Peerless Martial God 2
Chapter 1632

Chapter 1632

Chapter 1632: The Sand Demon Causes Trouble!

Edited by RED

“The desert must be huge . How are we supposed to find the Witches’ Sect?” asked someone angrily .

Even though those cultivators weren’t weak, they had been living in the capital city for a long time . They hadn’t traveled for a long time . If people stayed away from their sects for a long time, it could lead to thoughts of leaving, which was not desirable .

“Officer Lin, you know a lot about the witches; do you know where they are?” someone asked Lin Feng .

There were two kinds of people on the plane: those who liked Lin Feng, and those who blamed him . They considered him the reason for this extremely dangerous trip . They didn’t want to die, and now they might die because of him!

Lin Feng flew up using his pure Qi and pointed to a place in the desert . All they saw was an endless desert . They didn’t see any trace of the Witches’ Sect .

“Snake witches, are you sure it’s the right direction? How far are we from it now?” Lin Feng asked . He couldn’t help but have doubts as well .

The snake witches inside the ring said, “Release me and I’ll lead the way . But… when we arrive nearby, there’s an isolation wall . You can’t cross it…”

When Lin Feng heard that, he was stupefied . An isolated world?

But he had already traveled this far; he didn’t care what stood in his way, he would be able to overcome it . Lin Feng released the sedan chair . When the sedan chair appeared in the sky, the people on the ground didn’t seem surprised .

They were cultivators, and knew a lot of things . Some of them were even Great Vehicle Golden Celestial Cultivators, and all such people had mysterious weapons . When they saw the sedan chair, they just thought it was one of Lin Feng’s weapons .

Lin Feng looked at the people on the ground and shouted, “Hurry up and take out your weapons . Follow me . We have to arrive before nightfall!”

The people on the ground were far from being as strong as Lin Feng . They couldn’t use pure Qi to fly, but they all had weapons that could do so . Wang Yuan felt awkward because HE couldn’t fly…

Lin Feng didn’t intend to let him feel awkward . He used his Sky Destroying Imprint and let Wang Yuan ride it . Wang Yuan just sat down on it . The feeling was great!

The snake witches pointed in a direction, and off they flew . Lin Feng was faster than the others, so he was in charge of scouting the witches’ nest .

After an hour of flight, Lin Feng suddenly felt that the atmosphere was different . He heard some sounds in the desert . Some silhouettes had appeared down on the dunes .

Those people moved as fast as lightning . They kept flashing, then streaked across the sky like arrows towards Lin Feng .

Some of them turned into gigantic birds, some of them into gigantic mahoragas, some of them to desert scorpions, and many other unnamed creatures and monsters . At the same time, many human-shaped sand creatures moved towards Lin Feng as well .

Lin Feng couldn’t help but be startled . He immediately released his Ying Hun sword and his Buddha hand imprint . They shot towards the sand creatures and cut them but Lin Feng saw them come back to life . Their injuries healed instantly!

Lin Feng was encircled . A cloud of dust appeared in the sky and blotted out the sky .

The snake witches suddenly shouted, “Water… Give them water…”

“What? Water? I need water?!” Lin Feng didn’t know what to do .

“They’re the souls of the people who’ve died in the desert . They turn into sand demons . They probably died of thirst . Give them water and they won’t attack you again . If you don’t give them water, they’ll eat your flesh and drink your blood!” explained the snake witches .

Even though Lin Feng didn’t have water, he had a spirit world with the Ice Spirit’s ice world . That ice Qi was frozen water . Lin Feng immediately summoned the Ice Spirit .

“Ice Spirit, release your ice Qi to kill those monsters,” Lin Feng said .

The Ice Spirit didn’t hesitate, and immediately released ice Qi over a thousand meters around them . The ice Qi melted in the hot desert air .

The water Qi made all those sand creatures collapse like sand castles in the waves . They didn’t rise back up .

The people behind caught up with Lin Feng . They had also been attacked . Some people had been caught unprepared, and the sand demons had destroyed them . The corpses fell from the sky . When they crashed into the sand of the desert, gigantic mouths appeared in the ground and swallowed them .

Lin Feng flew towards them quickly and used his ice Qi to protect the remaining ones .

The whole event took about half an hour before the creatures were destroyed . When it stopped, the people Lin Feng had wrapped up in ice Qi were trembling . They felt cold .

“Snake witches, are there many other monsters in the desert?” Even though they had overcome the first wave, it didn’t mean they would be able to overcome other, bigger waves . Did it also mean they would have to use ice Qi to protect themselves the whole time?

“The sand demons are tormented souls wandering in the desert . They are spirits without masters . They are everywhere . And the most dangerous… the most dangerous ones are the sand creatures who work for the witches . They are the witches’ best assets,” explained the snake witches .

Lin Feng didn’t feel relieved at all . He quickly had everybody gather and they continued moving forwards . Lin Feng told themt o stay within a thousand meters away from him . That was as far as the ice Qi could go .

After half an hour, they saw lights . There was a gigantic city in the desert . The buildings were extremely strange, and green in color . Some of them were dozens of meters high . It was more beauty than one could take in .

Lin Feng couldn’t help but ask the snake witches, “Are those buildings the witches’ nests?”

The snake witches answered, “Yes . The witches’ death spirits’ place . We usually live here…”

The snake witches weren’t even done talking when golden lights suddenly flashed at the top of a building . The golden lights grew brighter and brighter . The whole area was illuminated . A sphere formed itself on the ground .

At the same time, the ground of the desert started rolling in waves . Human silhouettes emerged from the ground .

The number of people was beyond Lin Feng’s expectations . There were at least ten thousand people .

“How dare you trespass on the Witches’ Sect’s holy territory?” exclaimed a deep and scary voice . The wind made it sound even eerier . The ten thousand people all spoke at the same time, and walked at the same pace . They looked like an army of puppets . They had no vitality .

Everybody was astonished . Those people looked like puppets or zombies . Their five sensory organs were all black holes .

“Who are you? Stop being mysterious . Tell us who you are!” shouted Lin Feng .

Those people all looked at Lin Feng and said, “Hahahahahaha! Ignorant little boy! Since you’re here, you’re not going to leave!”

There was an explosion . The isolation energy of that small world turned into a human shape . It was dozens of zhang tall,a giant monster with sand claws . The giant’s gigantic hands reached towards Lin Feng and the others .

Lin Feng shouted hastily, “One Heavy Wave, Sky-Rising Wave!”

Dozens of hand shadows coupled with ice Qi crashed into the giant . A gigantic Buddha hand blocked the giant’s gigantic hand . Qi rolled in waves in the sky .

At the same time, the cultivators raised their weapons and charged the giant . Many people stabbed the giant . It kept staggering and shaking its head .

Clouds of dust emerged from its body as it absorbed the swords and the other weapons . They disappeared inside it .

“Lin Feng, what kind of monster is this? It’s so strong!” shouted someone .

“It’s a Sand Demon… Hurry up and aim at its eyes!” shouted Lin Feng . At the same time, he accelerated and did his best to block the giant’s sand punch . At the same time, the giant’s other fist reached for them .

Lin Feng released ice Qi and had it surround everybody’s body . The ice Qi turned into ice shells . They were almost in isolated worlds themselves!

There was an explosion . When the sand giant’s fist hit the ice shells, they cracked, and almost broke apart . The powerful punch forced everybody from the sky and down to the ground .

Lin Feng had a bad feeling . He hastily released a Sky Destroying Imprint on the ground so that the desert couldn’t eat them!

Chapter 1632
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