Death... and me
Chapter 2564: Let's Keep Going

Without knowing what happened in the Heavens, Rean and Roan reappeared in an empty space where all they could see was the light of the distant stars. They were both somewhat injured, bleeding from several parts. Meridians were broken, and even their dantian seemed unstable. Sure, the twins had the physical and cultivation resistance to resist a teleport of that type. Yet, it didn't mean they would go through it uncatched. 'Life Style, Instant Recovery!'

Fortunately, such things could be easily resolved with Rean's Healing Skill. After a few minutes, both Rean and Roan were back to normal, only needing to take some Divine Origin Energy cores to recover their own reserves.

Finally, Rean took a look around and sighed... or so he tried, but there was no air in the middle of the void. 'Seems like we truly ended up in the middle of nowhere.'

They didn't have time to think much about it, though.


[Congratulations, hosts. The Universe Foundation Fragment has been recovered.]

[Reward: 1000000 Destiny Points.]

[Reward after bonus is applied: 3000000 Destiny Points]

Rean and Roan nodded, already expecting that. 'That's good. We can think about what we can buy later.'

'So, where do you think we are at the moment?' Rean asked Roan.

However, Roan shook his head. He couldn't tell where they arrived either. 'No idea. At least we didn't get thrown into some blackhole or anything that dangerous. Since we can use Spatial Gates, he can just travel around, and we will eventually find something.'


Immediately, Kentucky appeared outside near the tiwns. 'Oh! So we are finally out.'

Roan wasn't in the mood to talk, so he simply disappeared. 'You two go and find something. I'm going back to training.'

Rean looked at Kentucky and couldn't help but ask. 'Have you noticed that we are kind of his means of transportation lately?'

Kentucky nodded. 'That's true. Nonetheless, I would rather see where I'm going than just wait in the Dimensional Realm.'

Rean shrugged his shoulders and jumped on Kentucky's back. By now, Kentucky had recovered most of the bloodline he used in the Azum Dimensional Realm, so he was once again the fastest member of their group when it came to flying around. Kentucky would spend something covering some of the surrounding areas at full speed. After Rean and Kentucky ascertained that there was nothing there, Rean would open a Spatial Gate somewhere and get inside with Kentucky. After that, they kept repeating the same thing.

No one in their group knew how long it would take to find a way back. They had a few Star Charts from when they left for the Ruins of the Stars in the past. There were a few others from their time visiting the Mortal Realm, too. Yet, none of them seemed to match the sea of stars around Rean and Kentucky. Rean and Kentucky only knew one thing: they were definitely not back in the Mortal Realm. That's because even though it was very thin, the presence of Divine Energy was obvious. The Mortal Realm didn't have such a thing. That also served as a clue. The outer space of the Underworld and the Heavens were filled with a thin amount of Devilish or Heavenly Energy. Since there were none of those two energies here, they should be in the same outer space as the Realm of Gods.

The only problem was that it was also way too small of a clue. In the great scale of the Universe, even Hyeoumu, the creature that holds the Realm of Gods on his back, isn't that big. Rean then contacted Roan. 'Kentucky and I tried to look around, and I used a few Spatial Gates. There is no doubt. We have no idea where we are at the moment. I can't tell if we are moving in the Realm of God's direction or not.'

Roan pondered a bit before speaking. 'Even though the concentration of Divine Energy is thin, it will eventually change if we travel way too far from the source. It is not exactly very helpful, but this can help you not to fly towards the outside of our Universe.'

Rean nodded. 'Yes, but the Realm of Gods is not the source of Divine Energy of the Universe, so it won't help finding our way home either. Anyway, I just contacted you to say that we might spend a few months, if not a few years, in this fashion until we find anything we can use as a direction.'

'That's fine,' Roan wasn't in a hurry. With Futuxei's strength as a World Swallowing Cedar, he should have no issues taking care of Roan's Alchemy Workshop. Not to mention, it would be a very bad idea to spread the news about Roan's alchemy prowess since he also acquired some of Roan's pills. 'Since that's the case, I guess I'll cultivate for a wh-'

'You will come out and look for a way back,' Rean immediately stopped Roan's words.

Roan narrowed his eyes. 'What are you talking about? I don't have tim-'

'Neither do I,' Rean complained. 'It's always me who travels while you just relax in the Dimensional Realm. This time, leave the cultivation for me, and you come to spend some time out.'

'Who said I spend my time relaxing?' Roan obviously didn't like that.

Rean, of course, couldn't care less. 'Regardless, it is only fair that you do the honors this time. Don't forget it was me who made the entire journey back to the Demon Beasts' Territories. Or are you saying you get special treatment or something?'

Roan narrowed his eyes but didn't have an answer. It was true he always left the traveling part for Rean while he just focused on other things. 'Fine!'


Immediately, Roan reappeared outside, much to Kentucky's Surprise. "Eh? Why is Roan here?"

Rean smiled after hearing those words. "It's your lucky day! I will spend my time cultivating in the Dimensional Realm, so it will be Roan who will keep you company while you two look for a way back to the Realm of Gods! Enjoy!"

Before Kentucky could say a single word, Rean already returned to the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm.

Kentucky felt like cursing Rean to no end, but he could also see Roan wasn't in a very good mood... well, he never was, but it looked worse now. "A-Ahem... Now that I think about it, spending some time cultivating isn't that bad either."


Suddenly, Roan appeared on Kentucky's back. "Let's keep going."

"Didn't you hear wh-" Kentucky wanted to ask. Yet, Roan's expression turned even worse, and Kentucky felt a chill on his back. "I mean, sure. Let's explore. Hehe... Hahaha..."

Chapter 2564: Let's Keep Going
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