Earth's Greatest Magus
Chapter 2035: Transformation

With each activation of their serpent transformations, the battlefield ignited anew. Shura's form became enveloped in shimmering green scales, while Shinta's took on a darker, more ominous hue. As they clashed once again, their movements mirrored each other with uncanny precision, both enhanced by the serpentine power coursing through their veins. With heightened agility and strength, they lunged and parried, each maneuver a calculated attempt to gain the upper hand.

The spectacle unfolding before them left the elders in a state of both anxiety and fascination. They had witnessed Shura's prowess firsthand, her dominance over the other one hundred candidates was a testament to her skill. But, they had yet to witness the full extent of their princess's abilities.

"I am aware that Princess Shinta possesses a bloodline of mythical origin," one Elder remarked, his voice tinged with reverence. "However, Shura's lineage traces back to the Naga bloodline, a lineage that rivals even that of the dragons..."

Another Elder chimed in, his expression contemplative. "Indeed, despite Shura's bloodline limitations, which cap her at rank 6, she has already unlocked the potential of her rank 4 bloodline. As for the princess, her current standing in the Earth realm suggests that she is still confined to rank 3 of her bloodline... How, then, can they be this evenly matched?"

Upon hearing this, the Elder seated at the center began to perspire, a palpable tension settling over him as though he bore a weighty secret. "It... it must be that divine technique... yes! That's her advantage," he murmured, his voice betraying a hint of unease. "Not all royals could receive such a rare inheritance."

The other Elders nodded in silent agreement, understanding all too well the extent of the Queen's favoritism towards her beloved granddaughter. They were aware of the myriad unique inheritances that had been bestowed upon Princess Shinta, a testament to her esteemed position within the royal family.

However, the truth was far more nuanced. Princess Shinta had been born with a physique far stronger than that of her peers, borderline abnormal. Despite still being in the Earth realm stage, her innate battle prowess rivaled that of a ranked 9 acolyte.

Yet, her bloodline had reached a bottleneck at rank 3 for some time, presenting a significant disadvantage. This limitation meant that the enhancements from her transformation could not match those of her opponent, leaving her heavily reliant on the [Slithering Cloud Steps] technique to level the playing field.

Unfortunately, Shinta had yet to fully master the intricacies of this divine technique. Each misstep she made caused her movements to falter, leaving her vulnerable. Shura, with her extensive combat experience, proved adept at exploiting these weaknesses. With each passing minute, she keenly observed the openings in Shinta's technique, biding her time until she felt confident enough to strike.

Then, in a sudden explosion of motion, Shura launched a devastating palm strike that found its mark deep in Shinta's waist, sending her staggering back several steps. Drawing upon her training as a seasoned Ouroboros fighter, Shura showed no mercy, seizing the opportunity to unleash a flurry of critical strikes.


Shinta found herself in dire straits, unable to effectively block or evade the onslaught of attacks. Desperate to create some distance between herself and her relentless opponent, she frantically retreated, her mind racing as she sought to regroup and reassess her strategy.

As the battle unfolded, the Elders watched with growing concern, their hearts heavy with the weight of Shinta's impending defeat. They knew that if Princess Shinta were to sustain serious injury, the wrath of the Serpent Queen would be swift and unforgiving. Yet, much to their dismay, Shinta showed no signs of yielding, her relentless determination only serving to heighten their anxiety.

Shinta had no intention of surrendering. This fight held immense significance for her, and she remained steadfast in her resolve to emerge victorious. Though she struggled to keep pace with Shura's relentless assault, she bided her time, waiting for the opportune moment to turn the tide in her favor. However, with each passing moment, her spirits waned, her inability to effectively counter Shura's movements weighing heavily upon her.

Moreover, Shinta harbored other concerns about the prolonged battle. She knew that she wasn't supposed to remain in her transformed state for more than ten minutes. Beyond that threshold, something within her body began to stir—a primal, beastly urge that stood in stark contrast to the refined impulses of her serpent lineage.

"No, this is the only way to defeat her... I have to win!" she declared, her voice tinged with determination as she grappled with the overwhelming urge surging within her.

With a resolute gesture, Shinta relinquished control, allowing the primal instincts coursing through her veins to surge forth. Gradually, she felt her body undergo a profound transformation

—a metamorphosis heralded by a surge of primal power.

[Your bloodline went through changes.]

The transformation swept over Shinta with an undeniable force, manifesting visibly on her two arms as dark crystallized fur that replaced her once sleek scales. Sharp claws sprouted on her fingers, gleaming with a newfound potency that heralded a staggering increase in her battle prowess.

As the transformation took hold, Shinta's fighting style underwent a dramatic shift, catching both Shura and the watching Elders off guard. Gone was the graceful finesse of her previous techniques; in its place emerged a ferocious flurry of claw strikes that reverberated throughout the arena.

"What... is happening?!"

The unforeseen transformation not only caught Shura off guard but also presented an opportunity for Shinta to seize control of the battle. With a decisive ferocity, Shinta launched herself into a relentless assault, her powerful claws and swift kicks overwhelming Shura within a matter of seconds.

Realizing the futility of continuing the fight, Shura conceded defeat with a deep sense of respect for Shinta's newfound prowess. "You win"

Upon emerging victorious, Shinta's demeanor was markedly different from her usual lively self. Instead of engaging in conversation with the elders, she swiftly departed from the hall, leaving everyone confused.

Waiting for her in the hallway was a woman with crimson hair, her face contorted with rage as she admonished Shinta. "You shouldn't have done that," she exclaimed, her voice laced with concern.

Despite her anger, the woman's worry was palpable as she produced a pill and handed it to Shinta, urging her to consume it. Only after Shinta had taken the pill did her agitation begin to subside, replaced by a sense of remorse as she addressed the woman with an apologetic tone. "Aunty... i am sorry." She then turned to smile, adding, "...Let's go see my father,"

Chapter 2035: Transformation
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