

RANK 447
214 Chapters 705K Views 3.19K Bookmarked Completed Status

Isaac novel is a popular light novel covering Comedy, Drama, and Fantasy genres. Written by the Author Chue Mong Gak. 214 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.


Insane. Traitor. Terrorist. The title given to Joon-young, a soldier who fought a lost war. Performing the most devious last stand befitting his titles, his memories were sent to another world. Now named Isaac, he seeks to live out his days in relative peace. But with his family wanting him dead he is sent to the Campus, the Empire’s greatest centre of Education, in hopes that he would be expelled and tarnish his position as the heir of his family. He is told that the school will treat him as if he doesn’t exist, that he isn’t protected by its rules. But Isaac, or Joon-young, sees it differently. There are no rules to hold him back from getting what he wants.

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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.

: 1 comment on Chapter 80: “I heard Sir Raynold was fired?”
: 1 comment on Chapter 71
: 1 comment on Chapter 50
: 1 comment on Chapter 43
: 1 comment on Chapter 41
  • RamenGuy 1

    Very good, and well written. The mc is genuinely so smart and makes it very entertaining. The only thing it lacks is 'direct action' and that's okay, it's really a lot of mind f*cking your enemies sort of action. I'm at volume 4 and am really happy with what's been happening so far. There's an interesting subplot beneath it all too and that's got me somewhat excited. The only real gripe I have is world building. What actually lies beyond the empire? Idk if I'm blind, but I haven't seen anything that happens beyond the empire get discussed. But honestly, I'm fine with that, it doesn't really affect how I feel for the novel. Easy 8/10.

    • Azaquela 9

      Does the mc get stronger?

  • Regismagni01 1

    This guy might be one of the best schemers in webnovels

  • Poro 1

    I agree. The epilogue was sh*t. literally destroyed a peak ending just to make it generic and happy.

    Edited: 2mo
  • Adoniz 1

    Good one. Ending after ending is not good

  • LordSovereign 1

    Incomplete. But d*mn what a ride. 8/10.

    Edited: 2mo
  • KP_Singh 1

    All you have to do is somehow bear the sudden paragraph changes And you will get the "HIDDEN GEM".

  • pengoo 4

    I finished. Thanks for the memories and journey. I had fun reading this novel. From all those mind blowing plots and twist to blood boiling actions and conspiracy, this novel truly made my reading hobby a good one. I will indulge myself to other novels now. See you all.

  • VoraciousPenguin 4

    well this novel was actually pretty amazing 8/10 my main complaint is that it should of ended at chapter 201 for anybody planning to read this novel i would say its preferred to stop at chapter 201 for the more proper ending

    Edited: 6mo
    • HemanthChandra 1

      why, its not that bad. of course, you have to take a break and read the rest. after all, at the ending of chapter 201, our emotions are at an all time high, no matter what.

      • VoraciousPenguin 4

        no i just feel like the best ending would be isaac dying

      • Ilythila 1

        this was my own fault for clicking on a spoiler out of curiosity.. but this is one I REALLY shouldn't have clicked on probably. Kinda made the novel a lot less interesting for me knowing this. For future readers, I highly recommend not spoiling yourself the ending of chapter 201 by clicking above.

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  • Weaver 3

    Does anyone know anything similar to this?

  • sword_thief 1

