HER!!!"

Streams of tears, born from the depth of that pain, traced their path down his cheeks.

The overwhelming rush of emotions sent ripples through the merging souls, causing a tumultuous upheaval. Their harmonious dance turned into a chaotic whirl, threatening to tear Emery apart from the inside.

Realizing his oversight, Emery mentally berated himself.

"I've been too hasty! I need to halt this now!" In an act of sheer will, he tried severing the connection, attempting to neutralize the storm of energy inside him.

But, unexpectedly, his body fought back. His core, which should've been under his command, seemed to have a will of its own. Emery's confusion grew when the crimson mark on the soul seeped into his very veins and merged with his blood.

The connection it formed was torturous. Emery's agony was palpable; he felt as if his own soul was being torn, consumed by this foreign entity.

In his dire state, he drew upon the Khaos energy, hoping it would counteract the rapid pull. Yet, the sheer intensity of the forces at play threatened to overwhelm him, pushing him to his limits. Cthulhu, sensing the imminent danger, poured even more Khaos energy into Emery, trying to stabilize the chaos within.

From amidst the maelstrom, Killgragah's voice pierced through, "My Master truly believes you're important" As these words settled, a fresh surge of Khaos energy flooded Emery, acting as the tether he so desperately needed.

With the combined might of the Khaos guardians supporting him, he managed to create the luminescent bridge between the two souls, binding them into one. As the connection solidified, Emery could perceive the distinct hues of each soul.

[A new source of power detected]

[Primal core]

[Status: Damaged]

[Integrating comprehension of law…]


[Successful comprehension of the Law of Devour by 2% achieved]

[Successful comprehension of the Law of Space by 8% achieved]

[Successful comprehension of the Law of Gravity by 4% achieved]

[Soul force has increased by 144 points]

[Emery Ambrose]

[Battle power 405 (428)]

[Soul force 283(427)]

[Law of Nature - 19%]

[Law of Light - 7%]

[Law of Space - 8%]

[Law of Gravity - 4%]

[Law of Devour - 4%]

[Law Comprehension - 42%]

Chapter 1740: Merge
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