Dungeon Predator (WN)
Dungeon Predator (WN)

Dungeon Predator (WN)

RANK 716
594 Chapters 697K Views 1.58K Bookmarked Completed Status


Dungeon Predator (WN) novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Fantasy, and Sci-fi genres. Written by the Author Hodam. 594 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.


[Class changing to the hidden class, Magic Swordsman.] [You are the first one to discover the hidden dungeon.] [You are the first one to discover the hidden…] [You are the first one…] [You are…]

I’m a gamer who uses ESP.

Let me tell you everything.

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  • PetroL 1

    Finally done. If I had to give my opinion, this novel is mid, something to read when there's nothing else. It's very chill, not good but not bad. Some overly long parts could be annoying, but as I said, it's a 5/10, so skipping some sections doesn’t really affect the reading experience

  • KanaKuma2807 12

    I think from start to end, it was quite entertaining. There are a few downsides namely the pace becomes quite fast near the ending and the ending did leave out some questions unanswered but overall quite good. The writer does well to incorporate events that happened early on into the story however, it is basically only mentioned with practically no influence on the story later. There is also a slight lack of side character development but it really doesn’t influence the main story. So overall, great story which has a strong start with a weaker but still strong ending. 4.5/5.0

    Edited: 1y
  • Ryzee 2

    His sword life steal is basically useless it's more like a decoration. It even doesn't get mentioned in the battle

    • Asceleon 2

      Except ubist, author nerfed everything, sarahoff, blood, and even his hyper intuition. ((( ̄へ ̄井)

      Edited: 1y
  • Ryzee 2

    The plot is ... Truck-kun failed Isekai the MC he only got his cheat skill instead of getting Isekai'd 😂

  • AncestorDuck 7

    when starts the romance

    • KanaKuma2807 12

      Dating starts at Chapter 151 which should be obvious due to the chapter title. The romance starts earlier however, the relationship is more progressive than spontaneous so I think 151 is a better mark than the earlier chapters.

      • AncestorDuck 7

        A little late but thanks. Payment; 1 Like

      • KanaKuma2807 12

        Lol sorry, I had just finished reading the novel by the time I commented. I usually go through the comments after finishing the novel since I am a little inexperienced with keeping up with comments

      • AncestorDuck 7

        No problem, I haven't started the novel yet anyway.

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  • EnGarde 11

    So hes a predator?

    • CandleLight 5

      You know I’m sort of a dungeon predator myself

    • KanaKuma2807 12

      It’s his nickname as one of the top players. The addition of dungeon is added later and the reason is explained.

    • Deedrunner 5

      Of children. 🧒

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  • AeonHeals 4

    Fun to read novel with a pretty good MC, some romance, interesting fight scenes. I really enjoyed it. The MC is smart and ruthless, and is always looking to make some money. He gets some OP ability that lets him catch up with high rank players yet overall it's pretty well balanced. Really recommend reading it.

  • Chef_UwU_062373 1

    Hoping for Season 2 if there are

  • TheQuestionofChaos 3

    Is there only fighting in the game world or do they fight in the real world with magic

  • TheOneWhoConquersDea 1

    I'm currently at chapter 64 and it's good
