Death... and me
Chapter 2565: Our Stars

Rean thought about activating the Time Accelerating Feature of the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm. However, he immediately gave up the idea. First, it would indeed cost a lot of resources, which Celiskeeps insisted was not necessary.

However, the main reason was Laws Comprehension. If Rean increased the time speed in the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm, it would mean he and Celis would have a lot more time than Kentucky and Roan to comprehend their own Laws.

One must not forget that their cultivations are connected. They share their Divine Origin Energy and have to Breakthrough at the same time. If one lags behind, the other three can't Breakthrough. The time acceleration was good when their group only needed Divine Origin Energy to achieve breakthroughs. Their connection would make sure their reserves of Divine Origin Energy would always stay the same.

However, it was different on the side of the Laws. Each expert, even if they have the same affinity, comprehends their laws in their own way. It was not something they could share, like the energy accumulation. In the end, even if Celis and Rean managed to comprehend one of their Sublaws and could attempt a breakthrough, they wouldn't be able to do so since Kentucky and Roan haven't done that yet.

Since that was the case, Rean might as well leave the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm running at its normal speed. Laws Comprehension wasn't something you needed energy for. It was all related to one's own affinity. That said, even if Kentucky and Roan were traveling outside, they could also use their time to try to comprehend their own laws.

Meanwhile, Rean and Celis would cultivate Divine Origin Energy for the four of them while also comprehending their own laws. 'Sigh... to think we have to wait until Roan can get his Alchemist Workshop back before finally taking the pills. It feels kind of a waste of precious time.'

Celis was the only one who had both the pills he needed, the Earth Life Pill and the World Swallowing Pill. He wanted nothing more than to take them now. But once again, he also knew that it would be meaningless to charge ahead if Rean, Roan, and Kentucky couldn't do the same, so he was patient and kept the pills away.

During the next few weeks, Rean and Celis cultivated while Roan and Kentucky kept using Spatial Gates and checked several different areas. Even after this long, the concentration of Divine Energy didn't change enough for them to feel a difference, so they still couldn't tell if they were going in the direction of the center of the Universe or somewhere else.

Soon, weeks turned into months, and half a year went by. Laws comprehension was slow, and so was their energy cultivation. Other than getting a little better at controlling it all, none of them changed much.

However, in the eighth month since teleporting to the void, Roan's eyes suddenly changed. 'This...'

Right after, he contacted Rean in the Dimensional Realm. 'Come outside and see if you can feel the same thing.'

Rean was surprised to hear that sudden call and immediately exited the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm. At first, he couldn't feel anything different. "What are you talking about? The concentration of Divine Energy is still pretty much the same."

Roan shook his head in response. "Not Divine Energy. Try to feel our Starlight Energy instead."

"Starlight Energy?" Rean thought about a possibility and immediately tried to cultivate his Stellar Body. Sure enough, he understood what Roan was talking about. "We... are close to our stars...?"

The Yin and Yang Starlight Body Cultivation Technique was the evolved technique they got from the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm back when Roan managed to cultivate the first version. The technique relied on the cultivator finding his own Star in the Universe and connecting to it. In the past, Rean and Roan ended up finding two stars orbiting each other, a Black and a White Dwarves. Naturally, those two Stars ended up becoming Rean and Roan's own source of Starlight Energy. There was only a single Star compatible with a Starlight Body Cultivator, so even though Rean and Roan hated the idea that their own stars were so close, they could only accept those two Dwarves.

However, the practice of finding one's stars didn't mean one would go outside and look for them on their own. It was more of a spiritual journey while one's body continued in the same place. Even up to this day, Rean and Roan had no idea where their stars were located. All they could do was absorb the Starlight Energy they provided... until now.

Roan looked in a certain direction, certain that the Starlight Energy for his cultivation was coming from there. "To think we would end up traveling near our stars..."

"That's most likely the Destiny Attraction Feature of the Soul Gem System," Kentucky, who was hearing them on the side, spoke. "After all, what are the chances of such a thing happening?"

Rean and Roan agreed with him. "He is most likely right."

Rean then smiled and jumped on Kentucky's back. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go take a look. After all, that's exactly what we needed for our next level of the Starlight Body Cultivation."

Roan did the same thing. "At least one of our problems is resolved now."

Back when Rean and Roan reached the Fifth Grade of the Yin and Yang Starlight Body Cultivation Technique, they found out what the next item for the Sixth Grade was. It was none other than a piece of their own Star! At that time, both of them completely gave up the idea, knowing that going out into outer space to look for it was a ridiculous notion. Besides, their bodies were already pretty strong in the Fifth Grade.

Of course, that didn't mean they neglected their Starlight Cultivation. Even up to this day, both twins kept absorbing Starlight Energy into their bodies. Not only that, but they already had more than enough for the Breakthrough and had been this way for a while.

There were three requirements for them to acquire the Sixth Grade Starlight Body. The first one was obviously to accumulate enough Starlight Energy in their bodies to push for the Breakthrough.

The second was to be in the Space-Time Realm. They have already achieved this as well.

Finally, the last one was a piece of their own stars... and now they finally had the chance to acquire it.

Chapter 2565: Our Stars
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