Advent of the Three Calamities
Advent of the Three Calamities

Advent of the Three Calamities

519 Chapters 5.53M Views 16.7K Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Advent of the Three Calamities novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy, Romance, and Video Games genres. Written by the Author Entrail_JI. 519 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.


[From the Author of Author's POV...]

Emotions are like a drug to us.

The more we experience them, the more we become addicted.

The hardest part is not letting them consume us.

But it's already too late for me.

I've already been swallowed whole.


I had no knowledge of the game.

I was meant to have died.

And yet, I found myself in this situation.

A game I had never played before. A character I was unfamiliar with, and... A world that seemed to want to swallow me whole with every move I made.

What the hell is going on?

...and who am I?

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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.

: 6 comments on Chapter 252: City Tour [4]
: 2 comments on Chapter 356: A Different Angle [2]
: 3 comments on Chapter 271: Angel of Sorrow [2]
: 3 comments on Chapter 270: Angel of Sorrow [1]
: 3 comments on Chapter 223: Fog of the thousand illusions [5]
  • Made_In_Abyss 1

    i'll never forgive delilah fans

    • iamlazy 20

      tsk, I visit after so many days and this is the first thing I see... You pathetic creature, One slap from My Queen🍫Delilah🍫 will send you crawling down to Abyss. (Ah, It's good to be free, though with the curriculum I have for my next sem is as deadly as ten Heavenly Tribulations stacked.. sigh... I just came to check the inbox after so many days before going to sleep, So later~) 🍫🍫

      • Made_In_Abyss 1

        i was waiting for you, Listen here demon, i kinda f*ck*d up in real life so i'll be leaving these lands in your hands. Make sure not to harass any stackers or any shipper which is not the accursed black haired ship. (See you later mate, Goodbye)

        Edited: 6h
      • FatherPeo 2

        Damm you baited him so you could say goodbye, Enemies to lovers type sh*t

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  • GiveMeYourMoney 14

    Guys I'm thinking of starting advent of the three calamities tomorrow. From your perspective, how many chapters till the story ends?

    • FatherPeo 2

      Why did someone dislike this 💀 It seems you might have a hater here

      • GiveMeYourMoney 14

        Fr dude I was confused💀 getting disliked for a genuine question is crazy. I'm gonna touch you, @Muhammadjaan

        Edited: 1h~
    • Okgk23 1

      The story will have approximately 1200 chapters in total

    • VoraciousPenguin 4

      probably 1000-1200

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  • FatherPeo 2

    I’m currently on 266 and the spacing of the paragraphs have become really clunky and hard to read. Does this get fixed in the future?

    • AlexMonaco 5

      It happens from time to time. But they only last two chaps. Usually I go to a different site whenever it happens and come back here when it’s fixed

  • iAmab0t 1

    Bro, I really wanted to finish the other book by this author (I left it at like chapter 600 when it went on a month long break) but I want to read this too, choices choices 😭😭

  • WisdomKing 3

    i'm at Chapter, 253 and jeez so many fillers, i'm giving up. every character has become a 1 dimensional caricature. the first arc of this novel was amazing though. On my way to hunt novels to read.

    • iamlazy 20

      Even your username is looking at you in disgust... 🍫🍫

    • Sclairtis 20

      0/10 ragebait, the hell you even talking about? We literally begged Entail on discord to add more fillers because there was no other thing than non-stop action, Julien got worse treatment than sunny with [fated]. Since we begged him he did a pool(this pool was around 350ch) on discord if story should focus on action like he was doing or add some fillers side stories and results were like 112(votes for fillers)/18(votes for action) or something close to it. Also characters 1dimentional?? ... HAHAhahaahhahahahaha 0 reading comprehension??

      Edited: 1d~
      • TruthfulReader 8

        Relax bro, I think he's just sharing his opinion. We may disagree but we should respect it

      • Made_In_Abyss 1

        What opinion? he is just giving statements without explaining how characters are 1-D and what exactly does "filler" means. We call that ragebait here, not an opinion lmao.

    • FatherPeo 2

      I just reached 153 and have 0 idea what you’re talking about. Every arc has been peak after peak and the characters are definitely not 1 dimensional 💀 what filler are you even talking about? I can’t remember any that went more than 1 chapter.

      Edited: 1d~
    • Rimuru_Void 6

      Bro 🤣😂🤣😂 your loss

    • AlexMonaco 5

      How is this even real lmao? One of the biggest flaws of this novel is that it lacks filler 😭😭

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  • FatherPeo 2

    I’m currently on chapter 238 (the amnesia and cult arc) and I’m seeing so many people hating on it in the comments and saying they’re skimming it. I don’t really understand the amount of hate it got because I’m personally still really enjoying it.

    • skizlock 1

      Quite simply we don't like it when the MC doesn't even retain his personality when he is already hiding his abilities and the author has a penchant desire to explore the side chatacters without mc involvement. Essentially we already starve off the MC not being front and center that we can't stomach another reason being created to hide him. And i am one of those who actually skipped it. I hate amnesia plots.

      • AlexMonaco 5

        MC doesn’t hide his abilities (I’m pretty sure he does the opposite) He also changed personality but it was quite important for the plot and the future lore

    • Made_In_Abyss 1

      Some people are naturally impatient and simply can't stomach any misery or setback imposed upon the MC calling it being nerfed And some people just genuinly dislike the amnesia troupe i love this troupe btw because of the potential rewarding character interactions it brings after the memories comes back.

      Edited: 2d
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  • FatherPeo 2

    I'm currently on chapter 230, and for a while now, I've been thinking about something. The emotion Love is on Julien's wheel, but he doesn't have a spell that correlates to the emotion. Is this on purpose or not?

  • WisdomKing 3

    This one novel started quite strong and i mean very strong, 251 chapters in and i'm now confused. The more the story progresses the more 1 dimensional characters become, Mc included

    • AlexMonaco 5

      You’ll eventually understand. I think that’s volume 2 and it does get weak a little at the start but once everything starts to get revealed at the summit arc, you’ll see it get way better than it was at the start

      • FatherPeo 2

        251 is volume 3. Im at chapter 228, and we are just starting the memory wipe and cult? arc

      • AlexMonaco 5

        Oh oops, been a while. Yea. That’s probably weakest arc but it’s kind of very important for the lore

        Edited: 2d
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  • raungh 1

    For readers: how many more ch do you think it will take to end?

    • Mirchii_chief 1

      i would say its gon take around 1200 chaps i think the author said so too

  • zekiMCsever_9 1

    I don't like reading romance but I'm curious because it's ranking went up so fast
