Lady Su’s Revenge

Rank 909

List of reviews made by users for the Lady Su’s Revenge novel.

3 users have written reviews for the Lady Su’s Revenge novel and rated it with an average score of 3.7 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 909th among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub FAN platform.

3 Reviews

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Hollex 4
Chapter 258 20 days ago

This is how I would define this story: ‘A great idea poorly executed’. For me this story starts off very strong and quite exciting which is a pity because I really saw a lot of potential in this story. The characters except for the main character and the ML are rather bland and unimportant. The plot at the beginning I liked it quite a lot but after that it's absurd and quite messy and I personally didn't like the direction it has taken. Then the farming is a mess not having a clear scale of power and progress mainly because of the last problem I will mention, The translation is bad, especially when it comes to farming, although it is readable in a general way you will get some weird terms and expressions from time to time.

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cgatti17 1
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

I have mixed feelings about this novel. I read this nonstop in my free time over a week, because despite the grammatical errors and occasional weird translations, overall the story really pulled me in. It was refreshing that the MC didn't sit around waiting for the male leads to save her like in most other novels. The twist halfway through was really interesting, even though it became really complicated in the second half of the novel. This is where it starts to go down hill a bit. The characters' cultivation levels flip flop back and forth, and the overall cultivation levels are confusing. New characters are introduced but have little impact. Old characters come back but then are just thrown aside and forgotten. Formerly important side characters in the first half are now just passerby characters A & B. Some characters from the first half are basically forgotten completely. The ending is a complete let down, with a very anti-climactic open ending. It's assumed that basically everyone died in that Circle besides the MC and her son who is trapped in the Reincarnation Mirror. There are so many open plot points that it is aggravating. I'm only giving this 3 stars because I enjoyed the beginning 3/4 of this novel so much.

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Nicabob 0
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

The story starts out like any other reincarnation revenge tale. It is a solid story, although the mc’s mercy towards her enemies can be irritating at times it doesn’t detract from the plot because she does have her reasons. All that said, the first half part sets up the amazing story that kicks off in the second part. The second part if the story is where everything really begins and while some people might get bored and drop the webnovel in the first part, due to it’s rather cliche and cook cutter plot, they would be missing out on a twist that turns everything that had happened up to that point on it’s head.
Tl;dr: it’s gooood!

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  • preprem 1

    whos the ml?

    • perfect0_0angel 2

      A guy called ling li - someone she knew in her past life
