It was yet another weekend. At a day like this, Yu Lei Entertainment officially hung their signboard on their building in a low-profile manner, right opposite Yu Lei International’s main building at the city centre of Zhonghai.

Even when done this way, it was highly reported in the press. During the press conference, Zhao Teng and Wang Jie showed their faces, while only Yang Chen’s name appeared as the director of the company.

In the press conference, Wang Jie briefly explained the company’s future developments, and announced the signing of several well-known models from the modeling department of Yu Lei International. In the future, they’d participate in variety shows and video making as artists.

From start to finish, Yang Chen, the theoretical leader hadn’t shown himself up, making the outside world extremely curious. Most employees in Yu Lei International knew who Yang Chen was, they found it unbelievable that the legendary unproductive fellow managed to become the director of the new company. The position was even higher than department heads in the company.

However, Yang Chen himself hadn’t had the slightest reaction, so everything developed in a monotonous manner in the awkward situation.

Saturday morning, Yang Chen had a good appetite as usual, he ate more than half the table of foods that Wang Ma prepared, making Wang Ma so happy that she couldn’t close her mouth. At the same time, Lin Ruoxi rolled her eyes.

“Are you a pig? Won’t you get indigestion eating this much?” Lin Ruoxi asked.

“If I’m a pig, you’d be a sow,” Yang Chen replied.

Ignoring Yang Chen’s statement, Lin Ruoxi asked, “Have you thought about the company’s development yet? The actual project will be carried out soon.”

“Are you nervous now? If you knew this would happen, why did you insist on doing it back then?” Yang Chen asked with a smile.

“I, Lin Ruoxi, never do anything that I’d regret. I’m only asking you a simple question as your superior,” Lin Ruoxi said as she frowned.

“In the short term, I’ll maybe get other companies to partner up and invest in us before planning some projects. However, I heard from Wang Jie that we’d need to sign some artists to expand the company’s resources and fame. So I guess we’re not in a rush,” Yang Chen said.

“You heard from Wang Jie? How about your own thoughts?” Lin Ruoxi asked, dissatisfied.

“My intention is to avoid losing money,” Yang Chen answered.

Clenching her teeth, Lin Ruoxi’s delicate face showed tolerance. After drinking the last mouthful of porridge in the bowl, she stood up before turning around, wanting to go upstairs.

Yang Chen sighed. “Are you going to the study room again?”

“Can’t I do that?” Lin Ruoxi stopped walking.

“It’s Saturday today. Look outside, although it’s rather cold, the sky is so sunny. Why bother staying in a room to work? There’s much more in life than work,” Yang Chen said.

Lin Ruoxi smiled coldly. “I’m not free like you. I need to review lots of documents and analyse various reports. You are welcome to enjoy life yourself!”

“It’s really harmful to your body this way. You’re fine now since you’re still young. In the future, you’ll start to feel the consequences,” Yang Chen said with a serious expression.

Lin Ruoxi stopped replying as she turned around and proceeded upstairs.

Pouting, Yang Chen left his seat and rushed up the stairs, passing Lin Ruoxi and arriving at the study room. He blocked Lin Ruoxi from entering the room.

“What are you doing? Go away!” Lin Ruoxi shouted.

“Babe Ruoxi, I think you shouldn’t work now. I ate a lot of food just now and feel very full. Go to the gym with me, training can make your body look more perfect,” Yang Chen said before winking at her.

Lin Ruoxi gave him a death stair. “Not interested, go away.”

Yang Chen sighed. “If you don’t listen to my advice, I’ll have to take action.”

Lin Ruoxi said angrily, “Are you going to beat me?!”

“Why would I beat you…” Yang Chen let out a naughty laugh. Suddenly turning around, his hands reached out to Lin Ruoxi’s back and thighs, instantly lifting her up horizontally!

Lin Ruoxi got stunned as she subconsciously wrapped Yang Chen’s neck with her arms to get stability. However, she felt that this position was too intimate after a short while. Her face was so near to Yang Chen’s cheek that they almost touched. When Yang Chen lowered his head, the two pairs of eyes looked into each other!

“You… You…” Lin Ruoxi got frightened. Since they got married, Yang Chen hadn’t touched her without permission before. Now that they got so intimate out of the blue, she stammered and couldn’t say anything.

Carrying Lin Ruoxi, Yang Chen strode to the gym. In this huge bungalow, there had been a gym and a swimming pool since the start, which no one ever used.

“You should’ve listened to me obediently, but you wanted me to carry you over so badly,” Yang Chen said as he shook his head.

Lin Ruoxi’s cheeks reddened. She wanted to resist but she was afraid of falling onto the ground. Shutting her alluring eyes, her heart was pounding as she felt Yang Chen’s pair of burning-hot hands wrapped around her body. A weird feeling started to appear, causing her mind to fall into chaos. She didn’t know what happened to herself.

Upon entering the gym, Yang Chen placed the stiff Lin Ruoxi down. Lin Ruoxi slightly staggered as she almost lost balance and fell.

Locking the gym, Yang Chen guarded the door with his arms crossed as he looked at Lin Ruoxi who was still unconscious. “Look for an equipment and train obediently. When I feel like the volume is enough, you’ll be allowed to leave by then.”

Lin Ruoxi finally recovered from trance. Irritated, she shouted, “How can you treat me this way? This is my house! Why should I listen to you?!”

Yang Chen pouted. “You seem like you haven’t learned your lesson. Do you possibly want me to carry you again?”

Lin Ruoxi immediately took three steps back as she looked at Yang Chen cautiously. Her reflective eyes showed grievance and objection as well as helplessness. Since she was raised exceptionally well, Lin Ruoxi didn’t know how she was supposed to scold Yang Chen though she was extremely pissed. She could only pant out of anger as she stared at him.

“My great wife, I’m not forcing you to drink poison. It’s just a simple training for your body. Look, there’s so many equipment here, more than enough to train from head to toe. Isn’t it a waste if nobody uses them?” Yang Chen said smilingly. “Dear, are you possibly clueless on how to use these equipment? Do you want me to teach you hand-by-hand?”

When Lin Ruoxi heard ‘hand-by-hand’, her heart shook as her cheeks reddened once again.

Is this bad guy going to do something more embarrassing than hugging me?!

Lin Ruoxi got frightened. Pouting, she walked to a treadmill nearby angrily like a little girl.

“Yang Chen, you’ll regret treating me this way…” Lin Ruoxi felt like she was too embarrassed. She couldn’t help but to say something back.

Yang Chen didn’t put it in his heart at all. Walking to Lin Ruoxi’s side, he reached out to press the ‘Add Speed’ button a few times.

The speed of the treadmill got really fast soon, forcing Lin Ruoxi to start jogging.

Within Your Eyes

It was Yang Chen’s first time seeing Lin Ruoxi run. Since it was rather warm at home, she wore a rather loose white cotton t-shirt. As she jogged, her black hair bounced up and down while leaving a small gap in her lips to breathe. Following the rhythm, the two abundance of flesh quivered as well, making Yang Chen feel like his blood slowly heated up.

Yang Chen usually wouldn’t have such a thought, or he wasn’t ever given such an opportunity to think that way. In actuality, the most beautiful woman around here was this person that he met almost every day—his legal wife.

However, due to various reasons, Yang Chen would constrain himself to avoid paying attention to Lin Ruoxi’s look and body, ever since the incident happened when both of them got drunk. At this moment, Yang Chen got rather lost when he looked at Lin Ruoxi run at such a short distance.

Lin Ruoxi noticed that Yang Chen was staring at her for a long time, while her heart got rather pleased for unknown reasons. In fact, no matter how she got disgusted by this man, and how she would get angry for him, she had silently treated this man as her husband. Being a woman, it was torturing to not get her own husband’s recognition. When she was young, Lin Ruoxi knew how breathtaking she looked to men, and it was the same case now. However, despite the countless looks she got outside, she hadn’t been able to catch the attention of this fellow’s eyeballs at home. Furthermore, this fellow would openly look for women outside.

To the confident Lin Ruoxi, these would undoubtedly cause dissatisfaction and sorrow. However, she definitely wouldn’t voice out thoughts like these, and would only act indifferent. Since deep down her heart, Lin Ruoxi still couldn’t fully accept Yang Chen, not to mention various unhappy incidents happened between them, making her unable to think with an open mind so quickly. She needed time to think and feel.

Currently, Yang Chen was still staring at her. Looking for a short while was fine, but Lin Ruoxi couldn’t stand it anymore when he continued gazing at her. Finally, she could only act like she knew nothing as she jogged. Her face slowly turned pink, which could be caused by the exercise or the shyness.

After running for a mile, Lin Ruoxi panted as beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

Smiling, Yang Chen stopped the treadmill. “You’re so obedient. It’s my turn to exercise now. Dear, I need your help.”

Lin Ruoxi got tired and blurry by now. When Yang Chen said he needed help, she responded softly. It was rare for her to be this obedient, like a well-behaved lovely wife.

“What exercise are you doing?” Lin Ruoxi asked softly.

Yang Chen sat down on a yoga mat on the ground. “I’ll be doing sit-ups. Help me support my feet, you can just simply press on them. You should’ve done this before during physical education classes in primary school, right?”

“Yeah,” Lin Ruoxi said. She knew what a sit-up was, as graduating university required a passing grade for sports. She wasn’t completely a princess from a wealthy family.

However, Lin Ruoxi felt embarrassed to use her hands or knees to stabilize Yang Chen’s feet. She hesitated for very long as she didn’t dare to take action.

Yang Chen who lay down on the ground saw that Lin Ruoxi was standing still. He smiled in his heart as he felt that this frightened woman looked exceptionally cute at this moment. He said, “Babe Ruoxi, if you don’t want to cooperate, I’ll do it for you. Do you want me to carry your legs?”


Lin Ruoxi instantly kneeled down before reaching her hands out to wrap Yang Chen’s calves and placing her knees on his feet. Her pink cheeks blushed further. Shy, she lowered her head and said, “You… you do it. I don’t want to do it…”

Yang Chen held back his laughter. Actually, he didn’t have to exercise at all. He simply wanted to tease Lin Ruoxi and make her happy. Doing this would make the lady workaholic have a taste at life and improve their relationship. Why wouldn’t he do this?

“I’ll start now .”


Yang Chen’s sit-ups weren’t very fast. He got up, lay down, got up, lay down…

Every time he got up, his forehead would almost stick together with Lin Ruoxi’s. Facing each other, the two could breathe in each other’s breaths.

Lin Ruoxi felt the warmth. Slightly raising her head, she could meet Yang Chen’s eyes. They could look at themselves from each other’s pupils.

Following Yang Chen’s rises and falls, the two met each other and left repeatedly…

After a while, the more Yang Chen did the exercise, the slower he got. The time he took to look into Lin Ruoxi’s eyes slowly increased. Lin Ruoxi turned from being shy to getting inattentive. Inside her clear eyes, highly dense emotions could be found, including sweetness, annoyance, bitterness and helplessness…

When Yang Chen himself forgot how many times he did the exercise, he stopped at the top of the movement. Their cheeks were very close to each other. Within their eyes, the opposite side’s eyes clearly reflected their faces.

“How great, within your eyes, there’s only me,” Yang Chen said smilingly.

Startled, Lin Ruoxi immediately moved her face away as her heartbeat quickened. “Are you done now?”

“Not yet,” Yang Chen replied.

Lin Ruoxi looked back, “Then you…”

A warm breath flooded Lin Ruoxi’s unsaid words. Her ice-cold flowery, thin lips got engulfed by Yang Chen’s sudden kiss!

Yang Chen very much wanted to extend his tongue to explore Lin Ruoxi’s fragrant boudoir and kiss intensely for the entire morning, to make the special woman in front of his nose submerge his soul. However, he didn’t stay there for long. After the affectionate kiss, he quickly let go of Lin Ruoxi’s small lips.

Lin Ruoxi stunned as her brain went blank. Emptiness appeared in her eyes. Everything got really messy.

Without any preparation, her kiss got stolen once again.

The last time was at a coffee shop, this time was in the gym, where would the next time be?


Without any warning, Lin Ruoxi violently slapped Yang Chen’s face!

A light, red mark appeared.

Yang Chen smiled silently. He expected this consequence, so he had never thought of dodging.

Lin Ruoxi’s eyes got rather wet. Standing up slowly, she suppressed her complex emotions and recovered coldness on her face. “Do you think that teasing me is fun? Do you think that doing this is very interesting?”

“It’s not exactly the case,” Yang Chen said with a bitter smile.

“Then what is it?”

“It’s because—”

“I don’t want to listen!” Lin Ruoxi turned around forcefully and ran to the gym’s exit before unlocking the door and leaving.

Listening to how hard Lin Ruoxi slammed the door, Yang Chen sighed out of helplessness. “Stupid Girl, what is there to be shy about when a married couple kiss? You should’ve slapped me lighter…”

Chapter 253
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