Earth's Greatest Magus
Chapter 1739: Other Self

"I feel... warm"

The sensation began as a mere tingle, but soon, it felt as if a gentle warmth enveloped him, comforting and familiar.

"You... you're finally here."

A soft, ethereal light began to permeate the dense canopy of the cold, dark forest. It was a contrast to the eternal gloom he had become accustomed to. For what felt like decades, he had been imprisoned within this shadowy palace, his essence slowly waning, his hope gradually extinguishing. But today, something changed. His other half finally made his appearance.

Upon seeing the figure, it was like looking into a time-altered mirror. There stood an identical version of himself, albeit time-worn, with slightly deeper lines etched on his face. But it wasn't the visage that caught his attention – it was the incredible vitality that the figure radiated. A brilliant aura of energy emanated from him.

With eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and melancholy, he greeted, "I am glad, you finally made it…"

Then, as if a heavy stone rested on his chest, he voiced the daunting question that had been haunting his thoughts, "Have you come to save me, or kill me?"

The Emery before him paused, taking a moment to absorb the atmosphere and the weight of the question. He heaved a deep, introspective sigh, his gaze meeting the other's. "Even if I possess the means to save you, I'm uncertain if that's the right course for us."

A resigned nod was the response. "You may be right... tell me, how do you intend to proceed?"


Emery sat contemplatively in front of the vessel that once was his. The physical shell, though now devoid of life. He recalled the intricate rituals and meticulous preparations taught by Master Flemming to rejuvenate ailing souls, providing them with renewed vigor.

After several meticulous hours, Emery felt the connection. Harnessing the power of his [Spirit Walk], he felt the dormant energies of the body begin to resonate with him. It was the bond, the full cooperation of his mirrored soul, which made the daunting task of extracting the fragmented spirit soul from the corpse possible.

The condition of the spirit was dire. Like fragmented glass, it threatened to disintegrate completely. Emery had to maintain the utmost focus to prevent its disintegration.

Having encountered and experimented with dozens of spirit souls, Emery was surprised to sense something different with this one. While it was predominantly enshrouded in shadow, he could discern a faint, crimson-red mark pulsating at its core.

As Emery became engrossed in the process, both Khaos guardians, silently observed the unfolding scene. With genuine curiosity, the dragon queried, "What are you trying to do kid"

Before he could speculate further, Emery turned and whispered to Cthulhu. What transpired next was a spatial gate materialized upon Emery's chest. From this ethereal portal, Emery drew forth another soul, its form undulating with strange energy.

The dragon, taken aback, murmured, "That soul... elf!"

Undeterred by the dragon's observation, Emery began channeling the power of his [Spirit Walk], merging the energies of the two souls. The realm around them began to warp and shift, and soon, a new Spirit Realm took form.


A wave of disorientation washed over him as he found himself thrust into a starkly different environment. The serene forest had morphed into an infernal landscape, dominated by craggy plains and looming mountains. From these towering peaks, rivers of molten lava flowed, casting an eerie, reddish glow over the land.

"Where have you brought me? What is this place?"

His older-looking self slight wave of his hand, and a silhouette began to coalesce in the mid-air, taking shape into a recognizable figure. The sharp-featured, ashen-skinned dark elf emerged from the ether, his eyes widening in recognition and a mix of fear and defiance.

"You... Why have you brought me here again?" The elf's voice carried a tinge of exasperation, "What do you want this time!? I have told you everything I know!"

Irritated by the elf tone, the older Emery flicked his wrist. Suddenly, the dark elf found himself muted, his mouth vanishing into thin air. The sight dumbfounded the younger him, prompting him to explain,

"Within the spirit realm, the power of one's soul dictates their ability to reshape reality."

Seeming to grasp the gravity of his situation, the dark elf's terror was palpable. Yet, driven by desperation, he mustered his dwindling energy, aiming his fury at the seemingly more vulnerable target – the younger Emery. With an agility that belied his ethereal form, the elf lunged, sending the younger Emery crashing to the ground with a single blow. Sensing an opportunity, the dark elf moved in for the kill.

However, just as he prepared to deliver the final strike, the very fabric of the spirit realm seemed to revolt against him. From nowhere, three ethereal blades appeared, piercing through the elf's chest. He struggled fiercely, trying to escape their grasp, but his attacker's firm grip pinned him down, forcing him to his knees.

Panic-stricken, the dark elf pleaded, his voice trembling with fear, "Please... I beg of you. I'll do whatever you wish. Just spare me."

Emery's voice was cold, as he casually said "Yes, thank you… This is exactly what I need you to do"

Before the younger Emery's astonished gaze, the dark elf's energy began to dwindle and at the same time, the essence was absorbed into him. As the process concluded, the younger Emery felt stronger his spirit rejuvenating.

"Spirit Devour,"

Standing over the remnants of the dark elf, Emery said, "This is the strategy, but unfortunately, a single soul won't suffice."


The dragon Killgragah, observed Emery's actions with a mix of curiosity and frustration.

Emery continued his mysterious ritual, drawing forth soul after soul. To the dragon's shock, each soul was promptly and unceremoniously obliterated by Emery.

After witnessing the demise of several souls, the shattered soul, was slowly, but visibly, restoring its vitality. Each consumed spirit seemed to breathe life into it, mending its fractures and replenishing its essence.

Then, in a pivotal moment, Emery opened his mouth and ushered the now-rejuvenated soul inside. With great care, he guided it down towards his plexus, where another soul - its twin - awaited.

"Let's hope this would work."

Chapter 1739: Other Self
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