Hermit Wizard

Rank 1199

List of reviews made by users for the Hermit Wizard novel.

7 users have written reviews for the Hermit Wizard novel and rated it with an average score of 2.6 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 1199th among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub FAN platform.

7 Reviews

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lnwUser90913 0
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

Honestly i dont know why people rate it so low, in the genre and the setting build in this story as a somewhat "slow novel" trying to get not in trouble and live his life with no bulshit but the trouble still are on him with a good logic and reasonning he get dragged in, its not like forced with bulshit and non-sense like all the other novel who "use" the "let me be alone and not in the spotlight" but its so false

This novel do it perfectly, yes its a slow novel but all the character have really good build and its quite deep and the MC situation, action and thought are really great, you really feel the desesperate situation he is in all is life, and how he struggle all the time to not drown
This is a slow burn story and mature content with lot of deep in the world building and though and action of the character and the plot, not the teenager fast action full of bs and wishefull fast fantasm we get everywhere

Well i guess its not for all because its somewhat a slow build and a specific genre but its refreshing to have a story in this style who have atleast a good build with the basic and fundamental done without all the bulshit/non-sense/plot-hole everywhere at every moment for forced situation and bs the author want for wishfull teenager
For all saying its boring, well it depend of people but its a slow plot who are quite deep, so not for everyone i guess (its not fast action with mc overpower and blabla)

In the type and genre of the novel and the setting and writing style, this story is quite "perfect"

Dont drop 1 star just because its not what you want without really looking at it and the good point it have and be more objective saying it just not for you

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Recorder 5
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

just copied some comments .this is an interesting concept but the execution was bad. It is extremely slow paced and the writing is too detailed for it to be enjoyable.

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ProcrastinatingWork 1
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

Got to chapter 54 and had to drop it. Just boring honestly. Has a great concept, but there is no hook or excitement. I should have guessed based on the title 'Hermit Wizard.' He doesn't want to be bothered by anything and if there is action he just summons some demon to do it for him while he chats with some other pointless character.

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lnwUser73454 1
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

In all honesty, this is an interesting concept but the execution was bad. It is extremely slow paced and the writing is too detailed for it to be enjoyable.

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Triceratrips 2
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

The story has an interesting premise. Unfortunately it is edited into English in a choppy manner that suggests it was run through google translate, and some of the content is obscured by the lack of proper translation. It is hard to read as a result, and the attraction of reading it lost very quickly. With proper editing this story has so much potential, but for now it's a dud.

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Mustard 0
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

It was an interesting concept at first but it got boring quick and the author realised that so they added two things 1. Over complexity, the characters just start saying different theories and formulas that you have to figure out yourself bro its magic say some fancy words and fire appears not that complicated 2. They just started adding stuff randomly like stuff just starts happening like MC has to go scam somebody oh no the rivers polluted I have to fix it oh jinkys monsters that we don't know what they look like have appeared

TL;DR author trys to make a world with lots of depth and lore but just ends up with a mish mash of different stuff happening

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Mako 0
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

It’s boring, and doesn’t make sense.
We had two full chapters praising a sassy vegan 20 meter tall Minotaur lady not wearing anything.. I honestly don’t understand what gets the author turned on.

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