List of reviews made by users for the The Return of the Legendary All-Master novel.
16 users have written reviews for the The Return of the Legendary All-Master novel and rated it with an average score of 4.0 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 1083rd among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub FAN platform.
16 Reviews

I ha ent finished this yet, but so far the pacing has drawn me in. I appreciate how MC is being conservative in his approach but not afraid to at least tell his best friend who he is. I look forward to seeing how he rewrites the future. I'll write a new review once I get past ch 100.

This novel is quite fun. Although I feel there are things in the story that could have made it better. I think the book is well written and well paced.

Amazing book definitely a good read if your bored. I like the part about how the book continues on after the game is done. Rating it 5 stars to raise the overall rating

(Im giving it 5 stars to raise the rating from 3. 8 to 4). This story is a 4/5. If you are bored like me, give it a try. It's a fun read and does introduce interesting ideas, characters, and events. Some of the events and commentary can become very redundant. Some of the mechanics of the game are. . . strange (which are or are not further explained later in the story), but if you're just interested in a power fantasy then don't think about it that much. The MC was betrayed so that plays a major role in his actions and the way he interacts with characters he had met in his previous life. The MC's personality is pretty bland since the author might have written him to be a flat character type (someone who helps other -- subconsciously or consciously characters grow throughout the plot).

Judging from the name itself, this novel doesn't seem very promising. So after reading about 240 chapters of it, I guess it is slightly better than what I would expect from a typical regression novel. Our protagonist, Jeong Hoon, betrayed by his comrades then regresses back. After that, average regression stuff happens. Use knowledge, gain some broken item or skills, rinse and repeat. The characters aren't very interesting. Mc is just the average cold badass guy, side characters doesn't really have anything noteworthy. World-building is okayish. Overall, it's just another novel. Nothing special tho if you enjoy reading these type if novels then go ahead.

ehhh depending on the type it may be average or slightly above. to be honest, i enjoyed reading it at first, but after the repetitive part of the events, i got bored. if you have nothing to read, you might like it.

Good normal korean novel with a normal personality Mc. Got tired of reading extreme novels eith bad personality Mc. Give it a try, you will like it.

Rounding up since 3. 5 stars should be the rating. Pretty middling novel, Mc is kind of bland but the interactions are neat and the action is cool. It doesn't make sense how he got betrayed by so many people and he doesn't see a speck of good in any of them at all so they all must suffer now. Mostly inconsistent but something to pass the time. Slightly above average but doesn't feel bad to read.

Definitely not the best thing out there but is a fun read nevertheless. The MC starts out bland but has a fun character and overall nice side characters. If you're bored it's a fun read and won't bore you. As someone who caught up to it a week ago I'm waiting for more chapters.

Solid standard korean novel, it doesnt do anything crazy and the plot isnt super unique or anything but I think it has solid fundamentals and most importantly its a fun read and I dont think it should be this low rated