My MCV and Doomsday
Chapter 360: Danger Is Coming

Yang Feng was very weak .


When Ran Xiyu's mental waves struck Yang Feng, the fierceness in his eyes disappeared, and they dimmed .

"Okay!" Jiang Liushi knew that Ran Xiyu's mental suppression had worked .

"Yang Feng, I have to ask you a question . " Jiang Liushi said .

"What?" Yang Feng answered slowly .

"Do you know a girl called Ran Yunsha? She's a member of the Ran Group . "

"Ran Yunsha? Ran Group . . . It seems to have seen . . . "

Hearing Yang Feng's intermittent remarks, Jiang Liushi put all the information of Ran Yunsha together in his mind . Unfortunately, Yunsha was not in northern Jiangsu area . Yang Feng was not responsible for her withdrawal, but another military team . After that Yang Feng had searched for that team because he wanted to use their power to expand the strength of his troops . However, he was unable to realize that dream as they had evacuated to Panzhu City .

Panzhu City and that area were not that far from each other . Yang Feng had also made contact with the forces in Panzhu City . It was also a big force, which was not inferior to his troops . If she was still alive, she might be in Panzhu City .

It was out of Jiang Liushi's expectations, but they had to go to Panzhu City . He could afford to take some risks . After all, they had already traveled this far . Ran Xiyu's contribution to the whole team was irreplaceable . Jiang Liushi, of course, was willing to help her find her loved ones . While Jiang Liushi was thinking about that, Yang Feng's dull eyes came back to normal and regained their natural color . However, they soon became bloodshot .

Recalling his situation, Yang Feng knew clearly that he was again under the control of the hidden psychic paranormal . Moreover, looking at Jiang Liushi, he guessed that he had spilled the beans .

"You piece of sh*t! You dared to play mind games!? F*ck you! Go and die! F*ck!" Feng cursed and struggled on the ground crazily .

"Where have you hidden your mutant nuclei?" Jiang Liushi asked coldly . Yang Feng's embarrassing struggle did not affect Jiang Liushi at all .

"Do you want to know? Keep dreaming! You can't find it here! Hahahaha!" Yang Feng said madly .

"They are in your body, right?" Jiang Liushi said suddenly .

Yang Feng's face suddenly changed slightly, and he hummed .

"Oh, it was a lucky guess . " Jiang Liushi smiled .

Jiang Liushi's guess was based on Yang Feng's cautious and miserable character . Besides, Yang Feng's clothes had turned to ash .

At that moment, Zhang Hai walked over and sneered at Yang Feng, and then he reached and hurriedly patted all over his body . He didn't restrain his strength, so Yang Feng constantly screamed . However, Zhang Hai did not find any mutant nuclei .

"You're dreaming! If I die, you'll get nothing!"

Suddenly, Li Yuxin said, "Brother Jiang, there are some strange things in his thigh . "

Hearing those words, Yang Feng's face completely changed . "D*mned girl!"

"His thigh?" Zhang Hai immediately looked at Yang Feng's thigh . His skin was charred and cracked . Zhang Hai saw a stitched wound on Yang Feng's thigh .

"Yeah . " Looking at the ugly face of Yang Feng, Zhang Hai showed a smile of mockery at him . "It's here, right?" He suddenly used his two fingers and yanked the skin on Yang Feng's thigh .

"Ah!!!!" Yang Feng was in extreme pain and let out a shrill scream . After Zhang Hai twitched his fingers, some shiny things gushed out with blood from Yang Feng's wound .

"Mutant nuclei!" Seeing those sparkling things, Jiang Liushi's eyes brightened .

Yang Feng was indeed vicious . He stored the mutant nuclei in his own leg . As Zhang Hai was about to pick up the mutant nuclei, Yang Feng looked furious!

"They're mine! Mine!!" Yang Feng shouted and leaped in the air with a burst of vitality . His body slammed in front, and he opened his mouth . And then he bit on Zhang Hai's fingers . At that moment, an iron bar suddenly came from the side and penetrated Yang Feng's body .

Yang Feng was nailed to the ground, and he gradually lost all strength to scream .

"F*ck*r! He is a rabid dog!" Sun Kun stepped on Yang Feng's body . "Brother Jiang?"

"Kill him," Jiang Liushi said coldly .

Yang Feng was ambitious and extremely vicious, so naturally, he couldn't accept his failures, and it was quite difficult for him to face reality . That scene was worse for him than death . Yang Feng stared at Jiang Liushi with a gaze of unwillingness .

However, when Sun Kun stabbed his dead with the iron bar, his body shook, and he lost his life . When Yang Feng died, Jiang Liushi suddenly heard the sound plants from every direction .

The vines on the walls and the rhizomes from the ground started to grow black spots and rot at a visible speed . The soil loosened and cracks appeared as the plants withered .

Zhou Xiaochuan, sitting in an armored vehicle, was looking the military building carefully . But suddenly, an old man with an old black jacket appeared .

The old man was drenched in water, and his hair was messy from the storm . "Governor Zhou, we must send someone to make the appropriate arrangements because a flash flood will hit shortly!" The old man grabbed Zhou Xiaochuan's sleeve .

"Old Sun, that's enough!" Zhou Xiaochuan grew impatient as he listened to the old man and then saw him grabbing at his clothes with his dirty hands . He became furious and slapped the old man's face . Zhou Xiaochuan despised people like him .

Touching his burning face, Sun Changxin lost all hope . He was softhearted so he could not bear the thought of the flood killing that many people .

He had run out to notify Zhou Xiaochuan, but instead, the latter one humiliated him .

"Old Sun, if you want to talk about torrents, you could find Commander Yang inside . " The young vice officer next to Zhou Xiaochuan smiled . "

Look for Commander Yang?" Sun Changxin murmured . His mind was in disorder . Perhaps, he should go to talk with Yang . . .

"What are you doing?" Seeing Sun Changxin walk inside, Zhou Xiaochuan shouted to that vice officer .

"Anyway, he's brain-damaged, let him go to explore the situation inside . " The deputy smiled .

Zhou Xiaochuan was stunned . This kid was really shrewd . However, he was right . If Old Sun could be of use, it would be better .

Jiang Liushi and the others quickly finished moving the guns . In this incident, the two teams brought by Xiang Xuehai had been completely wiped out, and even Jian Ling had died . Relatively speaking, however, Shi Ying Squad had completed their part of the deal, found information concerning Ran Yunsha's whereabouts and harvested many firearms and mutant nuclei .

Jiang Liushi was quite satisfied with that outcome, so he decided to leave immediately .

"Commander Yang, the torrential flood will come soon, so we must do something," an old man's voice came suddenly .

"What's up?" Zhang Hai and Sun Kun saw the old man rushing in . They clutched their weapons, and for a time they didn't know if they should fight .

The old man, wearing a tattered black jacket, was thin and weak . He was just an ordinary person .

"Stop!" Zhang Hai and Sun Kun's aimed at him .

Sun Changqing was surprised by the scene inside .

"Who are you? Commander Yang is already dead," Jiang Liushi asked .

Seeing Yang Feng's body, Sun Changxin was shocked . Originally, the elder did not usually have enough food, and he was scared and frightened every day .

"What did you say about the flood? Do you know about water conservancy?" Jiang Liushi found a hint of danger from the old man's words . Seeing that the old man was frightened and refused to speak, he asked .

"I . . . I specialize in water conservancy . I was brought back by Yang Feng . I was working at the Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research before doomsday . I'm an expert on hydraulics and river dynamics . . . " Sun Changxin said . He was very nervous .

'What's the matter and who are these people?' He kept thinking .

"You are a water conservancy expert? Don't be nervous . We won't kill you . " said Jiang Liushi, while signaling at Zhang Hai and Sun Kun to put their weapons down .

Compared with that fierce Yang Feng, Jiang Liushi's appearance was kind . As a result, Sun Changqing calmed down quickly . In fact, for Sun Changxin, Yang Feng's immorality was none of his business . He just couldn't bear the thought of the flood killing people .

"Oh, my God, it seems that the flood will strike sooner!" Sun Changxin looked around and suddenly said in horror . "You must hurry to leave . Yang Feng's ability controlled many plants in this area . Normally, the plant roots would solidify water and the soil . Now that he died, the plants will decay!" Sun Changxin said hurriedly .

The plants around the wall and soil were decaying rapidly, and large areas of soil had caved in .

Jiang Liushi became nervous . "Old man, you will come with us!"

Jiang Liushi decided immediately . Before the Sun Changxin could react, Zhang Hai and Sun Kun had already taken him on the minibus .

'This . . . ' Sun Changxin didn't even know where to go . He usually slept on the hard ground and used a dirty blanket . It had been a long time since he had last seen such a clean and tidy place .

"Grandpa, sit here . " Zhang Hai sent him directly to the couch .

"I'm dirty . . . "

"Just sit there," Zhang Hai said .

Sun Changxin found that those people were obviously different from Yang Feng . Who were they?

"Xiyu, can you hear me? A flood will strike soon! Has Ling found you?" Jiang Liushi asked when he jumped and sat on the co-pilot seat .

Ying launched minibus at once and then reversed to the entrance quickly .

" . . . Ling carried me, and we went down to the direction of Wan Shou Village . You are right . We also found a lot of mud that was stuck in the stream and formed a small lake . . . the rocks are falling . . . " Ran Xiyu's words were a bit weary .

"Wait for us near Wan Shou Village!" Jiang Liushi responded quickly . When Ran Xiyu and Ling were picked up, everyone in his team would be safe .

The minibus' engine roared like a beast . Ying fiercely hit the steering wheel, making a beautiful swerve, and in the narrow space, she finished a ninety-degree turn!

"Coming out? Ha, get ready!" Seeing the rushing minibus, Zhou Xiaochuan shouted!

"Commander Zhou, what if Commander Yang in the car?" The deputy reminded him .

Zhou Xiaochuan, unexpectedly, scolded him, "You are my dog! You only have to follow my order! Fight, quickly!" The machine gun immediately released a hail of bullets on the minibus .

'WARNING! Damage to the base car, level 2 . The durability of front bulletproof glass decreased by 20% . . . ' Starseed's transmission sounded in Jiang Liushi's mind . Jiang Liushi was not crestfallen as his minibus had been improved .

'Launch the Air Cannon and rush out!' Jiang Liushi said in his mind calmly .

Chapter 360: Danger Is Coming
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