Earth's Greatest Magus
Chapter 1751: New Generation

As the battles raged on, the atmosphere in the arena became increasingly electrifying. Each duel was a display of sheer skill and determination, with warriors from different cultures showcasing their distinct fighting styles, strategies, and weapons. Every strike, parry, and dodge was cheered on by an audience that was as diverse as the fighters themselves.

During a brief interlude, Emery's attention was drawn to Julian. His old friend descended from his grand chair, a symbol of his newfound status, and approached the group of young Roman centurions. Even from a distance, Emery could see Julian gesturing, possibly giving advice or tactical inputs. The youthful soldiers hung onto his every word, their eyes gleaming with reverence and admiration.

Emery realized the strategic brilliance behind the display. The Romans were using the event not just for entertainment but as a stage to showcase their next generation of warriors. The implicit message was clear: Rome's future would be prosperous in the hands of these talented, young centurions who were already displaying skill levels on par with seasoned fighters.

What was particularly alarming wasn't just the strength and number of young warriors present, but the vast tapestry of backgrounds they hailed from. Half of these young warriors were not originally Roman by birth. The swarthy skin of a Thracian stood juxtaposed against the blonde hair of a Dane, and the piercing eyes of a Gaul met the fierce gaze of a warrior from Germania.

But what struck Emery the most was the unwavering admiration that glimmered in their eyes. Whenever they spoke of "Kaesar", it wasn't with resentment, but with a reverence that was both confounding and disturbing. It spoke of a loyalty that was either expertly cultivated or ruthlessly enforced.

This was no mere display of Rome's military prowess; it was an unmistakable declaration of Rome's escalating dominance.

As dusk gave way to night, and the torches around the arena flared brighter, casting dramatic shadows, the score was announced. With the Romans leading by 14 to 10, Julian resumed his role as the host.

With a voice that boomed across the arena, he extended his heartfelt gratitude to all participants and invited them to a gracious feast.

When the host exited the arena, the atmosphere among the attendees shifted. As the vast crowds started to disperse, a palpable undertone of discontent began to ripple through certain factions. It was in this charged environment that Gwen made her move, striding with purpose towards the group from Brittania, where King Arthur and his knight stood.

As she neared, Arthur's eyes widened in shock, a mixture of disbelief and recognition coloring his features. "Gwen?" he uttered, his voice laced with confusion. "How? Why are you here?"

However, the King's eyes soon shifted, landing on another familiar face in the crowd. Emery seemed to be the unintended recipient of Arthur's accusatory glare. The undercurrent of blame was evident, but Emery chose to momentarily ignore Arthur's silent accusations and instead focused on reconnecting with other acquaintances.

As the attendees made their way towards the grand dining table set up for the feast, Emery scanned the area, searching for the two individuals he held in high regard. But his hopes were dashed when he learned that The Abbot, along with a young monk accompanying him, had chosen to retreat to their quarters for meditation instead of joining the festivities.

With the Abbot absent, Emery's attention was drawn to the group of Danes who were immersed in their merry-making. Raising his cup of wine in a silent salute, he paid his respects to the Shaman King, acknowledging their shared past. However, not wanting to intrude on their revelry, he decided to move on.

Emery was relieved that Fjolnir seemed to have any inkling about his true identity. This revelation bolstered his confidence in his abilities to navigate this complex web of alliances and enmities.

At the end of the feast, the Roman dictator once again made an announcement about the main summit event scheduled for the next day.

"Have a good rest, we will meet again tomorrow"

Observing the genuine camaraderie and the spirit of sportsmanship on display, Emery felt his initial apprehensions of Julian fade away. It seemed this friend of his had grown not just in power but in wisdom and diplomacy.

Perhaps he was mistaken about him and to clear things up, it's probably best to approach the man with his real identity. Emery decided to follow the man and was ready to reconnect when a sudden shift in the energy of the place made him halt.

Two magus, the one he had not seen, appear before Julian. Their approach was non-threatening, almost friendly. But Emery's heart sank as he recognized them. The duo — a man and a woman — were Magus of the Kronoss faction.

Emery's internal alarms blared. What could their presence here mean?

Chapter 1751: New Generation
  • 14
  • 16
  • 18
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  • 22
  • 24
  • 26
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