• Tales of Herding Gods

    Rank 541 Update 6 months ago

    . Power corrupts.... Saplings are harvested before growing tall.... Who knows the secrets of ancient gods?...…... The river of time connecting the past and the future is endless.... No one can sail it, almost....…... Upon the ruins of civilizations with struggle and hopes extinguished, there exists a place known as abandoned by the heavens, where during the night, darkness devours all.... In this place where survival is hard and villages are rare...

  • Rise of Humanity

    Rank 1218 Update 4 years ago

    . In the world birthed by Pangu, the Three Sovereigns lit the spark of humanity that the Five Emperors would later fan into a blazing fire, eternally branding humanity as the leaders of the world….... This was a time where twilight had descended on the reign of the Human Sovereign and the Five Emperors had yet to emerge – humanity was merely one of the myriad races wandering about the vast cosmos.... This was a desolate and barren era. The monste...