A Practical Guide to Evil

Rank 533

List of reviews made by users for the A Practical Guide to Evil novel.

21 users have written reviews for the A Practical Guide to Evil novel and rated it with an average score of 4.8 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 533rd among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub FAN platform.

21 Reviews

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Morff 1
Chapter 40 5 months ago

Simply flawless novel. If the author's style is to your liking you will have the best fun of your life reading this. Try it, give it 10 minutes, you can always drop it later.

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girl_with_one_eye 1
Chapter epl 5 months ago

this is one of my favourite things i have ever read . it was such a breath of fresh. I love how the author used the concept of names and stories it is so creative . i love all the characters the author does a fanta job at creating a connection to his characters they feel real and 3D not like some other stories on this site with characters that feel like the cookie cutter versions of each other.

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BladeRocks 3
Chapter epl 5 months ago

one of the best books i have ever read, it is up there with LOTM, RI, SS. this book is seriouslu underrated and should be in top 10 at least.

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BilalAkhtar 7
Chapter epl 6 months ago

The best webnovel out there Me who is on latest chaps of lord of the mysteries shadow slave supremacy games etc ill say this one is out of comparison But its somewhat complex Ull need to read its maps and also have some experience in major webnovels like lotm Plus its one of those novels that are to be read twice thrice as u always get new things from each chapter

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ChenGe1 3
Chapter epl 7 months ago

I'm surprised that this is here, but nonetheless, I'll have to give this novel 5 stars for being the one to introduce me to web novels. Seriously, for anyone who is interested in epic fantasy, I would very much recommend.

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SentientDonut 14
Chapter 42 7 months ago

This novel is one of the greatest and most unique novels I have ever read. I don't mean webnovels, I mean novels. Period. This isn't a standard webnovel like the rest of this site. This is a pure, high fantasy western novel with an amazing cast, character development, plot, world building and an insanely unique twist to traditional fantasy. Most importantly, it is very well written. This sh*t is goated. End of Story. Same tier as Shadow Slave and Lord of the Mysteries. Don't let the rank fool you, people are just unaware. This novel is ranked 1 on the site top web fiction.

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AnaxagoraTheory 1
Chapter 55 9 months ago

World building -10/10 Characters - 10/10 (So flesh out) Villians - 11/10 (You could feel their threat and power) Power system - 10/10 (So unique) Main character development - 10/10

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Fyoba 9
Chapter epl 10 months ago

There are good books that stand out, shine among others. Some of those define or subvert the genre they are written in. This novel transformed my understanding of literature and storytelling as a whole. It showed me a perfect polygamous marriage between author's intent, world's framework and character progression. This is a guide completely worthy of its name and more, making me a more competent reader. The contents are also simply fantastic. The characters are rich and complete, minute changes and imperfections breathing life in every single one. Their inner workings are displayed as much as tried for soundness in multitude of alternating POVs. I have never seen such a well-built world intertwine with the story to this extent and still be able to influence it instead of serving as a convenient background. The story may be taken as many things: a dark and heartbreaking comedy of life, a treasury's worth of moral advice, an adventure of personal discovery or an intricate weave of intents and actions. I urge whoever reads this review to try and analyse this piece once more for it has a lot to teach.

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SuddenTaro 6
Chapter epl 11 months ago

The day is 19th July 2023 at 11. 11 pm and I have just finished what I believe is the best novel on this site. 7 volumes, long chapters and a story about stories, A Practical Guide to Evil is some of the best writing I have placed before me. Sure, sometimes the philosophies get convoluted, the battles crazy to imagine and the Lore a bit much to keep some names and places straight( The League and the Free Cities confused me till like the 6th volume😂) but it's Characters and their stories (Name and Role) that makes it a five star read. This is a story that will make you care about goblins and orcs, of the lines drawn between Good and Evil, primarily from the perspective of the Female MC, Catherine Foundling who has to be the best female MC I have read and so full of personality and conviction, it might rub off you as a read, but also other characters, great, like the Woe being the best representation of a table top Dungeon and Dragons' group of chaotic friends playing a campaign ever to grace books, and small, like Abigail who I just love, but all crucial to the story. And the unique power system that is the Name system and the Role. Mind you there still exists magic with a whole other system to it, but Names and Namelore is truly what stuck with me and kept me reading. For you it might be the debates and actioning of differing philosophies in politics, policies, schemes and war or sinking your teeth into the world and lore of Calernia for it is rich, expansive and beautiful or even the tactics and maneuvering of wars and battles, of duels and the power behind this world's magics or just a story of characters/people living in a medieval fantasy world loosely inspired by DnD and WoW where laughter, joy, anger and tears are to follow as you read. I just ask, whatever among this that might draw you in or even throw you off, go in open hearted, for rarely does such a story feel so complete, well-done and utterly sweated for. A bargain well sought. For I feel, even when times passes, that this story might stick with me still. A bargain well struck. Also PS. The last chapter on this site isn't really the last chapter, there is one more called Epilogue 2 that easy to Google if you are convinced and do finish the book. Happy reading

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  • SentientDonut 14

    I don't think Catherine Foundling is the best Female MC I've ever read. I think she's the best MC ever. Period.

    • LiteraryImmortal 16

      Ryan Romano beats her imo

Omnipresent_reader 16
Chapter 54 one year ago

First of all, I Loved the series and now let's walk into the review. All you need to know is the writing quality put this book into top 1% of novels on this site and when we talk about characters they feel really alive and contribute to story as well, They're not just mindless puppets they've got their own motives to do what they're doing. this first novel I've read which got an female as protagonist and it was amazing she's may be sloppy sometimes but she wasn't boring as a person as we mostly read the story in her prospective. All in all I'd say this is a great read where author didn't lost his/her realism and if you're fan of war , politics, kingdom building, fantacy, fmc, then you can give it a try .

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