My MCV and Doomsday
Chapter 255: Opening A Path

Every minute they stayed there, the more dangerous it would be- even Zhu Changqing was helping . They seized every minute and second to work hard, so they were perplexed as to why Jiang Liushi would give such an order . But after that, their hearts were filled with resentment .

Zhu Changqing's head was covered with big drops of sweat, while he put down that stone and said, "Obey his orders . " Zhu Changqing gave an order, and as a result, those soldiers had to go to the side . They stared at the minibus silently .

"Does he want to use his minibus to push the stones away? Wishful thinking . "

One professor pushed his glasses and said, "The minibus is too weak to do so, and it's possible that it may cause a second landslide . If…" The professor believed that Jiang Liushi's actions were abrupt . "I have to go and try to change his mind . "

At that time, Jiang Liushi had stopped his minibus in front of the landslide .

"Captain Jiang, you cannot crash against it, because it will cause a second landslide . " The professor was not young, but he had a healthy body, and he was quite spirited, so he shouted from afar .

Jiang Liushi answered, "I don't want to crash against it . "

"You don't want to crash against it?" The professor was stunned for a moment, and then he looked up and down the minibus . "If Captain Jiang doesn't intend to do so, you should let the soldiers continue clearing the rocks . It's getting late and our time was limited . ," The professor said .

"I have another way . Manually removing the rocks is slow…" Jiang Liushi answered .

"What do you have in mind? Captain Jiang, although you are the Captain, you should listen to our opinions," The professor said .

"What do you have in mind? Captain Jiang, although you are the Captain, you should listen to our opinions," The professor said .

"Wait for a while, and you'll naturally know…" Jiang Liushi said directly .

"Oh!" The professor became anxious . He couldn't accept Jiang Liushi's attitude . Although the soldiers could hear their conversation, they too were in the dark . Could those stones fly by themselves?

Jiang Liushi didn't know how to explain, so he decided to show them . As far as his members were concerned, they would never doubt Jiang Liushi's decisions .

"Captain Zhu, you should hurry up and don't let Captain Jiang waste more time," The professor said to Zhu Changqing at once . Actually, Zhu Changqing was very convinced of Jiang Liushi's capabilities, and he should obey his orders . However, Zhu Changqing also believed that the professor's argument was indeed well-founded, so he nodded and said, "Let's continue cleaning up . "

Then, Zhu Changqing raised his sleeves and approached a stone . It was as big as a tire, so most people simply couldn't lift it . Zhu Changqing grabbed the stone, and he released a shout while his muscles bulged . His arms were like pliers, locking the stone, and then he successfully lifted it!

"Excellent!" The professor shouted . In his opinion, Shi Ying Squad's paranormals should come to help .

"Excellent!" The professor shouted . In his opinion, Shi Ying Squad's paranormals should come to help .

Though removing the rocks manually was a slow process, the result was visible . Just then, a shadow suddenly hovered over the professor's head . The professor was shocked, and he could not help but shout in fear .

All the soldiers immediately turned around, and they were shocked!

A fully high-tech mechanical arm, with a shining metallic luster, was accurately fixed one the most massive boulder . And then, the mechanical arm lifted the boulder easily .

Everyone looked at the other end of the robotic arm, which was impressively connected to the MCV . The minibus had suddenly become a crane!

"This…this…" That professor was flabbergasted . He had never thought that something like that would be possible .

Zhu Changqing was still holding the large stone as he dumbfoundedly looked at the robotic arm .

That mechanical arm could easily "lift" a boulder!

Zhu Changqing was still holding the large stone as he dumbfoundedly looked at the robotic arm .

That mechanical arm could easily "lift" a boulder!

"Captain Jiang, you have such a special ability . . . " Zhu Changqing asked curiously .

"Yes, but I wasn't sure it'd work since it's the first time using it," Jiang Liushi answered .

Jiang Liushi wasn't lying . He already knew that he had the ability to add a robotic arm, but it needed a lot of metal, coupled with a mutant nucleus, and 15 minutes of construction time . The robotic arm's description was vague, so Jiang Liushi didn't know how to explain it to others . The landslide was the best opportunity to test it out .

"Brother, how did you turn your minibus into an excavator?"Jiang Zhuying suddenly asked .

Chapter 255: Opening A Path
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