Childhood Friend of the Zenith

Rank 415

List of reviews made by users for the Childhood Friend of the Zenith novel.

9 users have written reviews for the Childhood Friend of the Zenith novel and rated it with an average score of 4.3 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 415th among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub FAN platform.

9 Reviews

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Soul25 1
Chapter 185 21 days ago

Only thought of reading this novel since it seemed interesting, however I've ended up finding one of my favorite novels. The story seems cliche at the beginning with the regression and so, however as the story progresses we start finding out that there are a lot of mysteries, be it about the MC's situation in his past life, things the MC didn't realize before, situations he had no idea about. . . All in all it's quite a big world with a lot of things to discover about it. The MC is quite stubborn and hard headed, quite normal when you learn about his past, and as such we see how he struggles to change even if slightly from his past self and try to make up for what he did. Also showing how he has difficulty dealing with people he knew in his past life, since alot of them are quite different from what he remembers. He has lived his whole life knowing those people and has a deep impression of their personalities and what their relationship was like, making it more difficult for him to deal with them as they are now. I also really like the characters, they have their own individuality and are fun to read. The relationships of the MC don't seem forced either and are well done in general. In conclusion I really enjoyed reading this novel and can say I'd recommend it to others

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WolfieSama 9
Chapter 212 one month ago

I wasn’t expecting this read to be this good, the characters, their dynamic and the world as a whole feel somewhat like a breath of fresh air compared to similar novels I’ve read, if you’re looking for something to pick up that’s different then this is the novel for you

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kronii 7
Chapter 115 3 months ago

The world & history of this novel are pretty intriguing, but it's really the characters that drags this novel down in my opinion. I've only read 110+ chapters rn, but the main character is really starting to annoy me. MC started off interesting, as someone with an inferiority complex who turned to evil and destroyed everything & everyone, only to regret it as he was dying, so now he tries to be nice in his new life but his foul mouth and anger issues still get him in trouble. A nice redemption story. In fights & confrontations, he has a spine and can stand for himself. BUT, his attitude and general behavior is really starting to annoy me. Despite being a fully grown & mature adult on the inside, he behaves like a total buffoon. Examples: always asking the same question 10-30 times when he's surprised by a piece of news or bored (think of "aRe wE tHEre yEt" or "what? I must've heard that incorrectly. Repeat that?" ×10), always being in denial with sudden circumstances, fainting from shock when he accidentally gets a convenient power-up by absorbing an artefact's qi, always thinking that ppl from his past life are the exact same today, etc. The ways MC gets power-ups are also too convenient to my taste and feel very unearned so far. I would've much preferred he have less qi and stay "weak" for another 50ish chapters while defeating stronger opponents with his wits & battle experience, but by chapter 52 he already has more qi than his 2-year older sister and a genius (older than him) from another clan. And to reach his current qi level, he went through 2 major power-ups, both of which he was totally unconscious during and unintentionally received.

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usrnmewasalreadyregi 13
Chapter 172 3 months ago

Some very strong points, some very annoying ones. Here is a writing that can make one laugh, love the characters, and feel strongly about what they are reading, including negative feelings. To properly enjoy this serie, I still had to cross a few walls that I may have not crossed if I wasn't without a read so let me introduce them to you and if you feel that you can tank, you should give this a try as it is very nice read at times. We have a mc who regrets his past and tries do a little better, slowly opening up and building relationships while powering up too. The first wall is that of the unfriendly surroundings, after his regression, Mc is a mess who can mostly practice self blame, and his family is not very nice to him, basically his whole surrondings are demeaning and insulting him constantly and mc is agreeing with them thinking he desserves it. It was a very frustrating part for me because the author doesn't give much informations about mc's past. It feels like all this hatred is undesserved and mc is delusionnal because of guilt but we can't know for sure since we only see some bits of his past. Thankfully, even though mc still keeps the self blame for some time, he slowly but surely stop letting other people step on him, start standing up for himself and escape the circles in wich he is seen in a poor light. The second wall I encountered was a slight boredom after mc stood up for himself for the first time, I felt like nothing else was really going on but this feeling vanished progressively. The last annoyance for me, is something that is a part of the strength of the serie, mystery is everywhere. It keeps the reader intrigued, but at chapter 172 while not having resolved some of the first mysteries, new ones were progressively added, making the story way more complex than it appeared at first glance, how many hidden factions, how many secret op? In this story, as a regressor, mc brought back informations which grants him power over his enemies, but since his information is only a part of the truth he's not in a position where he controls everything, stronger than every enemy against whom he decides to go. It makes for surprises and close fights but it's also frustrating to see the ever deepening mystery while our first questions either become irrelevant or are still to be answered. What really talked to me in this story was the emotional side of the story. Mc is really burdened by his past life, and will have to encounter quite a few times people from his past life with whom he not necessarily had good relationships. Seeing mc progressively building new relationships is heartwarming and the harem so far was a real strength in this story. Maybe I'm wrong and it will be different from what I think but here is how I feel about it: The different love interests seems to compete for mc affection, but they're at the same time getting along quite well. It doesn't feel like mc will have an internal conflict about who to pick or if it is okay to love more than one person, so far he seemed to be okay with loving two people (but he still can't be considered in a romantic relationship so maybe when that comes author will try to make some drama out of it and I will be wrong, doesn't feel that way for now ), slowly but surely more love interest are added and they grow on us at chapter 172 they are 4 but there's one best girl and one good girl, the other two are not on the same level for now even if the third is progressively growing on me. Another good point about the harem is that the love interests gravitate around the mc by themselves, they rarely or never split apart, it's not a case of "a new adventure, a new girl while I pretend my past girls don't exist", mc travels, the girls come along and they grow closer in the process while growing too.

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Ryukai 3
Chapter 127 8 months ago

One of the best cultivation novels I have ever read. The story has the commen trope of reincarnation and all that, but while the mc is strong he doesnt feel overpowered. The flow of storytelling isnt stale and mundane like other cultivation novels where the mc just goes to a plce, someone gets mad, mc kills them, goes to another place. . etc. There is a harem but the rils are genuinely likable and the author doesnt just make the mc fall for every new girl possible, and the ones that do like him actually get a good amount of 'screen time' (idk what u call it in books/light novels). The situations and conversation the mc has ends up making me have a good laugh now and again as well. Great LN, would recommend to anyone who likes the cultivation genre.

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Primordialheaven 13
Chapter 75 one year ago

When I came here I was , expecting the more cliché story but this novel takes a different turn to most Murim regression novels , granted there are a few clichés but mostly it a new type of story , for me atleast

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MrDoor 8
Chapter 49 one year ago

Really good addition to the murim novels on this site and recommended. Story is pretty solid and doesn't always falk through, overall enjoyable

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DrVanilla 4
Chapter n/a one year ago

Synopsis: The main character Gu-Yangcheon is the only son of the Gu clan and one of the heavenly demon's most trusted men. After dying with many regrets, he has been regressed to the past by a mysterious power. Review: A unique novel that has a mix of martial arts, regression, and rifts that spew out monsters. Combined with solid writing and good character development, makes it no wonder that this novel is one of the most highly rated on the Korean site with Over 17 million views. This novel has a somewhat slow start but once you get over that you'll be hooked to read even more of it.

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SoraofShadows 10
Chapter 47 one year ago

A great novel to start reading with its powerful construction of world building and character development and interactions. Each character is made as its own person. They are fleshed out and can be separated easily from each other, not templates like in other novels. Mysteries dot the storyline and keep your mind curious and intrigued of what the answer could be. And when it is revealed, more will crop up, not to fill the void of but to grow a new curiosity. It is a very well written novel that will keep you hooked.

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