Earth's Greatest Magus
Chapter 1800: Supreme King

As the spirit swords sliced through the air towards Emery, he remained surprisingly composed. He made no move to dodge but instead extended his hand, catching the first spirit sword with ease. The clang of metal against his finger reverberated through the room. It was a display of his extraordinary control over spirit energy.

In a swift and fluid motion, five more spirit swords followed the first. Emery now realized the orchestrated attack and responded swiftly. He channeled his spirit energy into his defensive spell, [Aegis of the Void], forming a protective barrier that shattered the oncoming spirit swords into harmless fragments. It was a breathtaking display of mastery over his abilities.

Nyx, initially alarmed by the sudden attack, was reassured by Jinkan's calm demeanor. Julian, too, understood the situation and remained composed.

The ones who had attacked Emery were the Centauri magus guards, all acting under the watchful gaze of multiple figures who waited at the end of the room. Seated upon a grand throne was a dominating figure with pale blue skin.

His eyes glittered with amusement as he laughed heartily and remarked, "That was much too easy." He then pointed at a young man adorned in shining silver and blue armor, instructing him to join the fight.

Emery, still remarkably collected, stepped forward to accept the challenge. The confidence in the young man's demeanor was underscored by an unmistakable aura of a full moon magus. He introduced himself with pride, his voice steady and determined.

"I am Lambert of the Centauri Kings guard," he declared, drawing a gleaming silver sword from its scabbard. Emery acknowledged the person on the throne with a respectful nod and unsheathed his own twin swords, one black and one white. The room held its breath as the two formidable opponents prepared to engage in a mesmerizing dance of swordplay.

[Immortal gate]

Emery, bolstered by the newfound power he had gained from the Immortal Gate, calmly accepted the incoming sword strike from Lambert, the King's Guard.


Their blades clashed, creating an intense reverberation that sent pulsating shockwaves throughout the grand hall. Lambert displayed exceptional swordsmanship, his strikes emanating a dominating sword aura that challenged even Emery's prowess. To counter this, Emery relied on his trusted [Dao Divine Sword], which he wielded with a fluidity that alternated between slow and fast rhythms to absorb the powerful blows.

After a dozen exchanges of blows, Emery realized that his current approach was insufficient for this battle of swords. Instead of halting the combat, the King on the throne, intrigued and said. "Don't hide your strength," the King urged. "Let me see what you're truly capable of."

Responding to this request, the king sent two additional figures to enter the fray. A striking young woman with azure hair and one familiar figure whom Emery had seen during the previous day's Spirit Master competition.

Confidently, the newcomer introduced himself "I am Ignatius. Prepare yourself for my Spirit Sword."

In response to his words, Ignatius conjured a dozen spirit swords, each exuding a formidable aura, which hovered menacingly throughout the hall. Meanwhile, the young woman approached Emery with an air of casual confidence. Each step she took caused the ground beneath her to freeze, and she began to chant an incantation, materializing a frozen spear in her hands.

Realizing that both of these adversaries were far from ordinary magus, Emery had no choice but to reveal the extent of his own power.

Emery, realizing the need to tap into his full potential, swiftly drew his two swords, and in a moment of intense concentration, he invoked the [Twilight Transformation]. As the transformation took hold, his form shifted into that of a powerful and imposing wolf. Simultaneously, he harnessed the chaotic energy within him, enhancing his wolf form to a dominating level.

With his enchanted blade claws at the ready, Emery met each of his opponents' attacks head-on, fiercely countering their every move. His swift and precise strikes canceled out their assaults one after another, showcasing his newfound prowess.

However, just as the battle was reaching its peak, an enigmatic aura descended upon the hall, accompanied by a commanding voice that pierced through the chaos.

"That's enough," the voice declared.

In response to this voice, the Centauri Supreme King, who had been observing the battle with keen interest, applauded the combatants. His gesture was a signal for them to cease their conflict.

"Come forward," the King beckoned, inviting Emery to approach.

The reputation of the Supreme Magus had preceded him, and Emery was aware that the king was known for his fondness for battles and intriguing challenges. The attack by the Centauri magus guards had likely been orchestrated as a test of Emery's abilities, a way for the Supreme King to personally gauge his strength.

Returning to his human form, Emery demonstrated his respect for the Supreme King by gracefully kneeling before him. He acknowledged the king's status as the ruler of the sector containing his home planet and conveyed his reverence through this gesture.

The Supreme King's aura was overwhelming, and Emery could feel his mental defenses crumbling under the scrutiny of the Supreme Magus's gaze. It was as if the Supreme King could see right through him, even detecting the presence of the Khaos guardian within him.

"You are indeed an interesting young magus," the Supreme King remarked, his voice resonating with authority. "I am certain you will bring more surprises to our sector."

With a nod of approval, the Supreme King turned his attention to Jinkan, acknowledging her presence. He said, "I like the plan, you may tell your father that Proxima agreed with the proposal."

Once Jinkan received the king's confirmation, she wore a triumphant smile as she replied, "Yes, Your Majesty. My father will be pleased to hear of your agreement."

Emery, ever vigilant and wary of Jinkan's schemes, couldn't help but wonder about her true intentions. He realized that he was once again being drawn into her intricate plans, and he refused to be a pawn in her manipulative schemes any longer.

He muttered to himself, "What the hell is she planning now?"

Chapter 1800: Supreme King
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