Death... and me
Chapter 2481: Not a Wasted Trip

Another day went by when Rean approached a new city. His Light and Divine Sense Bending Skills were activated while he also used a new appearance. Rean's Spatial Power was constantly circulating around him, read to tear space and open another Spatial Gate if necessary.

However, even after arriving in front of the City, Rean's Natural Spatial Perception and Divine Sense Bending Skill couldn't detect anyone behind the Space Bending Realm. 'Could it be I'm safe now?'

Rean selected this city very carefully this time. It didn't have a Long-Distance Teleport Formation, but it had normal ones that connected to other cities nearby. It couldn't be considered a big city, but it wasn't that small either. Still, to make sure things wouldn't go south, Rean also selected this city because it didn't have the signal of the communication system.

Rean and Roan didn't really need to use the communication badges to communicate when they were far away from each other. Although most of the system's abilities were deactivated in that state, it was still possible to talk to Siste Orb and use a little bit of her power, like how she unveiled the Green Rune in the Core before.

That said, they could use Sister Orb as an intermediary to talk from pretty much anywhere as long as they were on the same side of the Universe. It's just that it was annoying, so they preferred the communication system instead.

Without the signal from the communication system, one would need to use expensive Long-Distance Thoughts Transmission Talismans, which added another layer of protection to Rean as he got here.

Rean then entered the city and appeared in a corner without anyone noticing. From there, he went to the Formations Guild and took the first teleportation to another city. With the delay in the detection used by the enemy, all Rean had to do was teleport from one city to another, not giving time for anyone to pinpoint him down.

Of course, it was all useless. The enemy wasn't pursuing him anymore since it was indeed the Core that was being tracked. Unfortunately, Rean didn't know that.

Soon, Rean teleported to a city that had Long-Distance Teleport Formations. It was quite a big city in the center of the Realm of Gods, and even a Divinity Realm expert would think twice before starting trouble there. Rean decided to stay there on purpose, trying to attract whoever was after him.

Yet, a week went by, and not a single soul appeared. 'Hum... could it be that it was truly only the Core that was being tracked?' Rean thought as he began to calm down.


It was at this moment that Rean jumped in fright... just to find out that it was his communication badge that received a message. 'Fuck! Oh, right... A city of this size obviously has a signal from the communication system.'

Rean took the communication badge, expecting it to be a call from Roan. Yet, to his surprise, it was related to the requests in the Online Market. Because he agreed with the guy that he wouldn't take it down, it was obviously still up there for anyone to see. "Eh?! For real?"

Turns out that the message was related to the Aberrant Devil Flower. A Demon Beast that lived in the Floral Demon Land just so happened to live in a secluded place in that continent. After it came out from seclusion while it was going thorugh a breakthrough, it noticed that the land around was completely dead.

As a Demon Beast from that continent, it obviously understands that another Aberrant Devil Flower must have appeared. It moved to look for it and to its surprise, due to the region it lived, the Flower had absorbed all the plant life over more than 15000 kilometers. The Demon Beast was quite strong, though. It easily destroyed the root of the Flower without it being able to offer resistance.

Yet, before it completely eliminated the Flower, one of its descendants contacted the Demon Beast. It was living in the Demon Beast City under the Demon Beast's orders as that Demon Beast wanted to know how the war was going at set intervals. Surprisingly, when the Demon Beast mentioned it was destroying a huge Aberrante Demon Flower, its descendant immediately told about the Online Market Request.

Seeing the reward in the Online Market itself, the Demon Beast couldn't help but thank the heavens for its luck. It sealed the Aberrant Devil Flower and immediately contacted Rean.

Rean, obviously, was even happier. And to make sure it wasn't a scam, Rean also set the meeting to be in another one of the Big Cities of the Humanoid Races.

Rean and the Demon Beast then met in a hotel near the center of the city. "Hello, friend. Your name is Tuyu, right? I'm the one looking for the Flower; you can call me Goku. Do you really have an Aberrant Devil Flower that has absorbed the Plant Life over 10000 kilometers?" Rean asked with a smile.

Tuyu quickly nodded. "You are really lucky, or perhaps I am. This thing just happened to be nearby when I left seclusion. Anyway, it has taken the lives of all plants over 15000 kilometers, so it should be well within your requirements."

Rean definitely had no problems with it. "Great! As mentioned in the request, I'm offering 100 Rank Seven Divine Stones for it. Is that fine with you?"

Tuyu nodded. "Sure. I don't know why anyone would pay so much for this poisonous Flower. If you wanted poison, there were countless better and cheaper options. Nonetheless, it is not my place to complain. Show me the Divine Stones."

Rean threw a Spatial Ring to the guy, who did the same in Rean's direction. Both looked inside and couldn't help but nod in satisfaction. "I guess we have a deal."

Tuyu immediately left, afraid that Rean would regret his decision.

As for Rean, he was even happier. There wasn't just one Flower. Because of how far it absorbed Plant Lives, it multiplied another two times, so Rean now had three flowers instead of one. "At least this trip wasn't wasted in the end."

Finally, Rean left the city as well, now making his way back to the training ground.

Chapter 2481: Not a Wasted Trip
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