The Dark King
Chapter 428

"Master, we brought her back . " Denis came forward .

Dudian nodded slightly and went upstairs: "Take her to my study room . "

"Yes, young master . " Denis nodded .

It didn't take long for Denis to bring Ivette into Dudian's study room: "Master, anything else?"

"You should go back and order others to retreat too . Nobody should stay close to the room and disturb us . " Dudian sat in the sofa and poured tea for two .

Denis nodded and gently closed the door . Ivette and Dudian were only two left in the study room .

Dudian glanced at Ivette . He saw that her face was numb, her eyes full . She was standing still . He smiled and said in English: "Come over, sit . "

Ivette was expressionless like a tree .

Dudian's eyebrows wrinkled as he got up and walked to stop in front of her . He raised his hands to shook in front of her . Suddenly, Ivette shot at Dudian and tried to lock onto his throat .

Dudian's eyes lit up as his upper body swayed and he caught her with his hand . He grabbed her by shoulders and pushed her body backwards . Her body hit the door and some dust fell off because of the shock to the door .

Ivette's hands rushed over at Dudian . Her fingers were like claws .

Dudian waved with his arms and blocked her . He hit her chest and pushed her back again . Dudian's hand grasped her troat: "Do you want to die?"

Ivette stopped as she looked at him with eyes full of resentment .

"Do you want to continue to attack? Even if you kill me you will be dead!" Dudian coldly continued: "Movoer you won't be able to kill me with your strength . "

Ivette bit her lips . Blood oozed out but she was unaware . She still stared back at Dudian as if a beast was looking at a human .

"Do you hate me?" Dudian didn't sympathize with the barbarian girl: "No matter what you think in your hurt if you live in my house then you have to follow my rules . Unless you want to suffer ten times more insult than in the military!"

He slowly loosened his fingers .

However she still stared back at him with eyes full of hate and anger . But there was a bit of faint fear .

Dudian turned back to the sofa and sat down . He pointed to the seat opposite to him: "Come over and sit . "

Ivette's hands were trembling as if she was a patient in a mental institution . She step by step walked . Her feet seemed to be heavy . She sat opposite to Dudian and stared at him .

"Are you dumb or did they cut off your tongue?" Dudian chuckled as he gave her a cup .

Ivette's chest went up and down sharply as her fingers clenched into a fist .

Dudian snorted: "You may hate my strength but you better beg me as maybe I will help you get your revenge on the one who rap3d and humiliated you . "

Ivette's body slightly trembled as she heard the word 'rap3 . ' There was a trace of anger in her eyes . Her face was pale as she slowly bowed down her head . After a moment she said in a hoarse tone: "It's all because of you!"

Dudian indifferently replied: "You should stop blaming others because of the setbacks . If you continue to complain at best you will become a good wife . You should be aware of your fate when you were captured by me . You didn't have courage to commit suicide so I have you my word to keep your little life . In the end I actually did . You should not hate me but thank me!"

Ivette's eyes were flushed: "I would have committed suicide long ago if you didn't promise to protect my life . I would not have gone through the humiliation!"

Dudian replied: "Dead people can't take revenge . "

Ivette bitterly stared at him: "What do you want? Can you help me? Will you help me?"

"Depending on your attitude . " Dudian took a sip from the cup: "Right now I don't see you trying to plead . . . "

Ivette almost spat out mouthful of blood . She bowed her head and bit her lips: "You want to get secrets from me so you have protected my life . I won't tell you even if I knew . . . "

Dudian looked at her: "Look at me . "

Ivette looked up at him in anger .

Dudian raised his fingers: "First, your people tried to invade us . It was my duty to capture you! Second, First, as a wall of people, you invade us, I will you under the capture, this is my duty! Second, I said that your life will be spared and you weren't killed . Third I can impose the torture hundred times more worser than military have done! "

Dudian smiled: "A small reminder . Even if you commit suicide now, your body is still valuable . I will dissect your body, stript of your skind and check the bones . I will see if it's the same flesh and blood of the people form the outer wall or there is something different . Later on I'll send your flesh and blood to barbarian tribes . Let them have a taste of a royal flesh . Oh and your head . . . You have such delicate facial features . I'm interested what's in it . . . "

Ivette wasn't scared as she said in an angry tone: "Are you threatening me?"

Dudian shook his head: "Why should I threaten you? I'm just standing the fact . I believe your tribe wouldn't be interested in your corpse and we are free to spoil it . Don't trouble me too much as I like to solve problems in an efficient way . I hate inefficiency . So don't force me to do something which I hate . Am I clear?"

"I will tell you everything that I know if you can help me with revenge! I want you to help me to kill that damned dwarf pig!" Ivette replied .

"Its better this way . We are saving time . " Dudian continued: "The man who was responsible for doing what he did to you will stay in here . He can't get away or run . Now lets talk about me . My name is Dean . I have two main occupations . I'm a master architect from the Temple and a golden knight from the Knight's Hall . I'm telling this to you so you know that your request is very simple for me . "

Ivette as a part of the royal family of the barbarians was aware of two forces that Dudian had told . The kid had such a high status though his age looked smaller than hers! And why would such a person act personally on the battlefield?

"This if my medal from the Knight's Hall and this is my medal from the Temple . " Dudian took out two medals and put them on the table: "I won't know what to say if you don't even know what these medals mean . "

Ivette recognized the knight medal from the first sight . She picked it up to carefully check it and confirm that its not face . She looked at Dudian: "Are-are you lying?"

Dudian said: "Why would I?"

Ivette's eyelids twitched . She found that the boy's mouth was sharp and insensitive . She took a deep breath: "Alright, I believe you . What do you want to know?"

"Everything you know . " Dudian slowly said: "By the way, I know when people lie . Know that I don't mind choosing the hard way to take out that knowledge from you . I can assure you that my means are more effective than the military's . At least I can find thousands to humiliate you . "

Ivette's face changed .

Dudian lightly said: "One more thing . The barbarians have been defeated and were expelled from the golden wall . I can let my attendants take you to the golden wall to see the sight if you don't believe me . The barbarians lost because of the weapon created by me!"

Ivette was shocked: "Impossible! We can't lose!"

"I can send you personally to verify the case . I don't need to tell a lie . " Dudian indifferently said: "The military is considering to attack your headquarters . I got lots of inventions and can help the military to completely erase the barbarians but I don't want to do so . "

"If you are willing to believe then give me few years of time! I can make sure that there will be a place in outer wall for barbarians and noone will expel you out!"

"I hope you will be honest . "

Ivette stared at him . She felt that the boy could really achieve the things what he said . However her faith was shaken so she calmed her mind .

Chapter 428
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