Doomsday Spiritual Artifact Master
Chapter 62.2: Tongwan Hospital (16)

Chapter 62.2 – Tongwan Hospital (16)

◎ Bloody Hunter ◎

The Alliance had various forces pursuing Xie Zhuo. However, the mission of the Azure Phoenix’s 11th Squad was different from the others. It was an contradictory task, defying the Alliance’s instructions to “eliminate the key as soon as possible.” The unspoken part of the order was “protect and bring back Xie Zhuo.”

This was a mission conflicting with the Alliance’s directives. Even though they fought side by side, Wu Juemin had never revealed this to his teammates. He had been carrying this secret mission, enduring it until today. Finally, he had found Xie Ningyu, a glimmer of hope, but it was mercilessly crushed by Punk.

Xie Ningyu was already dead, and Ouyang Pei had lost his breath.

Wu Juemin withdrew his hands from the two of them, his voice like a storm about to break.

“You killed a soldier indiscriminately.”

Punk smirked wickedly, despite saying, “Sorry, it was an accident.”

Although he said that, there was no trace of remorse on his face.

Wu Juemin’s fists clenched. “You must pay the price.”

His figure disappeared, instantly appearing nearby. Sanada Nobumasa and his subordinates were caught in intense combat with the remaining members of the 11th Squad.

“Captain Wu, it’s better to surrender and confess to the military,” Sanada Nobumasa didn’t forget to “kindly” advise.

Punk next to him smiled contemptuously, his mental power surge, blood beads congealed, heading straight for Wu Juemin in the crowd.

The prelude to an explosion crackled in the air. This was his S-level ability: blood explosion.

As long as fresh blood still flowed within the enemy’s body, it could be detonated at any time, turning into a puddle of muck.

A nimble figure suddenly jumped down from the roof, blocking in front of Wu Juemin, swiftly opening a blue giant umbrella. Blood beads burst on the umbrella surface one after another. Song Ke was pushed back by the powerful force, leaving long marks as she dragged her feet. She looked down, and the spiritual tool umbrella’s surface was penetrated by blood, thin as cicada wings, thoroughly damaged.

Punk could actually destroy her spiritual tool.

Song Ke instantly realized that with such a powerful ability, there was only one possibility: the opponent was an S-level awakener!

“More help?” Sanada Nobumasa sneered. “Are you here to die together?”

“What are you doing here?!” Wu Juemin discovered Song Ke, his eyes wide in surprise, his voice stern.

“Just passing by,” Song Ke replied.

“It’s none of your business, don’t interfere, get lost!” Wu Juemin’s tone was harsh, even using foul language, something he would never usually say.

Song Ke ignored him, her gaze fixed on the bored Punk.

Punk glanced at her like she was insignificant, slowly stepping into the battlefield. With each step, members of the 11th Squad fell, and the brutal human fireworks continued to burst, filling the air with the nauseating smell of blood.

At the same time, Sanada Nobumasa also charged towards Wu Juemin.

Song Ke swiftly moved forward, blocking Sanada Nobumasa. He contemptuously told her to “get lost,” not taking her seriously at all.

Sanada Nobumasa’s metallic arms attacked, but unexpectedly collided with an even harder blade edge. Song Ke wielded dual knives, her mental power spiraling out, leveraging her entire body’s weight to jump high, and then she spun and slashed down!

Sanada Nobumasa had no choice but to block passively. “Clang!”

The metal abilities of the two clashed. Sanada Nobumasa’s metallic arm cracked and shattered inch by inch, the arm that had just been repaired was instantly broken!

His face turned pale with disbelief as he shouted, “Who the hell are you?!”

On the other side, Wu Juemin and Punk exchanged blows several times. Wu Juemin knew he was no match and could only fight desperately.

His abilities surged, and his speed unexpectedly doubled. Dozens of clones darted around, launching fierce and impenetrable attacks.

If it were anyone else, even A-level like Sanada Nobumasa, they would have long been overwhelmed. But Punk effortlessly dodged, commenting indifferently, “You’re indeed good among A-levels, but unfortunately, I haven’t tasted blood in a long time. So you… are undoubtedly dead.”

In an instant, Wu Juemin appeared in the air, aiming the particle gun at Punk’s head and pulling the trigger.

In that moment, Punk caught a glimpse of his afterimage. His fingers spasmed and trembled, an excited and cruel bloodthirsty look on his contorted face. His expanding mental power created intense fluctuations.

Song Ke sensed the immense ability and suddenly had an ominous feeling.

She couldn’t care about Sanada Nobumasa, hastily turning around and sprinting towards Wu Juemin.

All the clones exploded in a bloody mist. Wu Juemin’s figure abruptly stopped, and Punk reached out, forcibly seizing him from the air.

The particle gun hit Punk; half of his face was grazed by the super-powered particles, emitting a burnt stench.

But Punk didn’t care. He licked his lips, lightly mimicking the sound of fireworks blooming: “Boom.”

The next second.

Crimson fireworks continued to burst, and Wu Juemin sprayed blood from his mouth, plummeting straight down.

“Wu Juemin!”

Song Ke shouted, running to catch him as he fell.

Wu Juemin, on the ground, became a bloodied figure.

The endless blood couldn’t be stopped. Song Ke covered his mouth, but it flowed out from his abdomen, and as she blocked it there, it flowed from his head, as if wanting to completely drain him.

Wu Juemin couldn’t speak. He extended a weak hand and weakly pushed Song Ke away: “Go…”

His once serious and calm eyes gradually dimmed, finally losing their luster.

Tears soaked Song Ke’s eye sockets, blurring her vision. She clenched her teeth, gripping the spiritual tool.

“Punk! Are you insane? He’s the captain of Azure Phoenix squad. By killing him, do you want to be sent to a military court?”

Sanada Nobumasa’s arm broke, his face contorted in pain, and he shouted in disbelief.

Punk’s sinister gaze was fixed on him. “As long as everyone here is dead, no one will know.”

Sanada Nobumasa felt a chill down his spine, a relentless threat, a sheer menace. This executioner was nothing but a pure killing machine, utterly insane!

What was wrong with the Alliance’s higher-ups, releasing him for a mission!

Wu Juemin was dead.

The people he brought were all killed.

The Azure Phoenix 11th Squad… completely wiped out.

Song Ke slowly stood up.

So, this was what Ilya meant, the real bloodshed and violence.

Punk’s murderous gaze locked onto the only person standing in the arena. “Only one left.”

Song Ke had no expression on her face. The blue light flickered in her palm, and a cold, elegant jagged blade, over three meters long, suddenly appeared. Unlike before, the blue light on the blade was astonishingly bright, a manifestation of filled awakened energy.

Punk sneered and met her head-on. He had just approached Song Ke when he instantly realized something was wrong. Song Ke held a blade several times larger than her body, yet her movements were exceptionally agile. The sharp edge effortlessly cut through his skin, and the domineering and majestic awakened energy followed. His hundred-kilogram body was overturned, tumbling and rolling several times.

Punk propped himself up with one hand, barely stopping his retreat. A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, followed by an excited, light laughter.

“S-level strong attack type? Interesting, hahahaha! Interesting!”

“Who would’ve thought that in this trash heap, there’s actually a hidden expert. Let’s use you for the next fireworks!”

Song Ke remained as cold as ice, her assault relentless, the intent to kill surging as she continued her attacks. As long as she got close, Punk had no chance to retaliate, unable even to counter with blood beads. He rolled and dodged, struggling to evade.

Blood mist continuously erupted around him, but she dodged quickly, avoiding it.

The first strike, hitting the left arm.

The second strike, hitting the back.

The third strike…

Taking advantage of the gap between him twitching and falling to the ground, Song Ke kicked in mid-air, kicking over that ugly face. The blue light on her right hand flashed violently, and an emei thorn suddenly appeared, piercing Punk’s intact other eye fiercely! Blood suddenly surged out.

Immediately after that, she took action with her cold jagged blade, seeing that the fatal blade was about to fall and decapitate Punk’s head—

On Punk’s left half of the face, the pale eye suddenly flickered.

The surrounding time seemed to slow down, then slow down again, freezing into still frames, and then rapidly rewinding.

The unexpected turn of events happened too suddenly. Just a second ago, Song Ke was only a few steps away from him. The next moment, she was pulled back several meters away.


A few seconds ago, the fireworks she had avoided exploded again.

The world fell silent.

Song Ke lowered her head, a crimson mist appearing in her mouth.

Punk was covered in blood, struggling to stand up.

No one knew that he was actually an S-level dual-ability awakener, with the first ability being blood explosions, and the second hidden ability—time reversal.

Punk, badly injured, took a step forward, glaring viciously at Song Ke lying on the ground. This person had pushed him to such a miserable state, causing him embarrassment and pain. She had even destroyed his other eye. He wanted to personally kill her.

“I will turn you into the most splendid fireworks.”

“A world without you is a realm of darkness~”

A melodious song rang in the ears of everyone, and suddenly, for Punk and Sanada Nobumasa, everything became chaotic, and they couldn’t see anything clearly.

Shrouded by the song, a ghostly figure darted into the scene, scooping up Song Ke and disappearing into the darkness.

Trying to escape? Today, no matter who comes, their lives will remain here.

Punk activated his ability, time reversal. His vision instantly cleared, and dozens of meters away, a man and a woman were quickly leaving.

“Su Cha, did you inform Zhuang Qingyan?” Lin Youyou shouted anxiously as she ran.

“Yeah,” Su Cha could only manage a response.

“Then why aren’t they here yet?”

By the time they arrived, the situation was already out of control. Song Ke and Sanada Nobumasa were fiercely engaged in a fight. They witnessed Wu Juemin’s death and Punk’s brutality, managing to rescue Song Ke at the last moment.

The flowing wind in their ears ceased.

Time froze again and then rewound.

Even though Su Cha and Lin Youyou had clearly run a hundred meters away, the next second they were back in the midst of the chaos.

The blood-soaked Punk appeared before them, a cruel smile on his lips. “Since you’re here, you might as well all stay.”

He took a step forward, blood filling the air, and the cracking sounds echoed through the air.

At that moment—

The air suddenly dropped in temperature, and snowflakes began to fall all around. Sanada Nobumasa and Punk found their feet frozen, their vision a vast expanse of white.

A powerful, incredibly sharp killing intent surged towards Punk.

The icy mental power felt like numerous sharp knives piercing into their’s heads, fiercely stirring!

Sanada Nobumasa and Punk could hardly endure the intense pain, rolling on the ground and howling in agony.

Punk was already heavily injured by Song Ke earlier, and his mental strength was exceptionally fragile. At this moment, under the sudden assault, his mind was dazed, and he knelt down on one knee.

His mental sea expanded suddenly, as if it could burst open at any moment.

Seizing this opportunity, Lin Youyou and Su Cha swiftly disappeared into the heavy snow.

After a while, the surroundings gradually quieted down. Punk wiped the blood from his eye, silently chuckling.

“S-level awakener… Interesting, very interesting!”

Chapter 62.2: Tongwan Hospital (16)
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