My MCV and Doomsday
Chapter 287: Don’t Bother

"After your physical examination is over, someone will come and be responsible for arranging your accommodation . Later, some people will visit so that you can cooperate on other tasks," said Xia Xun .

However, after Xia Xun finished talking, Jiang Liushi remained silent and stood motionless . He had no intention to hand over all the scientists .

Xia Xun frowned at once . "I've apologized . "

Jiang Zhuying stared at that officer . That officer was annoyed, but unfortunately, he didn't have any other choice . "I was impulsive, and I hope you can forgive me . "

"Oh . " Jiang Liushi smiled .

"My gun," the officer said .

Jiang Liushi did not intend to fight against these people, so he threw the pistol back to the officer and said lightly, "Don't be impulsive next time . "

The officer caught the pistol, but he didn't say anything .

"Sister Zhuying…"Qin Nannan was still reluctantly holding Jiang Zhuying's cloth . Along the way, she was always watching animation with Jiang Zhuying . After all, she was just a kid .

"Don't worry . Let them tell you our address, and you can come and play every day with me . "

Hearing those words, Xia Xun frowned . Although the inventories were filled with food, they couldn't afford to allow all of them to eat their supplies . Moreover, during the turmoil, the ones who betrayed the military had taken away a lot of resources .

Hearing those words, Xia Xun frowned . Although the inventories were filled with food, they couldn't afford to allow all of them to eat their supplies . Moreover, during the turmoil, the ones who betrayed the military had taken away a lot of resources .

However, those scientists were very stubborn, so she had no other ways to stop Qin Nannan . At the same time, she had to be polite with all those scientists .

After walking a long distance, that officer's heart was still resentful, but he also felt very shameful .

"Those survivors were insatiable," Xia Xun said coldly . "After doomsday, all kinds of paranormals have appeared . Don't bother with them…"

She had met many people like Jiang Liushi . In her mind, she shouldn't waste time to be bothered with them at all .

Hearing her words, that officer nodded .

After Xia Xun left, Captain Li's attitude changed at once . "You, come with me . " Captain Li used an official's tone; he was no longer cordial .

Zhu Changqing noticed that Captain Li's attitude changed, so he sighed in a low voice . "Brother Jiang, we have offended that woman . Maybe she doesn't want to deal with us, but her faction will surely to make things difficult…"

Zhu Changqing noticed that Captain Li's attitude changed, so he sighed in a low voice . "Brother Jiang, we have offended that woman . Maybe she doesn't want to deal with us, but her faction will surely to make things difficult…"

Zhu Changing said, "You don't know her identity . Actually, she is the granddaughter of a famous General . "

"Granddaughter?" Jiang Liushi nodded . In fact, he had expected that her identity was unique, but he didn't expect she was just a General's granddaughter . He even dared to kill a Commissioner's son, not to mention just a granddaughter .

"We should be careful for the next few days and assess the situation first," Zhu Changqing said .

They didn't intend to return to Shenhai Island anymore, so it was likely they'd stay in Star City Base in the future . However, Star City Base's situation was not good .

Star City Base's quarantine station was in a gigantic shop next to the gate, around which reinforced welding bars had been installed . Across the fence was where they'd check people, once someone had signs of infection, they'd be killed on the spot .

Not only survivors who had struggled to arrive from other places but also survivors who had just returned to Star City, they all had to accept the examination . Jiang Liushi saw the other two survivors' team there with many supplies .

"I feel that the survivors here are stronger than those in Shenhai Island . " Zhu Changqing was whispering to others . Those soldiers all had experienced many battles, so they could identify almost everyone's power .

Not only survivors who had struggled to arrive from other places but also survivors who had just returned to Star City, they all had to accept the examination . Jiang Liushi saw the other two survivors' team there with many supplies .

"I feel that the survivors here are stronger than those in Shenhai Island . " Zhu Changqing was whispering to others . Those soldiers all had experienced many battles, so they could identify almost everyone's power .

It was obvious that such large mutant beasts couldn't be found nearby, so Jiang Liushi asked others to know about the situation . According to other survivors' description, there was a famous forest park nearby . Naturally, wildlife was thriving .

"If there are so many mutant beasts in that forest park, we can go hunting . It'd be great if we meet some level-2 mutant beasts…" Jiang Liushi said to his members . At first, he just wanted to complete the mission, but he was interested in Star City Base .

"After the military's collapse, many undercurrents are surging . It's possible that some people have level-2 nuclei in their hands," a man said to Jiang Liushi after hearing their conversation .

"Go to that area for your check-up . I have to go back because I'm responsible for guarding the City gate," Captain Li said coldly .

The quarantine station was divided into several areas, and Captain Li just brought them to a region casually . Seeing such a large number of people arriving, other survivors in the quarantine station suddenly looked toward them .

All those soldiers were very eye-catching, but Ran Xiyu and the other beauties were more attracting . Some survivors were looking at them with interest . If not such a large army of soldiers beside them, they'd like to talk with those beautiful girls .

Chapter 287: Don’t Bother
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