Sha Po Lang

Rank 1118

List of reviews made by users for the Sha Po Lang novel.

3 users have written reviews for the Sha Po Lang novel and rated it with an average score of 5.0 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 1118th among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub FAN platform.

3 Reviews

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CelestialWorthy_ 11
Chapter 128 5 months ago

I say this was an amazing novel. I came here to read it because people were recommending it and it was worth it. Although I admit that I haven't really unde stood all the politic and military stuff. Regardless this was one of the best danmei I tried, very cute and bittersweet couple relationship.

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Sumer 60
Chapter 108 7 months ago

*inhale* firstly, I LOVED IT. Secondly, it was downright amazing. Now let's see what the novel contains in more detail: Setting/time period: Ancient chinese society, monarchy. But this has steampunk theme in wars and weaponry, and the whole plot more or less revolves around resource fighting for Ziulijin- the violetgold. Major plot focus: the plot is focussed on court politics and wars. And believe me when I say my blood was pumping REAL HARD reading the huge war, the countless rebellions and throne changes, even the political schemes. The leads: Chang Geng our mc and Gu Yun, the love interest they are both. . . so amazing. Not only are they written realistically maturing in characters and development but. . . they are admirable. Specially Gu Yun. I swear I feel nothing but pure respect and admiration towards this fearless and great military General of four sides. He's fearsome, fearless, and so so amazing. Chang Geng, i have to say had a rather abrupt (but reasonable) change in character, but still he's so sharp, cunning, yet soft towards his yifu and has an amazing vision for building the empire. They both have flaws, likes, dislikes, their own struggles, they care, they adjust, they fight, they love each other. And I love them. On the topic of yifu/adoptive father: tbh Gu Yun is like 7-8 years older. And he was rarely ever with Chang Geng, who had already liked him since 14 years of age. Anyways, there's no grooming since they met so late, never really stayed together, and GY never was like a father. Coherence and side characters: Plot can be a little difficult to understand sometimes, but you will understand what the shcemes and plans are as the story goes on. Nothing too difficult. Everything is well paced, and it peaks halfway thru the novel. Side characters are both lovable, hateable and written realistically and cunningly. Atleast, they feel like what they are. Not some cardboard cut anime immature characters. Alright too much already, that's it, please read this, peace.

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MeguScarlet 2
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

I knew this was a very well known novel but I wasn't sure if it was interesting enough, since it's rather short I gave it a try and I personally liked it a lot. I do have 1 warning for you. You need to know the main couple has an adoptive father and son relationship, which is something that bothered me when I noticed it because I'm not a fan of shipping when there's some sort of filial connection between characters. There's many points that made me able to get over my first bad impression and accept them having a romantic relationship, but you'll need to consider it yourself. First, they're adoptive not blood related; secondly and most important, even if they do see each other as father/son there's an interesting development on how and why they fall in love, pretty slow burn and one sided from the MC for a long time; and lastly, talking about time, there's plenty of time skips and they do spend years apart at key moments, which makes that father and son relationship a little "weak" in my opinion and that's the reason I was ok with this in the end. All that being said about the romance, which is quite sweet and they're very devoted to each other, the 99% of this story is plot. There's a lot of war and political issues, there's some plot twists, interesting side characters, and it's overall a really nice story. The world is ancient but mixed with steam punk, I felt sometimes it lacked descriptions considering how special it is, but it's still good. I would say, if you're in search of a very interesting plot give it a try! Also, there's some extras that are not in this site, and they are super nice and sweet, and give closure to a lot of details and also the side couple.

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  • languid_ink_puddle 5

    Thank you for adding those points, I know that if I hadn't read this before starting, I would probably have dropped it since I'm not a fan of father/son

  • soha 1

    Where are the extras?
