Demon King

Rank 1102

List of reviews made by users for the Demon King novel.

12 users have written reviews for the Demon King novel and rated it with an average score of 3.4 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 1102nd among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub FAN platform.

12 Reviews

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VipinSingh 2
Chapter 175 5 months ago

Novel is good but not great. I like stories like this. Main character was powerful and not an *d**t. There is harem and I like that as well.

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Vortex__ 6
Chapter 175 6 months ago

Starts well, and although it's rushed it's interesting, but then it turns repetitive, and it could have a better end than this, but we'll, to pass the time isn't bad

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Hitman_lover 7
Chapter n/a one year ago

Poor translation. Its a waste of Toy Car novel. Though it is readable and mostly understandable, there are chapters that are very much confusing. Toy Car's novels give clues and hints early chapters for a bigger view at the end, it is mostly lost in translation because of poor job. Lack of TL notes and inconsistency of the skills and status. I like the idea of having a smooth flow of reading a chapter without TLer's reaction but this one needs it. There are a lot of words here and there that are being swapped with a synonym of the word and this is a very poor job done by the editor. I dont know if there is a translator for the whole active group, or are they using MTL but its bad. The inconsistency of the words needs to be explained why they changed it because it happens a lot and to prove this is not MTL. There are times that the author might intend to make it so, but if this is MTL, we understand. Disregard what I wrote above. Novel has the same concept as the jp novel "Re:Monster" and his very own, "Stop! Friendly Fire". The difference with his other novel is the seriousness that the other lacks. As of chapter 65, there has been no funny or joking moments but it is still interesting for me because of the premise. The mystery of how 2 worlds become one and his importance to the whole scenario makes me want to read more.

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Persiflatorul 7
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

Unique perspective. Starts okay, continues okay and . . . it ends. Some things dont really make sense, and I especially disliked how the author and MC starts to ignore the other people(the team), focusing only on MC , the team making only guest apparitions.

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Sataneal 1
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

this was a great story at the start it wasn't amazing as the mc was indecisive but as the story progressed the mc started to hesitate less and less about killing others to survive until finally becoming the demon king

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Zukuju 0
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

I started reading this novel with high interest because i like this style of leveling up/ growing Monster MC. But the bad translation and grammer and inconsistency of the used words and phrase were just too much and i sadly had to drop it. If there is a good translation at some Point i‘ll be very happy to come back but until then i’m out.

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lnwUser58455 0
Chapter n/a 3 years ago

It starts off with a considerably naive and indecisive protagonist who is pretty new to the dog-eat-dog kind of life. But over the first 50 chapters, the protagonist has developed into someone who can make life-and-death situations in a heartbeat (with a somewhat distorted logic though). But still, the internal struggle of a human turned into a monster remains. Some parts are a bit confusing but they will all be explained by the end of the novel.

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ShinjiXSakura 3
Chapter n/a 3 years ago

everything is all over the place and you cant understand a damn thing later in the chapters it feels rushed and theres no depth nothing is explained and stuff pops out of nowhere

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Mortrexo 0
Chapter n/a 3 years ago

Average series, the main character is crazy, his thought are all over the place and the conversations somentimes i have to reread them to undertand them, a lot of things are unexplained but there are things that are interesting. soooo 2.5 stars would be an accurate remark.

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Gurney 9
Chapter n/a 3 years ago

So I won’t say that this is bad, but it’s really not great either. I would say it’s firmly in the realm of average. Basically, I read all of this in 2 days, but there is nothing memorable about it. For much of the story, nothing really makes sense, and nothing is explained. Why don’t his allies tell him who he is? Why do his powers work the way they do? Who is Fate and why did he have to be named Fate to achieve his purpose? It’s very confusing, and when you combine that with the fact that the main character feels like he has no personality, you end up with a very wishy washy story. Also, this feels very similar to Everyone Else is a Returnee and I can’t help but wonder if one was a prequel for the other. I could see this being a bit of a test run for the author before he moved on to write EER(which is much better by the way). In summary. Cons: Boring MC, Confusing Dialogue(Whole story), Grammar Issues in beginning, Confusing Plot. Pros: Decent Writing after first 30 chapters, Interesting ideas, Story Progression is well paced, and the Plot, though confusing, was entertaining at times. I believe the the author’s better work is definitely Everyone Else is a Returnee though.

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