The Beginning After The End (Web Novel)
The Beginning After The End (Web Novel)

The Beginning After The End (Web Novel)

TBATE Web Novel

513 Chapters 60M Views 69.5K Bookmarked Ongoing Status


The Beginning After The End (Web Novel) novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy, Action, and Comedy genres. Written by the Author TurtleMe. 513 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.


King Grey has unrivaled strength, wealth, and prestige in a world governed by martial ability. However, solitude lingers closely behind those with great power. Beneath the glamorous exterior of a powerful king lurks the shell of man, devoid of purpose and will. 

Reincarnated into a new world filled with magic and monsters, the king has a second chance to relive his life. Correcting the mistakes of his past will not be his only challenge, however. Underneath the peace and prosperity of the new world is an undercurrent threatening to destroy everything he has worked for, questioning his role and reason for being born again. 

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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.

: 6 comments on Chapter 464: A Plan in Many Parts
: 2 comments on Chapter 499: Firm and Lasting Alliances
: 4 comments on Chapter 495: Us Lessers
: 2 comments on Chapter 374: Afterwards
: 2 comments on Chapter 494: An Icy Fist
  • ReadingForFun 3

    What chapter corresponds to the 206th chapter of the manhwa?

  • nikacodbara 2

    wheres the pastebin guy we need a hero...

  • DecentGuy 1

    Did y’all see the tessia and jasmine anime characters design?!?!?!, I can’t they look so cute😭🙏

    • Patata90 6

      They look like a sh*t

      • DecentGuy 1

        Bro it literally looks almost 1 to 1 with fuyuki’s design, the only difference is that the hair looks a bit less shiny and more grey, anyways we literally got Kana Ichinose voice acting Tess (same voice actor for fern btw)

        Edited: 2h
      • Patata90 6

        Fuyuki's drawing at the beginning of the tbate manhwa was sh*t too, don't confuse it, they look bad in both cases Likewise, I don't think Fern's voice and Theotto's voice (Arthur's seiyu) fit with both characters.

      • Made_In_Abyss 1

        bud's job is to jump on every n*gg* praising TBATE in any way possible😭🙏

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  • KDJORV 1

    Guys, Iets do an poll thingy. What do you guys think is the part about TBATE that made it so popular?

    • Made_In_Abyss 1

      You asked the same question in ShadowSlave cs. And a guy replied; "SS is so popular because it's no.1 in ranking" 😂 So i am gonna say the same here. TBATE is popular because it's no.1 in collections category.

      Edited: 19h
      • KDJORV 1

        0_0 fair enough. btw I did the same poll everywhere. my notifications blew up xD

    • Call_of_the_Night 10


    • DecentGuy 1

      I’m guessing volume 7-9 because this is where tbate peaked imo

      • MonkeyDRuffy 2

        Agreed, but the top tier Webcomic adaptation definitely contributed to TBATE‘S popularity as well.

        Edited: 1d~
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  • Homosapienape 1

    Which ch the manwha is covering right now can someone pls tell me

  • Lobotmo69 1

    Is the novel in a hiatus or is it just the site?

    • nikacodbara 2

      new chap dropped i think 1 or 2 days ago. chek comments of last chapter some chad posted link to it. i dont know why it hasnt been updated here

      Edited: 3d
      • Call_of_the_Night 10

        can you tell me his user name I cant seem to find this link you are talking about

      • nikacodbara 2

        When you go in comments just sort it by "all time" likes and than he will pop out like in 3rd or 4th place BrevofTbate - i think this is username Make sure you are reading latest chapter comments

        Edited: 2d
      • Call_of_the_Night 10

        I found it, thanks for the info man

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  • Azken 1

    I can finally check spoiler marked comments without the fear of spoilers because I’m caught up

  • EthSanctum 13

    Guys... Have you seen the manhwa readers turning Nico into some kind of tragic character that deserves sympathy and what not? Making exaggerated edits on his friendship? Wdy people think? Because for me Nico is someone who always acted like a b*tch and doesn't deserve a bit of sympathy. Even when he got to know the truth, he only redeemed himself slightly at the very end. I cannot even start on how much sh*t happened because of him acting like he did.

    • Xalgraz 1

      Don't worry they'll change their mind when the manhwa catches up

    • MonkeyDRuffy 2

      Manhwa readers simply don’t know the depth of Nico’s foolishness. They only know nice things about him so far, because of the manhwa chapters regarding their childhood and friendship.

      • DecentGuy 1

        Most of them didn’t even read the webnovel💀

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  • Lobotmo69 1

    I hope a chapter comes today or tommorow waiting a whole week for a chapter is tiresome

  • Grayhart 1

    Reader hate tessia because they like caera or because they hate tessia that's why they like caera.

    • Voriz 1

      Tessia was a spoiled brat that refused to listen to anyone to the point it cost her surrogate daughters life. While a lot of readers seemed vocal about not liking the Cecil/Tess chapters, I thought it was clever removing her agency as a punishment; it grew her as a character (humbled mostly), and likely gave her the perspective to be a better person. All that being said, who would you be more romantically interested in? The childhood friend that you've known since she was 5 (when you were mentally 45), or the girl he meets in college at 20 that is repeatedly described by multiple characters as beautiful to the point TM went out of their way to use the mechanisms of fate and show Art still loves her if/when she was chunky. To each their own either way. My perspective was Art mostly treated Tess like a little girl because he always saw her that way and felt conflicted, whereas he has chemistry with Caera

      • ChildBeater121 1

        Almost anyone has better chemistry with Arthur. Even Seris did. If you read the novel instead of the manhwa, it’s obvious from the first ten chapters Tess was the one. Arthur was talking about marrying her when she was 5 (while he was 50). Honestly, any romantic partner is better than a grown man telling a 13 yo, “Ill be waiting in 2 years honey, sweet dreams.” However I didn’t care much since TBATE was a fledgling WN, with tropes like dragon pet, elemental MC, cute elf princess, and arrogant nobles (Lucas) to gain popularity. But I can’t overlook the second half where Tess constantly puts Arthur and his loved ones in danger, while actively helping/saving his enemies like Nico and Cecilia for plot. It’s insane. But hey, it’s cool because Aether core and godrunes she set up (bye Sylvie)! Leaving your father for dead to save a GF who asked to fight? Hilarious. Then expecting me to care because of a lap pillow? This story never needed romance, but if it does, it’s not her.

      • DecentGuy 1

        Do you want Arthur to marry a 50 year old grandma or smth💀, + he never said that he’d marry her in 2 years, he said they could get together when they are older, but I do agree that tbate should be a only action series because turtleme is hella good at writing fights, but I still don’t get bothered by the romance to much.

      • Voriz 1

        Careful, last time I was similarly negative towards her, my posts got deleted. I'm assuming most of the people here are reading the light novel, the last time I looked at the manhwa was pre-war arc. As for it clearly being Tess from the beginning? It's been a year or so since my last fresh read from the start, but I definitely remember that not being my takeaway

      • ChildBeater121 1

        If you’ve read romance manga or bottom-tier isekai, you can spot it fast—yes, she was. Arthur was a grown king who committed genocides and had no reason to love her that early, but TM was just checking genre boxes. The moment he saw her at five, he gave a whole speech about her plump pink lips, godly beauty, pores, and cute eyes, then talked about marrying her a few chapters later. He never did that with Jasmine, Kathyln, Lilia (who he rejected for her), or anyone else in the book. Meanwhile, Tess stalks him with magic orbs for years and starts thinking about babies the second Xyrus begins. Every interaction had romantic undertones, with Arthur going, “She’s only 13?!” Bonus points for writing her in a s*x position with him for romance? If you blame puberty (a lazy cop-out to half-*ss a romance), half that dialogue came when Arthur was four. TM admitted he didn’t plan TBATE up to Sylvie’s death, and Tess’s entire characterization is a victim of that. This series "romance" is garbage.

        Edited: 2d
      • Voriz 1

        I recall her warming up to him fairly immediately, and the grandfather barbing/joking about him being a future grandson-in-law, whereas Art usually responded to both with tacit indifference. As you said... he's a king, one who has committed genocide(s), I think even current Art doesn't fully understand the concept of love; romantic, familial, etc. It is the part of his character that has grown the most as he surrounds himself with others that matter to him in a myriad of ways he never experienced as an orphan turned warlord. So no, I definitely don't remember him fawning over a 5 year old, or again at 13 while he watched his childhood friend fall immediately head over heals for her. I do remember he questioned what type of feelings he had for her both before and after the war arc.

      • ChildBeater121 1

        to each their own. i’m only repeating verbatim what he stated in the webnovel. however you interpret it is up to you, but tm has given her such descriptive dialogue, and arthur’s internal monologue comments on her in one way or another, which wasn’t tacit indifference. there was no virion or anyone jesting with him when he’s walking with her in elshire, with a dreamy look on his face, and says verbatim, ‘only if we were 10 years older.’ in xyrus academy, he quite literally kisses her on the lips and verbatim promises himself in two years, all while saying he has become aware of her behavior as of late. arthur isn’t a fool when it comes to emotions. he is quite cognizant and deduces instantly that lillia loves him for a similar shallow reason: him giving her a core. he shuts her down in hopes that she’ll outgrow it as she becomes an adult. all I’m saying is, his early commentary on tess as opposed to anyone else makes the idea of him ever falling in love with anyone else seem foolish.

      • Patata90 6

        You are incredibly based my friend, this story never needed a romance so poorly developed it was preferable not to have one than to have... well this attempt at a pseudo romance

      • ChildBeater121 1

        If there was ever a chance for this series to have a believable romance, it would’ve been Arthur utterly loathing his relationship with Tess the second he woke up in the Relictombs—a cripple with his daughter dead. That’s “realism,” not whatever garbage definition idiots use. It wasn’t hard to pull off. Half the fanbase clings to Caera despite Arthur never showing romantic interest because writing a side character who isn’t just a lazy plot device works wonders—bonus points for not being a literal child. Whether it was Seris or some random Asura, I wouldn’t have cared. The less Arthur thinks romantically about someone, the better their chemistry is. But TM is the worst of authors at romance because the FL reaped everything in the end despite everyone she hurt and spewed garbage when he rewrote 478. Unironically, call her Queen Archon—new estate, car keys, Asuran mana, all handed to her on a silver platter. But I digress. A hollow skulled girl and passive wimp MC deserve each other.

        Edited: 5h
    • Lobotmo69 1

      I think my brain commited sucide reading your comment

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