My MCV and Doomsday
Chapter 159: Leaving for Shenhai Island

Jiang Liushi was in a state of exhaustion because the energy stored in his body had been depleted . Although his physique had been greatly improved, the relative energy consumed he consumed also had increased . They were supplementary to each other . Just as when his MCV was improved, its consumption also increased .

Jiang Liushi gradually realized that the stocked mutant meat could be eaten up very quickly and the mutant meat’s price would rise quickly . No matter if it was mutant meat or mutant nucleus, they would be the most important consumables .

[I will try my best to collect mutant meat, but my top priority is still the mutant nuclei . ] Jiang Liushi said in his mind . Although he was wealthy, the consumption rate was amazing . Actually, he wanted to live a life without worrying about food or clothing .

Ying drove very quickly, and Zhang Hai, as well as the military car, followed her all the way . They soon left the Jinling Port . Finally, they caught their breath .

That monster brought an amazing shock to all of them, it was similar to the feeling brought by the beginning of doomsday . They were once again survivors of a disaster .

"Zhuying, give me some mutant meat to eat . " Jiang Liushi said looking at Ran Xiyu and Jiang Zhuying . "I’m hungry…"

"Oh, I got it . " Jiang Zhuying understood immediately, and then she walked to the kitchen, "Wait a minute . " Ran Xiyu was staring at him . "What's wrong?" Jiang Liushi asked .

"Nothing…" Ran Xiyu became silent, for a moment and then she said, "I'm sorry, but I did not expect there would that kind of situation . " That kind of afflictive feeling let Ran Xiyu almost think they would die there; she didn’t expect they could escape in time . Jiang Liushi had rescued her for the information she had on that mining truck . Although she provided accurate information, she felt quite ashamed not accomplishing the mission .

"Fortunately, it was threatening but not dangerous . Moreover, nobody is to blame . " Jiang Liushi said .

"But that mining truck…"Ran Xiyu started speaking and then hesitated . They all thought Jiang Liushi had no gains . Ying was the only one who knew that his MCV had obtained the second form .

"My dear brother, here’s some mutant meat for you . " Jiang Zhuying held out a big pot filled up with mutant meat .

It was about 5 kg, but it was like a piece of cake to Jiang Liushi . His sister was staring at him, while he was eating leisurely . Jiang Liushi ate up, and Jiang Zhuying asked, "Do you need more?"

"Yes . " Jiang Liushi nodded . In fact, Jiang Liushi could eat another 5 kg .

Jiang Zhuying didn’t say anything, and immediately stood up walking toward the kitchen, and after a while, another pot of mutant meat was taken to the table . Mutant meat could be regarded as the top ingredient, it was the best and most delicious thing one could eat . Jiang Liushi picked up a piece of meat and threw it into his mouth . It just melted into his mouth leaving behind an amazing feeling .

One piece after another, Jiang Zhuying's sight followed her brother’s chopsticks moving to his mouth back and forth several times! Jiang Liushi’s strength had soared as well as his appetite .

"I finished, and thank you, my dear sister . " Jiang Liushi was fully satisfied and content so he put down the chopsticks . As nearly 10 kg mutant meat was moving into his stomach, Jiang Liushi got a kind of comfortable feeling .

After activating his blood vessel, Jiang Liushi’s stomach had become stronger, so he could eat more and harness more energy; he knew it was due to improving his digesting ability . Jiang Zhuying’s eyes blinked because she felt her brother was getting stronger and even more mysterious . However, she didn’t have any interest to ask . She would only feel extreme happiness as long as her brother was getting stronger .

When Jiang Liushi carried her while running, she felt extremely happy . Although that situation was filled with tension, Jiang Zhuying felt secure because of her brother . Actually, she decided to take her brother as her role model .

They left Jinling Port and drove to Shenhai Island’s direction . Before doomsday, they would need around 5 hours to reach it, but after that, the time had at least doubled .  

That meant they would arrive at Shenhai Island the following day, so as they had reached the highway, they decided to stop and have rest . Although the highway had been cleaned, there would be many unknown dangers at night, naturally, they wouldn’t move recklessly at night . After seeing that huge monster in that ship, Jiang Liushi became more vigilant . Shen Tao also thought that they should be careful .   

"Let’s rest here tonight . I’ll go to check the perimeter . " Jiang Liushi said .

"Ok, I will go to barbecue!" Jiang Zhuying said and jumped off the car .

Ran Xiyu did not wait, she silently stood up and said, "I’d like to help Zhuying . "In the blink of an eye, only Jiang Liushi and Ying were left on his MCV, so they left the camp moving away .

Seeing the MCV driving away, Shen Tao felt confused . "What does he want to do?" Shen Tao asked, but nobody answered him at all . Shen Tao could not understand after repeated thinking but it was none of his business .

"We also brought some meat, so could we roast by your fire?" Shen Tao said .

"Are you joking? Quickly join us, I’ll cook it . " Zhang Hai answered just like a chef .

Shen Tao looked at the bottles and jars filled with spices, his admiration was expressed not only in words but also on his face .

Zhang Jiaying lying on the fence looked blankly with her big eyes . She had not eaten a good meal for a long time, however, today she could finally eat to her heart’s content!

At that time, Jiang Liushi had driven his MCV a kilometer away . Looking back, they could no longer see their camp anymore .

"We should stop here . " Jiang Liushi said . At the same time, his mood was inevitably agitated . He wondered what the second form of his MCV would be like .

Chapter 159: Leaving for Shenhai Island
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