Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu
Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu

Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu

Moon-led Journey Across Another World

RANK 206
484 Chapters 2.98M Views 5.11K Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Drama genres. Written by the Author Azumi Kei. 484 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.


High school student Misumi Makoto is called into a fantasy world by the god Tsukuyomi, in order to be a hero. However, the Goddess ruling the world isn’t as thrilled to have him there, and kicks him to the edge of the world. Tsukuyomi declares that Makoto is free to find his own way after Makoto is abandoned by the other Goddess.

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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.

: 1 comment on Chapter 95: Asora changes with him as the origin
: 1 comment on Chapter 94: Late night report
: 1 comment on Chapter 92: Makoto’s worries and unexpected rumors
: 1 comment on Chapter 90: Gossip – Mio, Cooking and Hero (2)
: 1 comment on Chapter 89: Gossip – Mio, Cooking and Hero (1)
  • Yutaa 2

    I can read the ending later since I only see extra chapters here

  • SummerFrance 6

    Just read the comments and was about to not read when I read the stars, it’s a 4.3 so at least try it if you are debating reading this.

  • Mrbored 15

    What chapter is s2 ep14

    • Leodero 1

      Haven’t read yet but s2 ep 15 should be chapter 127/128, I’m guessing based on the title of the chapters

  • UrBoyAD 1

    This story is completely all over the place in the first like 150-200 chapters. It's not a bad story per-se as Im on my second read at the moment so you can imagine, it has it's pros but at the same time, it would be difficult to say that I would recommend it to others. My main gripe is really the same that most are gonna have reading this novel. That would be the MC. The MC pretty much gets GOD tier power right from the get go and even uses it in the first few chapters but then completely forgets that he is powerful despite being told that his power level is already equal if not beyond that of the goddess. He gets angry and finally drops his naivety and kills for the first time very early on then suddenly regresses into a piece loving coward who still can't seem to understand that he is actually powerful and not everything can be solved by just being a nice guy. Don't get me wrong, Im not saying for him to be a genocidal maniac like most MC's but common, This world is not Japan.

    • Eyes_of_the_Abysses 2

      Especially the way he is treated and how he himself treats others as if they were their lackeys

      • vinwin10 1

        The problem with Makato is that he is very even tempered. Rarely he goes wild. And when did get wild there was huge casualties. He can use magic from start but he could not control it properly. If you read story closely than you will pickup hints. * The amount of mana he has control over is lesser than the amount he possess. * The amount of mana he possess keep on growing. * He has low self-esteem even before he meet the goddess. * He has conflicting feeling regarding human demon war. He thinks it is meaning less. If not for his promise to the moon God he would have happily joined demon side just to annoy the goddess.

  • Fruitpunchsamurai 4

    Did the translator drop this novel?

    • OphisTrihexa 2

      The author went on hiatus years ago

      • neko0 5

        so after a year and half, we still don't know nothing? or he won to the lottery or something happen here. (I hope the first for him)

        Edited: 1mo
      • Bobowan 1

        It’s a JP light novel, the authors randomly take year long hiatus for stories that have no business being that difficult to write.

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  • Demboy123 6

    Around chapter 196 there are info missing and appears like a jump as sari is mentioned etc


    d*mn I lost interest reading this after knowing the root's past... Im so frustrated that I write a comment for the first time... My heart is bleeding I actually hoping mc to end up with root. now knowing what she/he?? Likes i don't know anymore...

  • JuicyJOE 4

    Japanese author known for including an excessive amount of pointless and unproductive dialogues, excessive amount of random thoughts within the characters' minds, excessive amount of unrelated analogies, and an exaggerated amount of exclamation and overacting. If you're not a fan of the way Japanese authors write, you might want to steer clear of this novel.

    • Ngo3daythoi 23

      I dont wanna tell u this but. U completely missed the whole point of this story and why it is and will always be considered as one of the best web novel u can find out there. Despite being boring sometimes(a lot) and all the flaw u said above. And i aint telling u why this novel is a legend among us. Lol. Edit: i have only read 3 Japanese novels including this one. Lol. And i dont even like Japanese novel. But this will always be the best Japanese novel im my opinion. This thing is comparable to LM in my opinion and its even slightly better. The problem is just, sometimes, novels choose people. And most just cant get why this novel is good. Btw the anime ruined the novel. I have no idea why the hell someone would want to animate this masterpiece. This thing is good bc of the story telling and plot, not bc of the d*mn girls and extraordinary combat scenes. Such a waste. Correct me if im wrong. Bc i only watched a lil anime of this. Bc i dont wanna hurt my self.

      Edited: 2mo
      • Bobowan 1

        To be fair, this is one of the top tier JP novels. If you start to read some of the less popular ones then a lot of common cliches get super annoying. I loved this novel (read it as it was translated) but now I can’t make it through the first 10 chaps. Japanese authors tend have a very similar writing style that gets annoying super quick. Read Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody and you’ll have trouble ever touching a JP novel again

      • salazarmk2 7

        If LM is lord of mysteries then your were high asf when writing this comment only the zaza can make you miss that hard

      • Ngo3daythoi 23

        Sadly. We dont call LOTM, LM. If u can confuse LOTM with LM its just proving ur lack of culture for misunderstanding LM with LOTM or probably u were high asf when writing this cmt.

        Edited: 1mo
      • salazarmk2 7

        Touche now I have to check if there cameras in my walls how did you know I was high

      • Ngo3daythoi 23

        Plot twist: my friend sold u ur heroine.

      • JuicyJOE 4

        Dude, you seem to be incapable of comprehending my simple comment. Let me explain it to you as if you were 5. First of all, no, I didn't miss the point of the story, and I didn't make any comment or remark about its story in my original comment. . My original comment is all about the Japanese writer's narrative style, as it's full of nonsense like an excessive amount of overreacting, exclamation , or random inner thoughts of characters. . Their dialogue is also done immaturely, as if they don't know how to write at all. In this case, for example, the author is so unskilled that he has to resort to putting the character's name after the dialogue line like, "Haha, that's funny (Makoto)," instead of using narrative to tell the story like "Haha, that's funny," Makoto lets out a chuckle. . To be clear, I don't have any problem with the story, as I dropped the novel very early since I can't stand the writing style. And you should learn to read the comment properly first before replying.

      • Ngo3daythoi 23

        Im just asking. Smth is wrong with ur eye? Or did u read my cmt at all? If u did, try to comprehend it with ur "adult" brain before replying back to me with this d*mn long cmt. Stop writing craps like a 5 year olds kid and read my cmt first. I never said u was wrong or smth. I just said that u missed the whole point of novel which u did. Lol. And u replied to me with this whole full cmt speaking stuff out of the topic i said in my original cmt. *Shrugged* What? "i didnt miss" u say?. Wow, so u got the whole point why this novel was good despite dropping it ultra early bc u couldn't get up with the author's writing style? Impressive. Or sorry, i think u meant the point of this novel was its writer's narrative style was bad and typical Japanese style and u cant understand it? Ah yes. Awesome. And i dont need someone to "explain" stuff to me. Save that effort of ur "adult" brain to comprehend my cmt 1st lol.

        Edited: 2mo
      • JuicyJOE 4

        Sorry, I didn't mean to hit your sore spot when I said I'll explain it like you were 5. I meant to explain it in a simpler, easier to understand version, not as a personal offense. . In any case, this conversation is pretty much pointless as it seems that we're speaking different languages. Let's end it here.

      • Ngo3daythoi 23

        Indeed. Learn human language and we can communicate properly instead of pathetically trying to diverse the conversation out of topic. And being a salty kid when u get roasted back and cant find anything to response.

        Edited: 2mo
      • Mistygan05 4

        Good Sir, Can I be known about the novel 'LM' which you were talking above?

      • Ngo3daythoi 23

        Legendary Mechanic. Theres another novel from the same author. Try them both.

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  • Masterazu 2

    Im already Rereading this because I dont have anything to read

  • Grammarly_FAKE 13

    This is a god-tier novel.
