Death... and me
Chapter 2515: Perhaps We Should Leave

?As Rean flew through the skies, he suddenly noticed a change in Kentucky's behavior. "Hum? He's coming in my direction?" He pondered a bit and wondered if Kentucky found some way to cross the Chasm. "I'll better check it out."

Rean and Kentucky were quite far from each other, but with their cultivations, they only needed one day to arrive in the Chasm. Naturally, Kentucky got there first since he was faster while flying. As for Rean, he arrived around three hours later.

The Chamsi was very weird. Obviously, it went deep down to the point one couldn't see the end of it. However, the main point was the power flowing from it, rising to the skies. The Space in the Azum Dimensional Realm is extremely sturdy. Yet, it seemed to be completely different in the area of the chams.

Both Rean and Kentucky could see countless space cracks, spatial storms, and powerful waves of space power and laws. The most impressive thing wasn't that chaos, though. It was the fact that as soon as the Chasm's power tried to exit the Chasm's range, everything simply disappeared. Even that huge Spatial Chaos wasn't able to cause a single change in the Azum Dimensional Space itself.

Rean then ignored that and began to follow the Chasm's border, using his connection with Kentucky to find where he went. Kentucky had arrived somewhere around this area some time ago, but after that, Kentucky began to move in the direction of the Dimensional Realm's depths.

Finally, a few hours later, Rean felt Kentucky stopping again. Only when he arrived in the same place but on the other side did Rean understand what Kentucky wanted. "Hey, Kentucky! Can you hear me?" Rean shouted while filling his voice with Divine Energy, finally being able to see the huge Minokawa on the other side.

Kentucky excitedly shouted back. "Yes! As I thought, it is still possible to at least talk as long as we aren't too far from each other." Naturally, Kentucky used the same method as Rean to shout back. "Rean, why are you on the other side?"

Rean shook his head. "I don't know. When I crossed the eleven-kilometer range, I was sent to this side. Aelrie should be the one to answer that, not me."

Aelrie quickly appeared on Kentucky's back while shouting and using the same method. "I truly have no idea. Everyone who crosses the border in that location was supposed to come to the same place as Kentucky and me. I can't understand why you appeared on the other side."

Rean wasn't surprised by Aelrie's presence. She had agreed to meet him and Kentucky in the same place, after all. It's just that Rean couldn't go, but Kentucky was there. "Aelrie, have you ever died in this Illusory World?"

"Yes," Aelrie answered. "The first time I entered this place, I ended up dying and teleported outside. Why?"

Rean pondered a bit and asked. "Did you feel something different in your body or soul after you appeared outside?"

"Something different?" Aelrie pondered a bit. "Not really."

"Think carefully," Rean insisted. "Even the tiniest details matter. If you felt literally anything different at all, you must tell me."

Aelrie felt the urgency in Rean's voice and tried to recall the day she was teleported back to the entrance. "Well... I felt somewhat sluggish... But I had just died in the Illusory World, and I didn't know that one couldn't really die inside, so I thought it was just the shock to find out the truth."

Rean sighed in response. "Did that sluggish sensation continue for long?"

Aelrie continued to think about it. "More or less... Around three days later, it had completely disappeared. But I checked with the elders at that time, and they examined me. There was nothing wrong. If you hadn't asked me now, I wouldn't even remember this event anymore. Why? Is something wrong?"

Rean shook his head. "No, everything is fine. Don't worry." It was good that Aelrie and Rean were quite far from each other, and the Chasm's powers made it even harder to see the other side. Otherwise, she would have noticed Rean's not-so-good expression.

"Rean!" Kentucky called their attention. "What do you want to do? I came here because I didn't know if you wanted to continue or if I should just kill myself and leave this place."

"NO! DON'T KILL YOURSELF NO MATTER WHAT!" Rean immediately shouted back.

Kentucky was taken aback. He didn't expect Rean to speak like that. "Uh... okay, I won't kill myself."

Yet, the one who truly began to worry was Aelrie. After all, the way Rean spoke just now showed that something wasn't right about dying in this place.

Rean continued. "If you truly want to leave, use the altars. You have seen them while following the Chasm's borders, haven't you? I passed by two of them on the way to this point."

"Yes," Kentucky answered. "Aelrie told me to not touch them, though."

Rean narrowed his eyes. "Why is it, Aelrie?"

"That's what everyone always said. It's kind of a known rule to never touch the altars," Aelrie answered. "I don't really know why, though."

Rean then remembered the Light Beast mentioned that one's memories were wiped out once they left this place so that they wouldn't remember the Soul Copying Devices. 'Perhaps it also adds to their memories that they must not touch the altars. After all, the altar can teleport anyone out at any time.'

[Have you noticed, Rean?] Sister Orb suddenly spoke. [If the Soul Copying Spheres and Cubes can copy souls, it shouldn't really matter if the angels leave this place through the altars. Yet, they are all told to never touch the altars. There is only one reason I can think of.]

Rean knew where Sister Orb was coming from. 'To have the souls copied, the original bodies must die. Simply put, their living bodies make it impossible, or at least very difficult, to copy the souls. So... the best is for no one to touch the altars.'

[No wonder the system didn't do anything,] Sister Orb continued. [That's because nothing has been done to your soul yet. Your body must be destroyed for the Devices to copy your soul. Only at that moment would the Soul Gem System intervene.]

Rean sighed. 'Such a messed up thing...' Rean then thought about the altars he passed by. 'Perhaps... it is time for us to leave this place and only come back once we have Roan with us.'

Chapter 2515: Perhaps We Should Leave
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