My MCV and Doomsday
Chapter 364

Jiang Liushi chose a new route for their return to Wu Shui County . Although the original road was a shortcut, it was likely for them to encounter mountain torrents . Shi Ying Squad could not fail under any circumstances . As a result, Jiang Liushi chose another route . It was a secondary road .

Jiang Liushi's minibus sped down the road . Thanks to the upgrade, the minibus could be driven unimpeded . Small-group zombies around the area occasionally attacked but to no avail . They were either pulverized or sent flying .

Sun Changxin, sitting in his seat, stared in shock at the villages and trees which they passed through rapidly . Even before doomsday, he had never heard of such a steady and fast minibus . Very soon the minibus arrived at a place called Fengting village .

The rain stopped . . .

At the moment, it was the last darkness before dawn . It was also the time when people were most tired . All the members of Shi Ying Squad in the carriage had fallen asleep . Only Ying was still driving all the way forward .

Suddenly, Ran Xiyu opened her eyes! As a psychic paranormal, she was more sensitive to the surrounding spiritual energy than ordinary people . She opened her eyes and saw the same bright eyes in front of her . Jiang Liushiv had also woken up . Jiang Liushi's brain nerves had undergone intensification, so he just needed several hours of sleep .

"Om! Oom! Ooooooom!"

A strange sound came from afar, and it was quickly approaching them . Jiang Liushi entered the gunner room with a Type 81 gun . Not long after, Jiang Liushi saw a pair of big green eyes . And then several black figures appeared . It was a group of mutant dogs, which were swimming in the river . They were quite fierce . The leader was a sizeable mutant dog, about one meter high . It was running like a horse issuing low sounds .

'Mutant beasts' energy fluctuations have been detected,' the Starseed's transmission sounded in Jiang Liushi's mind . At the moment, in addition to the water conservancy expert Sun Changxin, all the others awoke .

The long-term bloody battles had allowed them all to adapt in such intense situations .

Zhang Hai climbed and picked up the giant wrench next to him . This was the tool he used to repair cars . He usually took it with him, so it had become his unique weapon . Sun Kun opened his eyes and took out a Type 54 pistol directly from his trouser pocket . Everyone was ready for battle .

Jiang Liushi's fingers were placed on the trigger, surprisingly, however, the wild dog group turned at a distance of ten meters from the minibus, and then they rushed in the opposite direction .

"The wild dog group seems to be panicked . They were probably afraid of something," Ran Xiyu said . With her keen senses, she could tell their emotional state .

The wild dogs still squatted by the water but they roared in a rush . Suddenly waves rolled out of the dark water . Among the huge waves, a dark, rough body drilled its way out, and several wild dogs were thrown into the water .

"What's that?" Sun Hun closed the window and saw the scene in the water . Fear of the unknown was hard to overcome for everyone .

"It's a mutant water snake," Jiang Liushi answered in a low voice . In his vision, the huge head of water snake was quite clear .

Mutant water snake? Everyone was surprised . If there was a very powerful mutant monster in the water, then things would be difficult . How could they fight against a water monster in such a situation?

Jiang Liushi's heart was heavy . The water monster finally appeared, and the flood was still on the rise…

Jiang Liushi was worried about water monsters .

Ying did not stop but quickly rushed to the secondary road . Although after doomsday, many sections were destroyed, the road surface had a few cracks, but the road's condition was still good .

At dawn . . .

All members of Shi Ying Squad were looking outside from windows . On the highway, they could already see the former Qianfeng Building, the landmark of Jiangsu . The streets had turned into a yellowish water area . With buildings left in the water, the whole area of northern Jiangsu had become a water county . On the secondary road, from time to time, they could see some small groups of survivors . They were hiding from the pursuit of zombies . They were forced by the floods to leave their areas .

A lot of survivors cried when they saw Jiang Liushi's minibus passing by them, and they tried to catch up . But how could a human's legs compare to a six-wheeled minibus? Then the survivors collapsed to the floor and cursed the departing minibus . Together with the cries, those voices were heard by Ying .

Sun Changxin found it unbearable, slammed his mouth a few times but finally sighed and said nothing . It was already the greatest kindness to be taken in by Shi Ying Squad . Did he dare to have other requests? As for the other members of Shi Ying Squad, they were already accustomed to this scene .


Some engines' roaring sounds came from the front . With the rapid driving, eight cars appeared on the road ahead . Among them was a modified Hummer H6 off-road vehicle . A few air-dried zombies' skulls hung on the outer steel plate of that Hummer H6, covered with blood stains . On the roof of the SUV, there was a huge cow head .

A young man with long black hair could be seen coming out the sunroof . The young man lowered his head and looked calmly at the path in front of him . The young man's temperament was gloomy, and behind him, a long box like a coffin was carried .

Behind the Hummer H6, four SUVs and three modified coaches were lined up in a row and blocked the road . Those cars were pretty old, and their brands were very complicated . Four or five men were sitting on the roof . They had already discovered the minibus behind them and had come to inspect them .

"F*cking guys!" Seeing that scene, Sun Kun cursed .

"It is the Wild Man Squad, a survivor team in the northern suburbs of Jiangsu . I know them . I will ask them to let us go!" Xiang Xuehai also saw the situation outside frowning .

The Wild Man Squad was a team active in the urban area of northern Jiangsu . They were good at robbery . Their savage leader used to be a martial arts instructor, and he had obtained a very strong special ability . After the virus' outbreak, he had ransacked the police station and had a handful of weapons . Their strength should not be underestimated .

Yang Feng had tried several times to absorb them in his team, but they had rejected his proposal .

The SUVs lined up and completely blocked the road .

"It's useless . We should rush out directly!" Jiang Liushi shouted from his battle room .

"Brother Jiang is excellent!"

"Ying, rush out!"

Zhang Hai and Sun Kun laughed and smiled .

"F*ck! That broken minibus decided to rush out!"

"How brash! They want to hit us?"

"Brothers, hit that broken minibus!"

. . .

"A fat sheep has come!" In the modified Hummer H6, several people sat idle .

"There seems to be something behind," someone inside the car looked at the rear-view mirror and exclaimed .

"On this road, who would dare to provoke us? Let the others deal with them," a dirty man with sunglasses, sitting in the back seat, said . He was the Wild Man Squad's leader, Ying Haosen .

One by one, they took out shotguns, and even made homemade bows and iron spears, aiming at that minibus behind them . But they were dumbfounded . They wondered why an ordinary minibus could be driven so fast?

And it had a huge V-shaped ram in the front!

Chapter 364
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