List of reviews made by users for the Black Bellied Belle: Demon Lord, Bite the Bait Please novel.
5 users have written reviews for the Black Bellied Belle: Demon Lord, Bite the Bait Please novel and rated it with an average score of 4.0 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 627th among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub FAN platform.
5 Reviews

3, 5 * from me, but in this case I will go for the lower half, a naked 3. I'm sad, the novel had so much potential, but the author. . . As a fellow reader said, you must make a conscientious effort to read sometimes, because the author jumps around different characters suddenly, with no warning (could be editor's fault though). A lot of well sketched characters, but many times left underutilized. The author just left it to chance to explain many things, overusing the plot armor, at least in my view(best exemple the sudden nerfing of the characters, just for the plot's sake, or forgeting to use . . . staff). And I know that in cultivation novels they get [fiercely] in love at the first sight, but in this one I just find it preposterous , not acting like a normal human being being the norm. So, my conclusion is that this is a decent novel, with huge holes in logic plotwise, a novel that could have been much much better. If you don't have something else to do, give it a try.

The plot and characters of this book are pretty good, but the writing style is very confusing and hard to get used to. Translated Chinese novels are already very different from English literature, but this novel is particularly hard to read. One chapter you'll be reading about the female lead just doing her thing, and then the next chapter will be in a different country, from the point of view of someone you don't know, talking to some hooded figure you also don't know, about something ominous you know nothing about. I guess this could be an attempt at foreshadowing, but I feel it's executed poorly. I also think it wouldn't be that big of a deal if it didn't happen so frequently with little to no payout. Then the next chapter will be about the female lead again, but now it's written from the point of view of someone who doesn't like her, who is lamenting that something good has happened to her. Something quite significant that apparently happened some time ago that you know nothing about because guess what? A month has passed since the last chapter about the female lead and the author's way of telling you that is by having someone indirectly complain about it. There's also a problem with the POV. In most English novels I've read, when the POV character changes, there's usually someway of indicating that. Maybe a different chapter, or some fancy scrollwork between paragraphs followed by a little intro blurb to give you some insight into the new character's situation. This doesn't seem to be as common in Chinese novels, but again this author does it particularly poorly. In this book, sometimes the POV character changes mid thought. One paragraph may be written from the POV of one character who is thinking or speaking about something. And then the next paragraph continues to think or speak about the same thing, but now it is from the POV of a different character. This can get pretty confusing since Chinese novels often have character thoughts or dialogue in quotations in a separate line. So, you might have a line of dialogue sandwiched between two different POVs, and you aren't really sure which character the dialogue belongs to. There're also parts where something important is happening, and then some random conversation suddenly interrupts it. A conversation that has nothing to do with the scene you're reading and doesn't involve any of the characters you know. For example: Character A is dueling Character B in a very public place. Character A taunts Character B. Character B suddenly increases her power. Character A smiles. A female voice remarks "It will be very difficult to find our target here. " A male voice responds, "Let's wait until tomorrow to search. " The female voice agrees. Character B's power now lets her do this, that, and the other thing. etc. TL;DR The plot and characters are decent, but the writing style is confusing, and the author jumps all over the place.

I love that the story is progressive and the author focuses more on the romance between 2 MCs'. If you're looking for a romance novel with smart ML and FL's character, try reading this. It's a good novel with straightforward story and lovable MC.

Love this story thoo oh how i wish this story has more chapter. I love the FL and ML. The way they fall in love is so damn normal compared to other story. The ML is NOT like other ml which suddenly bcm obsessed with FL so suddenly!! He falls in love with her step by step instead hehehe. Love them. Anyhow the ending kinda rushed. Im quite confused about FL identity tho im not sure about how she is born exactly bcs yaa know how her mother sacrificed the twins when they’re 3month fetus but how did she met that snake tribe assassin and drink his blood??? Im confused about that. Furthermore i cried so bad when the assassin died and he said “i love you, cant you please not forget me”😭😭😭😭✊🏻💯💯

It's actually a really, really good story. But... Xi Zhan Chen really made me cry, y'know?😭💔 His sacrifice and last words for Qing Yu is just soooo heartbreaking that every time I remember his words— "I love you, can you not forget me?" it really breaks my heart into pieces. Also, I thought there's some background story about how Meatball knew Qing Yu or what happened to Zhang Mai (I really thought that there's something more than meets the eye with him). Also, what is really going on with Little Ye? I thought he was sick or something. And Jun Yao didn't tell his origins yet just like Little Monster. I also thought that there's at least a chapter where Qing Yu was introduced to the Dark Lands. Lastly, out of many martial arts story that I've read, I think this is the only one where in the main characters didn't reach the peak or pinnacle of power. Qing Yu hasn't unlocked all pages of the book. There's really not much background or introduction about the sacred burial arts, she only used it once.
Overall, the story and the plot is really good aside from I think there's a lot of untold stories that should be told to satisfy the reader's curiosity towards the characters.
I agree with most of the points here... My main gripe was for the first 20-30 chapters, I had no idea who the main character was... So many different characters and locations were introduced that I didn't know who Qing Yu was..
Ever heard of paragraphs, mate?