Death... and me
Chapter 2382: It's My Pleasure

Only then did Rean remember when Essefy mentioned that he was bound to this land. "Oh! You said something like that before. So you are similar to the Cosgle Race, a race that can't live outside a certain type of field. Still, is it okay for you to tell us that?"

"Cosgles?" Huban didn't know that one. But then again, the Realm of Gods had countless races, so he didn't pay it much attention. "Well, if they are also bound to their land, then you were right. As for telling you, don't worry. This is definitely not a secret to the other three powers. The Essence Race is said to dominate the Northeast side of the Realm of Gods in the past. The other powers understood that we couldn't leave this place ever since then."

"It makes the idea of them being afraid of your power a little weird, though," Roan commented. "What risk would be there if you can't even leave this side?"

Essefy shook his head on Roan's side. "That's the point. What if we suddenly got the ability to leave our land? Am I not someone like that?"

Roan had to admit he made sense. "Indeed... But how come you can leave? Also, only you can change into humanoid form?"

Essefy nodded. "Yes, I'm the only one capable of both. Well, if you think about it for a moment, you can probably imagine why that is."

Rean pondered a bit. "Usually, I would say that you have a mixed bloodline. However, Essence Race members aren't born from mothers. They are similar to a few spirits instead, being born from the energy of the Heaven and Earth... Or better, from the Essence of Heaven and Earth."

Essefy smiled. "Believe it or not, you aren't far from the truth. I wasn't born from Heaven and Earth like everyone else. Instead, I'm the result of a relationship between a Wisp and an Essence being."

"Wisp...?" Rean remembered that there is indeed a race of wisps in the Spirit Races Territory. "I can't even imagine how you could be conceived..."

Essefy shrugged his shoulders. "All I can tell you is that it was definitely not like you humans do. But ultimately, this mixed... bloodline? No, I guess it is better to say I have mixed energy instead. I also believe this to be the reason why my humanoid form is still looking like a child. I didn't do it on purpose. I've simply always been like this."

"Still," Essefy continued. "Even though I'm a result of this relationship between wisp and essence, I'm pretty much 99% an Essence Race member."

Roan wasn't surprised. "The Essence Race is such a powerful race, while wisps are pretty much one of the weakest out there. If we are talking about mixed energy, like mixed bloodline, then the stronger type takes priority. Nonetheless, this last 1% is what breaks your bond to this land."

"Exactly," Essefy nodded. Essefy then looked at Huban. "Well, Master could possibly leave this place if he wanted."

Huban sighed. "I can... but it is not very good for me. So, unless necessary, I refrain from doing such a thing. Don't worry. This is also not a secret to those monsters who share the same position as me." Huban then laughed a little. "Hehe! Just make sure to not make me angry since I might think that hunting you down is one of those necessary reasons."

"We wouldn't dare," Rean answered straight away.

With that, all the things they had to talk about were over. On the same day, Rean was brought to another building in the city where he met the Essence Race Formations Masters. He immediately felt at home there. These Formations Masters were truly at the top of the Formations World.

Surprisingly, the leader of the Essence Formation Masters was someone Rean already met before. It was Landeau, one of the three Peak Divinity Realm Essence Race Beings. Rean soon came to know that Landeau was also a Legendary Level Formations Master. There were other members who had the ability to reach that level in the future, too. It's just that these other Essence Race Members didn't have the necessary cultivation for that.

"Can you tell me more about the Formation on the Gate of the City?" Rean couldn't help but inquire.

Landeau still didn't like the humans very much. However, Huban told him to cooperate, so he followed those orders. "Very well. However, you need to show me the communication system first."

"No problem!"


Immediately, another person appeared outside, coming from the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm. "Is it here?! The Legendary Formations Master? Where is him?!" It was none other than Droman, Rean's Master, back in the Dalamu Sect.

Droman looked at the human-shaped colored flame in front of him and immediately kneeled down. "Sir, I shall be in your care!"

Rean scratched the back of his head. "Master... isn't it a little too much?"

Yet, Droman immediately grabbed Rean's head and forced it down with him. "Shut up! This is a Legendary Level Formations Master! What kind of attitude is that? Kneel down and show this sir the respect he deserves!"

Rean felt helpless as his master forced him down. But then again, he just couldn't force himself to go against Droman's wishes.

Seeing that, Landeau's impression of the human race quickly improved. "H-Hmph! At least there are some sensible humans out there." Not that he would admit it. "Alright, let's get into the main topic. Show me the schematics of the Communication System."

Droman then got up, excited. "Yes!" He then passed the jade slip with the methods of building a communication system. "However, sir, it would be best if you first learn about the Circuitry Formation Runes."

Landeau looked at the jade slip information and narrowed his eyes. Indeed, without knowing about the Circuitry Formation, he would take too long to understand. "Very well."

Landeau then spread his Divine Sense. Soon, another twenty Formations Masters arrived at the scene. "They are all my trusted subordinates. You can teach all of us at the same time."

"It's my pleasure!" Droman nodded.

Chapter 2382: It's My Pleasure
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