Earth's Greatest Magus
Chapter 2026: Legacy

Dillion's revelation about his knowledge of Emery's past left the group in awe. It was unexpected to learn that Dillion, who had carved out his own reputation among the upper echelons of the academy, had drawn inspiration from Emery's legacy. Even Kat couldn't conceal her surprise at this revelation.

However, the mood quickly shifted as Dillion's tone took on a more serious note.

With a penetrating gaze, he posed a direct question to Emery, his voice tinged with earnestness and expectation.

"Magus, truthfully, I was against the idea of this lower realm hall, but with you as the instructor, it might be possible. Can you assure me that you will bring as much commitment as you did in the past? Are you willing to challenge all those above you?"

Emery met the young man serious gaze with his own determined one. "Yes, all the way to the peak," he affirmed.

Hearing Emery's firm assurance, Dillion showed a profound gesture of respect as he dropped to one knee.

"Then, please allow me to join your hall," he requested. His decisiveness and willingness to forsake his current standing among the top halls in favor of Hall 120 spoke volumes about his determination.

Emery was deeply touched by Dillion's unwavering resolve and accepted the young man.

In the wake of Dillion's decisive declaration, a ripple of determination spread through the group like wildfire. With unwavering resolve, all twelve acolytes behind him echoed his sentiments in unison, their voices ringing out with a fervor that reverberated through the yard. "Allow us to join your hall!" they proclaimed in unison, their words carrying the weight of their collective determination.

Kat, initially taken aback by the sudden turn of events, quickly recovered, her surprise giving way to a wide smile of genuine enthusiasm. "Big sister is ready to join this hall too!"

With the addition of Dillion and his companions, the number of applications skyrocketed, adding fourteen new acolytes to their ranks in one fell swoop.

[Application received - 32]

The sudden influx of new members was cause for celebration, and Emery wasted no time in organizing a feast to commemorate the occasion. They conjured forth a dazzling array of dishes and drinks from the academy crystals, filling the air with tantalizing aromas and vibrant colors.

As the feast commenced, the newly joined acolytes took turns introducing themselves, their voices ringing out with a sense of camaraderie and unity. Each declaration was met with cheers and applause, as they celebrated not only their individual journeys but also the collective bond that united them.

"With Master Emery leading the way, there's no limit to what we can achieve!"

"All the way to the top!"

After the celebratory feast concluded, the following morning saw a flurry of activity as the newly joined acolytes prepared to finalize their transfers and move into their new halls, eager to embark on the next phase of their training journey.

Meanwhile, Emery, Klea, and Ashaka convened to assess the talent they had assembled. While their numbers were now sufficient, they recognized that success in the upcoming Magus games would hinge not just on quantity but on the quality of their acolytes. These games were known for intense individual and group battles, often dominated by the formidable prowess of rank 9 acolytes.

Unfortunately, the newly recruited acolytes, with their initial B-level aptitudes, would require more time and training to reach such heights. With only eighteen spots remaining in the hall, it was imperative that they become more discerning in their selections if they hoped to field a competitive team.

As they deliberated on their recruitment strategy, Klea raised a pertinent question. "What about the half-blood community? Have they reached out yet?"

Emery nodded thoughtfully. "Not yet, but they should be contacting us soon."

Klea smiled, recognizing the potential value of recruiting half-

blood acolytes. "Good. Having a few half-bloods among us could significantly bolster our overall strength."

However, Klea then announced her intention to leave for a few days, surprising Emery. He couldn't fathom why she needed to travel off-planet for recruitment purposes. "Where are you going?" he inquired, puzzled by her sudden decision.

"I'm going to meet a friend," Klea replied cryptically. "Just save me one spot," she added before departing, leaving Emery with more questions than answers.


The sudden emergence of Hall 120 caused a buzz throughout the academy, attracting the attention of multiple factions. Among them was the Nephilim faction, which boasted six halls under its banner. In response, a discussion ensued among five of their instructors from the higher and middle halls.

"Hmm, that Earth faction, aren't they supposed to be our subsidiary faction? That young magus didn't even bother to pay his respects," remarked one of the instructors.

"It's not surprising. He has the deputy to back him up," another replied.

However, a more authoritative figure among them turned his gaze to one of them and spoke sternly, "Alpes, it seems you've failed miserably. You shouldn't have relied on that lowly ice instructor, Servian. You should have handled it yourself."

Feeling the weight of his mistake, he quickly responded, "Yes, Grand Magus, it's my fault. I'll rectify the situation."

The Grand Magus scoffed, "What can you do now? They've managed to fill up their class, even attracting acolytes like Dillion. His transfer to that lowly hall is an insult to us all!"

One of the other Grand Magus, maintaining a calm demeanor, intervened, "Let's not act rashly. Do we truly need to entertain requests from the Kronos faction?" He added, "Although it's no secret that Lord Ajax holds disdain for this Earth faction, Princess Jinkan, his daughter, shares a special relationship with them. Unless our Lord himself requests so, I believe it would be wise to do nothing."

However, the Grand Magus, with a more serious tone, interjected, "You're misinformed. This request didn't come from the Kronos faction; it came directly from Lady Ishtar. It's a serious matter. Apparently, this Earth faction is implicated in the death of her brother."

The mention of Lady Ishtar's name and the gravity of the situation silenced the Grand Magus who had spoken earlier. After a moment, he asked, "So, what's the plan?"


Chapter 2026: Legacy
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