The Misfit of Demon King Academy (WN)

Rank 928

List of reviews made by users for the The Misfit of Demon King Academy (WN) novel.

15 users have written reviews for the The Misfit of Demon King Academy (WN) novel and rated it with an average score of 3.2 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 928th among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub FAN platform.

15 Reviews

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Shadow_DEVIL -1
Chapter 104.1 one month ago

I knew what I was walking into before reading the LN : OP MC, people that underestimated him even though he does extraordinary things all the time and women that were crazy about him. I wasn't disappointed. If you like that type of LN, you will not be disappointed either.

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MartinLJ 25
Chapter 166.2 7 months ago

Me personally I loved it, I love myself a OP MC And I might be a little biased in this review Because I just love Anos Voldigoad, and everything he stands for. Anyway review time ~ The world building is good IMO, the characters could be much better but they are still good, Story is a little confusing to me but Im an *d**t, Still like the story tho. This Novel is not for everyone unless you want a overpowered MC that is a complete Badass. I started reading this because of the Anime which is a complete Masterpiece. Oh and don't trust all those negative reviews it's a very good novel atleast worth trying to read.

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Pocket 8
Chapter 99.2 10 months ago

I didnt rlly like it. I like an op mc, but this was just too generic. It had everything single harem and op line there could be. I also didnt really enjoy the writing style as it was a bit too informative imo.

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TheWortyOne 7
Chapter n/a one year ago

I read the first volume in a few hours, one whimsical sitting, and found it amusing as a junk food tr*shread, but not good enough to get bogged down in until the series ends. Is this chuuni cringe, or absurdist satire of chuuni cringe? I found it hard to say at first -- even the name "Demon King Academy" feels too on-the-nose -- and it got me grinning a bit early on, but it's a little too bad to be taken in good faith. One-dimensional cliche characters, corny dialogue, tropes I've seen too many times. . . Very "Infinity Plus One" schoolyard debate energy. "I can revert time infinitely to undo any damage I take!" "Oh yeah? Well I can destroy time-reversion. " It doesn't really have anything clever up its sleeve to reconcile the all-powerfulness of the protagonist with everyone's refusal to accept his identity. Everybody gets all the proof they should need on the first day and they just go on doubting. On the other hand, he could force people to accept it, by challenging the whole order, instead of just doing tests and showing off in front of small groups. You could say that as long as he's enjoying his breezy school life, it's fine, and probably more fun that way, but he still does keep insisting on who he is. So I find it a bit incongruous. If you look comparatively at, say, Saitama in OnePunch-Man, who's also bad at getting recognition for his impossible strength, there's a lot more thought in the setup. It doesn't really occur to Saitama to boast, and there's always some comically bad timing or absurd coincidence in the way -- another hero gets credit for a monster he kills, that kind of thing. But here in Demon King Academy, all the characters are really just too s*upid and prejudiced, even when they don't have an alternative explanation. The protagonist also uses time travel without consequence (to do something that doesn't make any sense, mind you) to solve a problem in the first volume already, which seems pretty careless, and I can only assume he'll forget he can do it later. The afterword of the first volume actually notes that the second volume actually picks up as "the real start of the story", so bear that in mind with my one-volume review. That could be true, but I don't think the starting point shows enough promise for that to even matter for me, so I'm comfortable with my choice to cash out early.

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Sinu 11
Chapter n/a one year ago

This story, unfortunately, falls short in many aspects. It gives off the impression of being penned by an elementary school student who disregards coherent storytelling and instead focuses on inventing bizarre and arbitrary rules. To make matters worse, these rules are conveniently broken whenever the writer feels they aren't "cool" enough. This lack of consistency greatly detracts from the overall quality of the narrative. The plot of this story feels haphazard and disjointed, lacking a clear direction or purpose. The protagonist's actions seem aimless, as they simply meander through the story without significantly advancing the plot. Furthermore, their interactions with female characters are shallow and serve as mere distractions, failing to contribute meaningfully to the story's progression. The villain is disappointingly one-dimensional, lacking depth or complexity that could have made the conflict more engaging. Regrettably, this story seems to be another iteration of the tiresome trope of an overpowered Japanese protagonist who conveniently gains the attention and affection of numerous female characters. While the twist of intentionally reincarnating to end a war might appear promising, the protagonist's arrogant and egotistical behavior undermines any potential depth. It becomes difficult to relate to or sympathize with a character who constantly flaunts their superiority and belittles others. The romantic subplots within the story are uninspired and unconvincing. The kuudere girl, supposedly emotionless and artificially created, adds little to the narrative beyond a flat and uninteresting persona. Her sister, who initially pretends to dislike her, follows the tired tsundere archetype without bringing anything new or compelling to the table. These characters lack the depth and development necessary to make their relationships with the protagonist engaging or meaningful. In summary, this story fails to deliver on multiple fronts. Its contrived plot, one-dimensional characters, and tired tropes make for an unenjoyable reading experience. Unless you have a particular fondness for poorly executed storytelling and underdeveloped characters, I would advise giving this tale a wide berth.

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Johann1 6
Chapter n/a one year ago

feels like it was written by an elementary school student, just making up insane and contrived rules with no regard for anything. And then breaking them if they aren't cool enough any more.

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EricTheAwesome 41
Chapter n/a one year ago

I can see why some people might not like this novel because yes it is pretty generic and there's not much unique about it but I enjoyed it at first not so much but the mc grew on me overtime if you do plan to read this don't expect anything mindblowing but I don't think you will be disappointed either it's a good quick short read

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  • LucidxDvx 3

    U truly are awesome Eric

The_Savant 7
Chapter n/a one year ago

The plot seems random, the protagonist just fuck around and get the bitches that barely move the plot forward, the villian is absolutely one dimensional

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Shimmy81 2
Chapter n/a one year ago

I realy like the anime, ive been waiting to read this novel for a long time i could not find it any where and i did not know it was here so thank god

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Kurukuru 3
Chapter 1.2 one year ago

The novel is super generic that it's good. The plot is your average academy novel, the main character is what people with 8th grade syndrome think they're like. The side characters are super basic, and one dimensional and it's because of these aspects that the novel is good.

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