Earth's Greatest Magus
Chapter 1742: Khaos

Emery awake with the news that Killagragah had finally accepted him. This recognition signified a monumental shift in his journey. He now held two of the coveted four Khaos Gate pieces.

However, possessing these two pieces didn't grant him the privilege to wield their powers simultaneously. It was a choice, he could harness the energy of one gate or the other, but never both at once.

And then there was the matter of Killagragah's unique elemental mastery. The dragon was proficient in manipulating fire and lightning. Emery, though capable, was not yet versed in these elements. If he wished to truly tap into the dragon's reservoir of strength, rigorous training awaited him.

As the recognized champion of the Famine gate, a new privilege was bestowed upon him. The stone door, which had stood imposingly in chamber was now accessible to him.

Finally after more than 10 years, the door was open were open for him.

With a mixture of excitement and reverence, Emery approached the door. The intricate carvings on its surface seemed to dance and beckon him closer. Without hesitation, he reached out, touching its cold, hard surface. In an instant, the world shifted around him, the familiar surroundings melting away.

When his vision cleared, he found himself back to the familiar ruins of the Khaos Domain. But this time, it was different. Emery could distinctly feel the connection emanating from two of the four gates. It was as if they were alive, reaching out to him. The very guardians of these gates seemed to be whispering, their voices echoing in the recesses of his mind.

Feeling their presence more intensely now, Emery voiced the question that had been burning in his mind. "Now, tell me more about harnessing this power. What can I truly achieve with it?"

The guardians of the Khaos realm were ancient beings, bound by codes older than time itself. Emery's command resonated with them, prompting them to weave the intricate secrets of Khaos into the fabric of his thoughts.

A newfound understanding dawned upon Emery. The dual doors, symbolic of the two gates he now possessed, functioned like mystical tunnels. They allowed him to traverse vast distances. For instance, if he positioned the Pestilence gate in Zodiac City he could effortlessly oscillate between Earth and the half blood city.

Eager to test the boundaries of this power, he inquired, "Is it just me? Or is it possible to bring along someone else?"

The guardians' response was swift, echoing in his mind like a gentle breeze,

<You possess the ability to bring others. However, only those who can withstand the raw intensity of Khaos... the seeds.>

Emery's eyebrows knitted in confusion, "The seed? Elaborate."

<Before you embraced the mantle of the champion, you too were once a seed. Morgana, she too is a seed.>

A cascade of realization washed over Emery. The term 'seed' denoted those chosen by the Khaos, individuals who bore its mark and were potential candidates for the champion's title. These seeds, apart from their potential, had a unique gift; they could establish waypoints. And Emery, as a guardian, had the privilege to access these waypoints, granted the seed gave their consent.

Being a champion came with its own set of perks. Emery could now, if he wished, choose a handful of individuals to become seeds. There was, however, a catch. The chosen ones had to have an innate affinity towards the darkness element, and able to received the power of Khaos.

The restrictive nature of this clause did leave a tinge of disappointment in Emery. Yet, he couldn't deny the immense benefits this newfound knowledge presented.

Emery tilted his head back, allowing his gaze to stretch upwards, getting lost in the vast expanse above him. The dark space were dotted with an array of floating rocks. These were all waypoints, a tunnel leads to other place.

Now tell me about all these waypoints, there must be thousands, if not more?"

The answer was disappointing.

<While we stand sentinel over the gates, we do not actively monitor the waypoints. I think there were about 3000 of them now. Unfortunately, many have dimmed, their life force extinguished over time.>

Emery let out a long, drawn-out sigh, his shoulders sagging slightly. Probing a single waypoint was no simple feat. To thoroughly inspect them all, one by one, would require weeks, if not months, of unwavering focus and energy.

The truth Emery was excited to check them one by one, however the immediate concerns demanded his attention, and he had to prioritize.

Emery once again gaze toward the black crystal at the center of the ruin, the visions of his earlier encounters danced before his eyes. The formidable task of collecting all four gates from the Khaos entity wasn't just a mission; it was a destiny he was intertwined with.

Eyes narrowing with determination and fueled by newfound curiosity, he queried, "There's more to this. The four gates... what do they truly represent? What power do they hold?"

Killgragah responded, <Absolute power, what more to explain?> The weight of his words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken truths.

But it was Cthulhu who elaborated further, <Its the of Power of cosmos, a way to reach a pinnacle of strength to any beings in the universe>

Emery's heart raced. This 'Cosmic Power' was not just a step but leaps beyond the power of laws. It was a force that could challenge the esteemed path of the grand magus. Emery's mind wandered back to the fateful confrontation with Zenonia. Harnessing the might of Khaos, he had tasted an inkling of this potent force. The allure of delving deeper into the mysteries of Khaos became irresistibly stronger.

Emery ruminated on his own progression. He had surpassed 30% in total law comprehension, a milestone few reached. In theory, has the soul force to harness the cosmic energy. But he also knew the challenges ahead. His late Senior, Lord Izta, had met the prerequisites yet spent nearly a millennium striving in vain to achieve the grand magus tier. And Fuxi, had only ascended when his comprehension neared the 50% mark.

Determined, Emery resolved that uncovering the mysteries of Khaos would be his next great expedition. However, amidst these grand aspirations, Emery was tethered by his roots and responsibilities. An instinctual urge prompted him to refocus on the present, on the immediate world outside the Khaos domain. To check on situation close to home.

Drawing a deep breath, he resolutely stated, "Time to check, what's happening out there"

Chapter 1742: Khaos
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