A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation
A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

549 Chapters 4.74M Views 15.3K Bookmarked Ongoing Status

A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Fantasy genres. Written by the Author Tremendous. 549 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.


On the way to a company workshop, we fell into a world of immortal cultivators while still in the car.

Those with spiritual roots and unique abilities were all called to join cultivation sects, living prosperously.

But I, having neither spiritual roots nor special abilities, lived as an ordinary mortal for 50 years, complying with fate until my death.

That’s what I thought.

Until I regressed.

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The novel is translated by WeTried Translations / TranslatingNovice.
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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.

: 3 comments on Chapter 17: 4th Cycle's First Day
: 3 comments on Chapter 107: Lotus (15)
: 6 comments on Chapter 16: Talent Abandoned by the Heavens (4)
: 2 comments on Chapter 59: Heavenly Thunder (6)
: 1 comment on Chapter 509: Seo Ran's Family (4)
  • Zitialien 8

    I'm so d*mn tired of cultivation/xianxia/wuxia novels. So I stuck with high quality novels like Shadow Slave. Then I was hit with this novel, and you know what it said to me when I considered poison testing it? "You couldn't live with your own failure. Where did that lead you? Back to me." This sh*z different. Cultivation slop will never be the same again. I actually read this when I was tired of xianxia, and was planning to drop it as soon as the writing strikes a nerve. If you currently possess the same cynicism for cultivation slop, good for you, but try this one anyways. The premise is interesting, and the author is a certified chef. My tips for new readers are to skip whatever info dumps you don't want to read. They happen sometimes, with the moves, concepts, cultivation progression system, and region introductions. I just gloss over them. Hell, I'm a native Chinese speaker, and I ain't memorizing all dat. Just remember the difference between Manager Kim and Director Kim.

    Edited: 1d~
  • Satou_Kazuma_desu 7

    I thought the story couldn't possibly cross the insane bar it set with the earlier chapters... Oh, just how wrong I was... So IGNORANT I was...! Blessed be thine eyes, o new reader! For this novel has reached the status of "Three ways of survival" in my heart, as it did with Kim Dokja!

  • Saviour 19

    This novels strength is the MC's humanity. He doesn't do anything demonic. He cherishes everyone and is willing to abandon everything to save a friend. The MC is pretty dumb though, and only wins on his 2nd+ try, never on his first. However he doesn't exploit his regression as a tool. His entire outlook is that it's a curse where he'll never be truly remembered by those he loves. MC suffers endlessly but remains human. There is romance but it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. As when he dies, that version of his lover won't exist anymore. Not a harem 👍 Give it a try

    • Made_In_Abyss 1

      Romance dosent matter huh💔😭 so that's why the tragedy tag is there. Because Romance IS the tragedy here. no lovers remembering our MC huh💔🗡️🩸

      Edited: 1d~
      • iamlazy 20

        It truly hurt when that happened... For us, who like Romance, this tragedy is calamity...💔

    • plasticbottle 4

      It’s not that the Mc is dumb, but just the circumstances he has to face and the adversaries he is forced to fight outclass him by SO MANY LEVELS…its understandable why he only wins on his “2nd try”, Everything else you say is spot on.

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  • francis_kg 50

    D*mn this novel is so peak I have a foot fetish no-

    • FeelinIll 14

      Bro I'm pretty sure the author himself developed a foot fetish while creating this 😭

      • TheUnworthyOne 16

        I need some insider information right now guys😭

      • FeelinIll 14

        I think it was in one of the Q&As if I'm not mistaken. He said something like he felt something awaken in him when writing about feet so much

        Edited: 1d~
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  • Coral_the_sea 4

    Bro, Chapter 536: Severing Heaven (斷天) (4). Truly Ultimate Pinnacle. Philosophy and writing defeat Reverend Insanity. [Like combining all intentions turns them colorless...] [Embrace all connections and become impermanence.] Crystal Glass to Treading Sea (玻瓈蹈海成). Ultimate Intent (極意). Immortal Arts (仙術). [Impermanence Sword (無常劍).]

    Edited: 3d
  • Yasuzed 2

    Just tell me when he reaches check point/is insta killing puppet master and sea dragon and saving everyone if this hasnt happen yet then i dont wanna bother reading.

    • Texas_two 2

      the two points are done

    • themannwholived 1

      fellow daoist sea dragon is not that weak

    • erteyb 35

      Insta-killing Seo Hweol 😭 Bro hasn't read the name of the latest chapter

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  • Wheel_of_fortune 1

    Holy I jusr realized authors name is Tremendous..

  • havesomesmoke 1

    this cockroach seo hyul still breathing?

  • ThePhantomCodex 1

    i was up to about 370ish last I caught up is it worth breaking the stack now? Also does anyone know what the release schedule is like?

    • CarlosCosta14 1

      chapter every day, except sometimes on Friday. Only on this website does it take a lot of time to post the chapters, but on the official translation website they are all up to date

      Edited: 5d
    • HypePanda 5

      Id say its worth it now

      • ThePhantomCodex 1

        I had to start back from chapter 280 but I'm already nearly caught up😭😭😭😭

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  • francis_kg 50

    Seo Hweol is Amon but on another dimension. That's why I love him. Sadly he met mc with his "I only need to win one time" ability. Given, he didn't really win. He did learn all his tricks by the end. The [Name] merchant won in the end. Goated
