My Wife is a Beautiful CEO
Chapter 223: Chapter 223-1: What is love

Zhonghai City’s 2nd Hospital. Outside the Accident and Emergency area, the area was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop.

The white CFL lights illuminated the area as it was dim even though it was day time, it gave off a depressing and stifling feeling.

The operating room’s light remained on, and there was no sound or movement. It was as if the person who had been pushed inside was undergoing god’s trial, whether he goes or stays depends on fate. There’s nothing that could be done other than waiting.

At this time, gentle and slow steps were heard. Tangtang was still in her cute black and white dress, but her face was currently shrouded in dark emotions.

On a cold bench outside the operating room, Yang Chen who had been silently sitting down got up. He calmly asked, “Have you made the call?”

Tangtang’s state of mind seemed to be turning numb, but she was still able to nod, “Yes. Uncle and Auntie Yuan, along with my Dad will be here soon.”

“What about Zhou Guangnian?

“He managed to obtain some contracts done and left, we notified them too late.” Tangtang softly said.

A slight killing intent surfaced in Yang Chen’s eyes, but he still managed to calm down. He supported Tangtang’s feeble shoulders and had her sit on the bench, “Rest for a while, you look worn out.”

Tangtang’s eyes drooped, her complex mood had maturity that wasn’t something girls her age should have. It was as if this active and confident girl had grown ten years older, and became hard to recognize.

After she sat down, Tangtang raised her head and smiled at Yang Chen, “Uncle, I’m alright, don’t blame yourself. If it wasn’t for you, we’d have been used by them and probably thrown into the sea to feed the fishes.”

“I was careless, there’s nothing worth consoling over that. However, I think Yuan Ye will be alright.” Said Yang Chen.

Speaking of Yuan Ye who was in the operating room, Tangtang turned her head towards the doors and rubbed her eyes, she softly said, “Uncle, do you remember what I asked you that day?”

“What did you ask?”

When he was with Tangtang, this girl chattered endlessly, Yang Chen truly couldn’t remember which question she was referring to.

“I like playing with you, and sticking onto you. I thought that was what liking and loving someone was like. However, you never accepted me, and was never willing to be intimate with me. You called me a silly girl, and labelled me a brat, so that day I asked you just how can someone become more mature……”

Yang Chen gradually recalled this, it was the day where Tangtang had run away from home.

“You told me that if one day, I feel like there are fewer and fewer things to complain about, or that there’s nothing worth complaining about, I’d be mature……”

Tangtang turned back to face him, her eyes were rather red, but there was a sweet smile on her face, “I’ve been thinking of those words all this time, but I finally understand, because I am very content right now. It turns out that I have always had someone by my side, who even risked his life to protect me. What is there for me to even complain about…?”

Yang Chen quietly observed Tangtang who was suddenly different from before. He wasn’t used to this, but he still listened seriously.

“Uncle, from the moment I had become sensible, my parents treated me well. But the only one who lets me have my way at everything, takes care of me, and thinks about me is Yuan Ye-ge. When I was younger, he accompanied me to summer camp, brought me to the suburbs to catch rhinoceros beetles, and even brought me to the sea to play with a life buoy on. When other kids bully me, he would beat them up for me. If he can’t beat them down, he’d call for reinforcements. He was even beaten by Auntie Yuan to the point where he couldn’t get off the bed numerous times because of this.

I previously thought that he was like an elder brother to me, so all of this was to be expected. When there’s something delicious to eat, I wouldn’t need to snatch it from him, he would voluntarily give it to me. When there’s something fun to play, he’d definitely bring me. Back when I wanted to play with cars, he kept it from the adults and bought me a Porsche with his own money. In the end, he was scolded by the elders in his family, and was even grounded for a month. Later on, when I raced cars, he would bring bodyguards to follow me for fear that something would happen to me or that I might get bullied.

But when I was in senior high and was busy with school, he started working as a professional gamer, so the amount of times we met decreased. However, he would still give me calls often, to tell me what good restaurants have opened, what good movies I can watch, what fun games there are, all with the intention to bring me out to eat, to watch, to play.

Sometimes, I find him very annoying. He wanted to bring me to everything while I was so busy, how could I have so much time to spend with him? Therefore, I was rude to him on the phone often, telling him not to bother me… but, he never ever gotten angry with me……”

As she spoke, Tangtang’s voice became slightly hoarse. She wore a smile, yet tears fell onto the spotless floor.

Yang Chen silently listened, he had always believed that her sports car was given to her by her parents, and didn’t expect that it was actually gifted by Yuan Ye. He also didn’t expect that Yuan Ye was actually protecting Tangtang instead of driving for fun.

“Uncle, do you know? When you told me that day that I was too young and insensible, that seeing you make cool moves and rescue me made me mistake emotions of blind adoration as love? I had thought always thought that that was you brushing me off because you didn’t like me, and didn’t take it seriously when you called me childish. Which was why I didn’t believe that you wouldn’t take responsibility after touching and hugging me in public. Furthermore… I thought about you so much and wanted to hug you so much, how could that not be love……

But today, when I watched you get carried out by those two bad people to be fed to the fishes, I realized that the pain I felt was that of losing a kin, like I was losing an elder instead of a spouse. Although I don’t know what is love, I was able to confirm that what I felt towards you truly wasn’t love……

Earlier when we were on the car, I saw Yuan Ye-ge in such pain, and even… even heard him say such things…… I suddenly felt like exchanging bodies with him. If possible, I wanted to be the one who was hit by those two bullets, and take his place in the operating room.

However, Yuan Ye-ge would definitely scold and hit me. I know that although he never scolds or hits me, he definitely would if I was hurt because of him…… Wu… Uncle… what do I do…… I don’t want him to scold or beat me, I’m afraid that my heart would shatter, but I really don’t want Yuan Ye-ge to leave me! Wu……”

Tangtang leaned forward and weakly leaned against Yang Chen’s body, her tears moistened Yang Chen’s chest, and her cries resounded in the corridor, it was so sudden that nobody knew how to console her.

Yang Chen reached out a hand to pat Tangtang’s back, the young lady’s words were somewhat incoherent at the end, but the sincerity in it made him speechless. Often, people aren’t ignorant, they just lack an opportunity to break free of their shackles and transform, and it can all happen in an instant.

Ten minutes later, quick and disarrayed steps were finally heard in the quiet corridor. Many figures headed towards the operating room.

Yang Chen and Tangtang who had been awaiting the outcome stood up, Tangtang quickly walked over the people coming over and called out to her father. She hugged Fang Zhongping who hastily rushed over.

Amongst the people, Yang Chen only recognized Tangtang, her father Secretary Fang and his bodyguard Dugu Zui. The other well-dressed men and women with them were probably Yuan Ye’s family.

However, when a beautiful woman amongst them who wore a graceful coffee brown dress and had her hair pinned up caught sight of Yang Chen, her anxious expression seemed to turn into incredible astonishment, and her gaze was fixed on him.

Yang Chen noticed the interest this woman harbored towards him, and he felt a mysterious aura from her. It seemed familiar, yet unfamiliar, but he wouldn’t be so narcissistic as to think this woman was fond of him. From her looks and attire, she was very likely the person who supposedly had a powerful background, Yuan Ye’s mother.

The man who stood at the front was a middle-aged man who looked extremely similar to Yuan Ye. It was precisely the Yuan Family’s master, Yuan Hewei. Seeing that Tangtang was safe, he looked at the operating room light which was on, then frowned and said, “Tangtang, tell me in detail, just what happened!? Weren’t you guys kidnapped a moment ago? Why is it that you’re suddenly at a hospital, and why is Little Ye hurt!?”

Fang Zhongping discontentedly said, “Yuan Hewei, why are you in such a rush!? Can’t you see that my daughter is worn out!? Take it slow!”

“Fang Zhongping, Secretary Fang, my son is having an operation and his condition is unknown, how can you expect me not to panic!?” Yuan Hewei spoke loudly.

“Dad, let me speak to Uncle Yuan.” Tangtang urged Fang Zhongping, then turned to speak to Yuan Hewei, “Uncle Yuan, this morning, Yuan Ye-ge came to pick us……”

Tangtang narrated what happened today. When she mentioned how Yang Chen dealt with all of the enemies by himself, everyone present looked towards this quiet plain-looking man with shock. Fang Zhongping and Dugu Zui knew Yang Chen from before and had even threatened him before, they didn’t expect that Yang Chen was able to turn the tides just by himself, and looked at him with queer expressions.”

“Thank you for saving Tangtang and my son.” The lady who had been staring at Yang Chen walked over and offered a handshake.

Yang Chen hesitated for a moment, then shook her hand. Her hand gave a nice warm and gentle feeling, “You need not be courteous. Due to my negligence, he was hurt, so I didn’t really do a good thing.”

“Tangtang calls you uncle, may I know your name?” She stared straight Yang Chen’s eyes and gracefully asked.

“Yang Chen.”

The lady evidently trembled, her facial expression became stiff, but she still maintained a smile, “Nice to meet you, Yang Chen. My name is Yang Jieyu, I’m Yuan Ye’s mother.”

The anxious Yuan Hewei noticed the strange reaction of his wife, so he also took a careful look at Yang Chen. He finally noticed something as well, and exchanged glances with Yang Jieyi.

“Yang Chen, I have to thank you. Although Little Ye is still undergoing surgery, the fact that you were able to bring them out is an incredibly good thing for our Yuan Family and Fang Family. Zhou Guangnian and Xu Zhihong joining hands was something we never expected, we fell into their schemes and couldn’t fight back, but now we could. Although Zhou Guangnian managed to run off with some small victories, they haven’t gotten anything big, we can now cross swords with them in the open!” Yuan Hewei walked forward as well, and shook hands with Yang Chen with appreciation.

Yang Chen said, “No matter what it is that you want to do, let’s wait for Yuan Ye’s operation to end first.”

“That’s right, I will immediately get people to secure the hospital. Tangtang, go back to Dad’s first, you must be tired, Uncle Dugu will send you.” Said Fang Zhongping.

“I don’t want to, I will wait for Yuan Ye-ge to come out.” Tangtang resolutely shook her head.

“Let Tangtang stay.” Yang Jieyu dully said. Though she was Yuan Ye’s mother, she seemed calmer than everyone present.

Hearing Yang Jieyu’s words, Fang Zhongping didn’t say anything more, and just nodded silently.

It was at this time that the operating room’s light finally turned off, the two doors were opened from the inside by the nurses……

Chapter 223: Chapter 223-1: What is love
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