Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

1180 Chapters 9.52M Views 20.7K Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy, Mystery, and Psychological genres. Written by the Author Cuttlefish That Loves Diving. 1180 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.


Lord of the Mysteries, part two.

In 1368, at the end of July. Bloody scarlet will descend from heaven.

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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.

: 3 comments on Chapter 151: Temptation
: 4 comments on Chapter 150: Voice
: 6 comments on Chapter 2: "Prank"
: 5 comments on Chapter 149: Five Ritualistic Spells
: 3 comments on Chapter 711: Choice
  • JeremiahJJH 12

    What have you guys been reading after COI ended?

  • blacklight629 1

    I finished book 1 and loved it. I'm having a hard time getting into book 2 though. It feels different and I just want to know if it ends up being worth reading. Do the tarrot club members show up and play a significant part in the story?(Aside from Fors in the beginning I think) Does Klein ever wake up and take center stage again? Is Lumien a good MC? Is the story and ending good? These are my worries. Can someone who has read into a bit relieve my concerns?

  • lmprk07 1

    Book 1 was peak, I have high expectations for this one and hope it delivers

  • JustGrey 3

    I’m reading 1 book. Is it completed this one? I read author afterwords as last ch. And do you know if will be a book3? I read somewhere the author wanted to write 3 books. No spoiler pls!

    • ArcIsSexy 1

      After getting a lot of hate from how he handled book 2 COI (completed) , the author announced that he won't be making a book 3 so yeah... this is the last book from the LOTM series

  • ThePhantomCodex 1

    Does anyone know if there is going to be a third book? I vaguely remember reading something like that back when lotm 1 was being written that it was going to be a trilogy. Or should I just read COI now (ive basically stacked the whole novel)

    • emili 1

      Highly unlikely Book3 , Even if does come(depending on author's motivation) It's going to be a Long side story about Protagonist from Western continent. The story itself is Over in book2. book 3 would be Just a different POV of Western continent

  • FoolishSquid 1

    Guys I just finished LOTM 1 and it's really really peak. It's my favorite web novel. I'm scared to go into COI tho cuz of the reviews. Would you recommend me to read this???


      Yes definitely, people are p*ss*d cause the expectations were way too high, and they kept waiting for klien, kinda like amazing spiderman which everyone hated since they had toby in their head, but its definitely good, some of its volume top even the best of lotm, some not.

    • lumianlee1360 1

      Yes, but don't read it for Klein. Think of it as a new story. Volume 1 is slow but very important, so read carefully. The main character of Book 2 is very different from Klein. I am writing this through a translator, so there may be mistakes.

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  • tyttiboichris 1

    Just read chapter 586 and BRO WTFFFFF??? Like😭 I dont understand the hate this gets

    • MecheeksRTight 6

      Because all that hype will get skipp in latwr chapter lol enjoy

  • AGoodTide 3

    d*mn is it completed ?????

  • dislexyc_zahra 42

    After reading the new notes from Cuttlefish my heart is being slightly healed. I WAS DIEING BECAUSE NO NEW CONTENT Cuttlefish's answers to the questions are amazing Also the sequence 2 and sequence 1 of the UM pathway are so cool aaaaaa

    • GodAxm 9

      What did he say?

      • dislexyc_zahra 42

        Sequence 2: Blasphemer (Angel of Blasphemy) Capable of stealing power through transactions, even if said transactions involve higher beings; Capable of deconstructing all that is sacred or profane (blasphemous), all that is light or dark. Sequence 1: Truth I am the Truth; Everything within the gray areas shall be defined by me; The Light is too extreme, darkness is too corrupt, order is too inflexible, and shadow is too distorted. Only grayness is the ultimate truth of the universe; Question: I have a question regarding the history of the Son of Chaos’ pathways. 005 is described as having a true god attempt to destroy it but failed. 1. Was this “true god” Trunsoest? 2. Is the corruption on Trunsoest Brass Book related to this incident? 3. Is the death of Trunsoest himself related to this corruption? CF: 1. Yes. 2. Yes. 3. No. There are more but I can't fit them inside this comment because of the character limit.

        Edited: 3d

        why cuttlefish doesn't release the outer deities pathways fully? perhaps he want to first release those we have seen in the novel and then others...

        Edited: 17h
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  • GiveMeYourMoney 14

    Lumian is the biggest winner fr. Bro clapped two Demoness. Even Rossele would be jealous asf.
