Death... and me
Chapter 2523: Red Dot

?Rean smiled after hearing that. "This is good enough. Soul Power can also be weakened by Divine Energy, so your confirmation makes things easier. Kentucky weakened the attack, and your own Soul Power was enough to prevent it from entering your Soul. Seems like whatever was controlling you back in the Altar needs this kind of contact first. Kentucky, keep Aelire locked but increase the concentration of Divine Energy around her head. Use your Soul Power as well."

"On it!" Kentucky accepted.


It didn't take long before Kentucky's Divine Energy barrier was once again attacked. "Holy shit!"

Aelrie couldn't help but pale after feeling that. Just now, if Kentucky's Divine Energy and Soul Power weren't creating a protective layer around Aelrie's head, and consequently her Soul, it would have entered Aelrie's Soul without a doubt.

Rean saw that. "What is it?"

"Whatever tried to enter Aelrie's head before just tried it again," Kentucky answered. "Even if my reinforced protection, it almost brokethrough my defenses. Rean, we seemed to have made someone quite angry."

Rean nodded. "It's fine. How's your protection. Can you hold?"

"Not a problem for now, but..." Kentucky needed to change tactics. "I will have to use Sky Energy."

The thing about Sky Energy is that it needs Divine Origin Energy, Soul Power, and Stellar Energy. Yet, Kentucky and Celis don't really cultivate Stellar Energy in their bodies. They are Demons, so they have natural high defenses. Even to this day, Kentucky's body defense is still stronger than Rean and Roan's. As for Celis, he wasn't as resistant, but his regenerative power was extremely high, even without Rean's Instant Recovery skill.

Nonetheless, because of Kentucky and Celis's connection with Rean and Roan, they also got access to the fusion of the three energies. The problem was that they didn't cultivate Stellar Energy to use in the creation of Sky Energy. That was a huge waste of strength. That said, Roan created a Stellar Energy cultivation for both of them. It wasn't of much help since Celis and Kentucky already had powerful bodies; it definitely didn't make them stronger, either.

Nonetheless, that allowed them to do one thing and one thing only: absorb and store Stellar Energy. That was all. Yet, that was also everything Celis and Kentucky needed to be able to use the fusion of the three energies. You could say that Celis and Kentucky's Sky Energy wasn't as perfect as Rean and Roan's, but it was very close. Obviously, Sky Energy itself was indeed capable of increasing Celis and Kentucky's power instead.

Rean nodded. "Alright, but try to keep a low output. Sky Energy needs Divine Origin Energy, and this one is quite hard to absorb in a short amount of time, even with our advantages." By advantages, Rean was mentioning the upgrades of the Soul Gem System. It's just that he didn't want to mention the system in front of Aelrie.

Kentucky naturally understood that. "Alright, leave it to me."

As they approached the ruined city in the distance, Rean had an idea as he looked at the place where he came from. "Perhaps..." Right after, Rean spread his Divine Energy thin long several hundred meters around him.

The city was still far away, and they continued to move slowly for over an hour. Kentucky... or rather Aelrie... was attacked another five times during it. It's just that with Kentucky's Sky Energy on the way, this Soul Power simply had no chance of getting close to Aelrie's Soul.

Suddenly, Rean's opened his eyes and looked in a certain direction. He had just felt the same kind of Soul Power that was attacking Aelrie and Kentucky. It easily pierced through the area where he spread his Divine Energy, allowing Rean to also feel that. "As I thought... Kentucky, the thing that is trying to control Aelrie, is also using the same method to pass orders all over this Azum Dimensional Realm. Just now, I felt this Soul Power passing by me."

Kentucky found it weird. "But if the culprit does it like that, how many days would it take between sending an order and the recipient receiving it? Doesn't it seem quite impractical? After all, we are very, very far away from the area where the angels and light beasts wander."

Rean shook his head, though. "That's where you are wrong. I spread my Divine Energy over a big area to try to feel the speed of this thing as well. Believe me. It would take more than a minute for this thing to reach the initial areas."

"Are you saying the guy using this weird Soul Power is calling reinforcements?" Aelrie asked from Kentucky's back, now feeling a little better.

"It's hard to tell," Rean commented. "Although the order arrives there extremely fast, we are indeed too far from where the angels and light beasts are located. If I were to guess, this wasn't a call for reinforcements. First, it was just a normal instruction that was regularly sent to keep tabs on what was happening near the entrance. Or second, my favorite, it was a request for information due to our presence in this place."

Rean then retracted his Divine Energy since keeping it spread over such a huge area was taxing even for him. "In any case, we can't exclude the possibility of this place having some kind of teleport ability between the initial regions and this ruined city. Who knows? We might be able to use this thing to send Aelire out, too."

Kentucky and Rean moved even slower now, ready for anything. Yet, Kentucky noticed something after another hour. "Rean... the Soul Power attacks haven't appeared in this last hour."

Rean already expected that. "It makes sense. I would have given up as well after feeling your protection."

At that moment, Aelrie turned her eyes to the sky, noticing an almost imperceptible red dot. "Rean, Kentucky, what is that?"

Both Rean and Kentucky looked above. Rean couldn't see it very well since his eyes weren't any better than Aelrie's. Even with the addition of Divine Energy, it didn't change much.

Yet, Kentucky was different. He didn't notice just one red dot, but several of them, and they were quickly multiplying in numbers. The red dot that Aerie and Rean noticed was the closest one, so Kentucky could see its shape better. "Is that... a meteor?"

Chapter 2523: Red Dot
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