Earth's Greatest Magus
Chapter 1741: New Power

The rush of new energy within Emery's veins was unmistakable. A tangible 14% surge in his law comprehension, paired with a dramatic uptick of more than half in his soul force, left him awestruck. He tried to wrap his mind around the fact that even though this newfound strength stemmed from an opposite law spectrum, it amplified his capabilities beyond imagination.

The augmented soul force didn't just bolster his inherent abilities—it also seemed to enhance his proficiency with Nature spells. The thrill, the newfound potential pulsing within him, left him itching to test the boundaries of his might.

Emery's thoughts then shifted to the primal core. With the sensations still fresh in his mind, memories cascaded in: this very core was the nexus of his strength that had enabled him to bring the dark elf planets to their knees.

Though the core dame status was expected, the rejuvenation of both the laws of space and gravity felt like he had just unlocked a treasure trove of knowledge. It was as if a dormant volcano of insight had suddenly erupted within him, waiting for the right moment to show its might.

In an impulsive act of elation, Emery released a deafening shout, letting his newfound power erupt like a tempest, consuming the room in its raw intensity. The force was so palpable that it startled the two guardians, Cthulhu and Killgragah, who had been silently observing from the shadows.

Cthulhu, with eyes widened in genuine astonishment, muttered, "This is an interesting development."

On the other hand, Killgragah, snorted derisively, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "Maybe for you mabe! He's a match for a swamp creature like you... I still think Khaos is all he needs"

Emerging from the wave of raw power that had momentarily consumed him, Emery took a deep, steadying breath, trying to ground himself. His gaze flitted around the room, finally settling on the two guardians who were now engaged in their usual banter. Their voices became a distant echo as something else caught his attention.

In the corner of the room stood the tube. It had once cradled his lifeless form but now only held a dark, viscous liquid. He walked over, drawn to it, curiosity piqued. Upon closer inspection, he surmised that the liquid was a byproduct of the body's inability to house such an overpowering soul for so long. Once the soul was extracted, the cellular structure of the body began to break down, leaving behind this grim residue.

Thinking it best to dispose of what remained, Emery extended his hand, summoning a scorching fire spell, and cast it upon the tube. The flames consumed the black liquid, but as they began to die down, a tiny pool of crimson liquid remained, untouched and unscathed. Intrigued, Emery carefully extracted the stubborn residue with a conjured syringe, depositing it into a crystal tube.

With his current state, he couldn't fathom its essence, so he labeled it [Mysterious Remains] with a mental note to delve into its properties when time allowed.

His attention once again returned to the present and the guardians. With a small nod of gratitude directed towards Killgaragh, he said, "Thank you for your assistance earlier, I really appreciate it"

The dragon, usually stoic and unmoved, looked taken aback for a split second. After a pause, he responded, "It wasn't out of goodwill. The Master of Khaos instructed me."

Emery's lips curled into a half-smile, nodding, "I see."

A weighted silence filled the void between the trio, clearing his throat, Emery began, "Killgaragh, now that I am here, are you ready to make me your Champion?"

Killgaragh turned away, a glint of defiance in his eyes. His voice dripping with condescension, he replied, "I might, perhaps, reconsider. But only if you renounce your allegiance to that... putrid being beside you."

Cthulhu's aura flared menacingly, an undercurrent of rage manifesting as a deep growl. Sensing an impending confrontation, Emery swiftly interjected, seeking clarity, "Killgaragh, your master, Khaos, envisioned me mastering all four Gates. Why wouldn't you accept me?"

The dragon's immense form seemed to swell with indignation. "Choosing a champion is my decision, and my decision stays"

Cthulhu retorted "You arrogant fools! Don't you want to unleash your power again!?"

For a fleeting moment, a flicker of doubt crossed Killgragah's eyes. But as quickly as it came, it was replaced with defiance. With a contemptuous snort, black flames erupted from his nostrils, illuminating the room with an eerie glow.

"I am Killgragah, the epitome of supremacy! I bow to no one and share my champion with none. If you wish to earn my favor, defeat me in a fight!"

Emery, undeterred by the dragon's bravado, felt an adrenaline surge. The very prospect of confronting such a mighty entity invigorated him. With a determined glint in his eyes, he responded, "Challenge accepted."

As Killgragah's eyes widened in surprise, he issued a warning to Cthulhu. "You'd best not intervene."

Cthulhu's response was a bone-chilling laugh "Oh, I have no intention to. I am really excited to watch"

Since his first encounter with Killgragah, Emery had always revered the dragon as an ethereal, almost unapproachable entity. But today, a spark of audacity ignited in him. With a hint of a smile playing on his lips, he pondered on the tantalizing possibility of defeating this grand being. Beyond the thrill of the challenge, Emery was keen on gauging the full measure of the powers he had newly acquired.

Gathering his resolve, Emery invoked every buff spell and skill at his disposal. As arcane energies enveloped him, his form began a radical transformation, exponentially amplifying his combat abilities. A spectral aura surrounding him indicated that his battle power had surged beyond the 600 mark. His fingers morphed into razor-sharp claws, shimmering with a deadly glow.

With a primal roar that echoed through the chamber, Emery lunged at the colossal dragon. The skirmish that ensued was a dance of power and agility. Emery's claws, though lethal, could only manage superficial wounds on the dragon's tough hide. But Killgragah's retaliation was swift and fierce; a snap of its massive jaws aimed at Emery who deftly evaded the deathly bite.

Their combat seemed evenly matched, but Emery was acutely aware of the constraints the dragon faced. Were it not for the shackles binding Killgragah and the confined battleground, the outcome could be drastically different.

In the heat of battle, Emery recognized that in order to truly defeat the dragon or even make him acknowledge a loss, it wasn't just about dodges and superficial strikes. No, he needed to prove his mettle in a raw showdown of their mightiest abilities.

Seeking a decisive end to this battle, Emery delved into the deepest recesses of his memory, recalling a potent spell he hadn't been using for a while. Drawing from the elements of nature and the abyss of darkness, he began channeling a formidable energy sphere between his hands. The orb pulsated with immense power, its core a swirling maelstrom of contrasting forces. This was the [Dao Matter], the pinnacle of Emery's combined prowess.

With a determined shout, he declared, "Brace yourself!"

Almost concurrently, Killgragah, sensing the impending attack, began mustering his own devastating counter. The air vibrated with tension as a roaring vortex of dark flames began to form before the dragon, the [Gravity Maelstrom], an embodiment of raw, chaotic energy.

Their unleashed powers collided in an apocalyptic explosion, tearing at the very fabric of space and enveloping the chamber in blinding light.

When the blinding luminescence faded, both combatants bore the scars of their cataclysmic clash. Emery, though battered, managed to stand. A triumphant laugh escaped his lips as he celebrated his improbable feat. However, his injuries, combined with the exhaustion, soon took their toll, and he crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

Killgragah, despite his own grievous wounds, gazed down at the fallen warrior with a mix of respect and surprise. In a voice tinged with reluctant admiration, he murmured,

"You have really grown kid… Very well, I accept you as my champion"

Chapter 1741: New Power
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