Earth's Greatest Magus
Chapter 2038: Her Condition

The Bloodline Facility, Ouroboros:

A sleek silver spaceship emblazoned with a serpent marking descended gracefully to the ground. With urgency in her stride, Grand Magus Silviana Ouroboros swiftly emerged from the vessel, making a beeline for the facility.

As the Silver Serpent Queen, ruler of the planet, entered, an aura of power emanated from her, causing all in her path to bow in fear. She hastened to the facility's special room, where she beheld a young woman with silvery hair recovering inside a transparent tube.

The queen's expression tightened with concern as she took in the scene before her.

"It's been a few days," she remarked, her voice tinged with urgency. "Why has she still not awakened? What is her condition?"

Her query hung in the air, directed not at her son, the Prince Regent, but at the frog hybrid who stood nearby. Bob the gene master, ever dutiful, stepped forward to provide reassurance to his queen.

"Fear not, my queen," the attendant reassured. "She will awaken shortly."

He offered a concise explanation of the princess's condition. He informed the queen that Shinta had just broken through to rank 4 bloodlines, a significant development that required her body to adjust accordingly. However, he hinted at a deeper concern lurking beneath the surface.

The queen, attuned to the complexities of her granddaughter's condition, pressed for the unvarnished truth.

Bob revealed the crux of the issue. "Her wolf gene is becoming more potent," he confessed. "As a result, our current gene suppressant is proving less effective. While she will recover for now, we need to develop a more potent suppressant to safeguard her future."

Determined to spare no expense in aiding her daughter, the queen issued a resolute command. "Whatever resources you require to assist her, you shall have," she declared, her tone unwavering.

With a softer tone, Bob hesitated before continuing. "Your Majesty… you know what is required. We have exhausted our supply and require more samples…"

Before the queen could respond, Visla interjected, his voice laced with defiance. "No," he declared adamantly, his words cutting through the air like a blade. "We will never seek his assistance again. Never."

The queen's piercing gaze swiftly silenced Visla's outburst, and she redirected her attention to Bob, demanding further clarification

"We require more than just his blood; we need to conduct a continuous research..."

Upon hearing this, the queen interjected with unwavering resolve. "Do whatever is necessary to aid her, but I forbid you from disclosing her identity," she asserted firmly, her words carrying the weight of her authority.

Bob nodded solemnly, acknowledging the queen's decree. "Yes, Your Majesty, i understand."

The queen unexpectedly turned to Annara, the female magus who had been silent throughout the discussion, and asked, "Annara, what do you think?"

Annara paused for a moment, contemplating her response carefully. Sensing the queen's insistence, she finally spoke up. "My queen, I honestly believe we can't keep this secret from him any longer… especially now that she knows this much."

Upon hearing Annara's words, the queen let out a deep sigh and said,. "Do you know where he is right now?" she asked. After a brief pause, she continued, "He has just accepted a position as a Magus Academy instructor."

This revelation underscored the likelihood of Shinta crossing paths with 'him' if she were to attend the academy. The queen let out a rueful laugh, recognizing the irony of the situation. She turned to Visla and remarked, "It's funny, isn't it? If you hadn't argued with her and allowed her to go to the academy… she would still have ended up knowing the truth."

Once again, a brief silence filled the room before Annara spoke up. "Is it destiny, then? Should we allow them to meet?"

The queen let out another deep sigh, her expression betraying the weight of her thoughts. "I wish that were the only problem we have…" With those words hanging in the air, the queen cast one more glance at her granddaughter before departing, leaving lingering questions in everyone's minds.

As Bob had predicted, Shinta awoke the next day.

Yet, while her physical wounds had begun to knit together, the scars etched upon her mind remained raw and unhealed. Day after day, she found herself drawn to the hallowed grounds of her ancestors, where her mother's resting place lay. Standing before the solemn marker, she pleaded silently for any semblance of connection, yearning for even the faintest glimmer of recollection of memory.

The usually vibrant and energetic princess had fallen silent. The absence of her usual mischief began to draw attention, and many found themselves concerned for her.

Annara, who had always stayed close, was particularly troubled by Shinta's distress. There were words she longed to speak but found herself unable to articulate.

It was then that the queen summoned Annara to meet with her at the grand Ouroboros palace.

"You seek for me, Your Majesty. Anything I can do for you?" she said it respectfully.

"Annara, you have served the family for 15 years now. I called you to relieve you from your oath," the queen announced calmly.

Annara's heart skipped a beat as she listened to the queen's unexpected words. Her mind raced, trying to comprehend the meaning behind the queen's decision.

Her heart pounding, Annara quickly kneeled before the queen, her mind racing with thoughts, She couldn't help but think that the queen blamed her for what happened to Shinta. Although she has been staying true to her oath and never revealing any secrets, the girl was still her responsibility

"My queen, if I have let you down... Please forgive me..." she pleaded.

To her surprise, the queen responded with a warm smile "Oh, Annara... You still worry of making mistakes. No, no, your service has been exemplary,"

However, the queen added, "I have settled your remaining sentence with the alliance. You are now not a fugitive anymore. You are free to do anything you want."

Hearing this, Annara was not a little bit relieved. To be absolved of her fugitive status was an unexpected liberation. But she had not given any thought to leaving, Ouroboros had been her home, her refuge from the shadows of her previous life. She bowed even deeper as she said, "Please, my queen... let me stay serving you."

The Queen regarded her with a mix of compassion and solemnity. "I understand, Annara," She fell into deep thought before she said, "I actually have one wish... and as you are no longer bound to me, you may choose not to accept it..."


A few days later, destiny still came to Ouroboros City, this time in the form of a colossal ship. The vessel, adorned with the regal emblem of two-headed golden serpents, bore the unmistakable mark of the Serpent Supreme, the pinnacle authority of the Serpent bloodline.

An emissary emerged from the ship, a figure of grave significance, tasked with delivering a message of utmost importance to the city and its inhabitants.

With solemnity and authority, a grand magus emissary entered the halls of Ouroboros, commanding respect from all who beheld him. Addressing Queen Silviana directly, he spoke with unwavering conviction.

"Ouroboros Queen Silviana, the Supreme Emperor, has been made aware of the recent events. Our Lord deems you unfit to oversee the guardianship of the remarkable young talent, Shinta Ouroboros. It is his decree that she be brought to the capital, where she will receive guidance directly from the Supreme himself."

The words carried a weight that could not be ignored, but Visla, the Ouroboros prince regent, could not accept this mandate. Stepping forward with a sense of urgency and desperation, he addressed the emissary with a voice brimming with defiance.

"HOW DARE YOU!! She is my daughter!" His words echoed through the hall. His fists clenched at his sides as he continued, his eyes filled with determination and even ready to fight for her "You cannot take her!! Not even the might of the Em... "

Before Visla could finish his protest, Queen Silviana's voice thundered through the hall.


Her command was accompanied by a surge of her domain power, quelling Visla's words. Though the prince regent continued to struggle against the invisible force, his efforts were in vain. "No, Mother, don't..." he pleaded, but his mother stood firm, her resolve unyielding.

With a solemn expression, Queen Silviana accepted the Emperor's mandate. "I, Silviana Ouroboros, accept the Emperor's decree," she declared.

As the hours passed, the inevitable moment arrived. Despite protests, Shinta Ouroboros was escorted onto the spaceship. With heavy hearts, they watched as the spacecraft ascended into the sky, carrying their princess away. Emotions ran high as the reality of her departure settled in, leaving a palpable sense of emptiness in its wake.

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Chapter 2038: Her Condition
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